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kibitzing during a tourney

Started by diane, April 15, 2004, 02:11:11 AM

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Following several occurences of inappropriate kibitzes during tourney matches - can we just air this??

I have seen a variety of things i think are not on - from those who cheer a friend on in kibitz, to the player who came in the other day and actually offered game advice!!

These fun tourneys are worth little except a feeling of self worth - and to have someone offer advice - wether you take it or not - or were about to do what they suggested - detracts from that sense.  If i win a tourney - i want to believe i did it on my own merit - not that of a helpful onlooker - how about you?

The cheering - i know it is tempting - but imagine you are the player not being cheered - does it still seem right??

I would encourage either party playing in a tourney match who feels the kibitzes are inappropriate to blind the watcher responsible - and fast.  As the tourney director - and with FIBS set up as it is - there is nothing i can do except ask the offender to stop.

By all means cheer in shouts - where it can be toggled off - or otherwise avoided - but kibitz should be kept to an impartial introduction and well wish to both parties.  Whispers are for game comment - and shouts for anything more.

I would wish that all players in my tourneys bring a sense of fun and fair play - is that too much to ask??
Never give up on the things that make you smile


Have a message integrated into fibs and or tourneybot, so when someone watches a tourney match they are admonished from offering advice and cheering and maybe explaining whisper command.


Anything beyond "Hi, and gl" upon entering a tourney match as an observer is rude, offensive, distracting, and will not be tolerated by this TD.  

The rules of etiquette forbid kibitzing amongst observers, therefore, it should not be allowed.  

The "whisper" command is available for those who wish to chat during a tourney match.  Observers cannot be seen/heard by the players when using the "whisper" command and is, therefore, acceptable.  

The "shout" feature is available for cheering and can be turned off by the players, therefore "shouting" is perfectly acceptable for cheering your favorite on during a tourney.


Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment. - Will Rogers



i agree with you socksey,

and if somebody needs to say something beyond " gl for both" there is still the posibility to use Tell.



This is a hard thing to police. The advice can always be given via tell and noone would be the wiser. Heck, robots could be used, and it would be very hard to tell.

I don't think TD's should try to do anything other than setup the tournies and make sure the matches run on time. Beyond that the TD's will only become frustrated.

The players in the match can always use gag/blind if they care. If they don't care, why should the TD?

I think it is perfectly reasonable to suggest etiquette, and even remind people of it later during the match. The only other thing that a TD could do to a kibitzer that running afoul of the TD, is for that TD to ban the player from some number of future tournies. They can also use repbot to complain.


I was speaking for myself, of course, burper, and you are right.  This is hard to police.  ;)))  However, IMHO, I do think all TD's should encourage proper etiquette within their tourneys.  How they do it, or if they do it is their business entirely.

BTW, happy to see you inputing again, burp.  I've missed you lately.


"Everyone is a genius at least once a year. The real geniuses simply have their bright ideas closer together." - Georg Christoph Lichtenberg


Although it aint relevant to the thread - just wanted to second sockseys statement - great to see your energy flowing back in here again burper!!  Livens the place up a treat.   :D
Never give up on the things that make you smile


Time to rake this up again - cos of - well, we all know who...

some things are acceptable as kibitzes - by consent - this isnt...

don kibitzes: say boarking, it'd be perfectly reasonable if you blinded me for a couple of minutes, as long as you undo it in time for me to say "ROFL" for last night.

this does not refer to the match in progress - or be constructive in any way.

For this reason - i held up a tourney match for a long old time yesterday - trying to get don banned from watching. Technical difficulties overruled ( i dont know how to do that in 3d) and we had to play on - with dons continued nasty kibitzs,

By way of an apology - don says

don says: I don't like to argue about silly things, but the conversation you started, as a Tbot moderator, was bullshit, and I think you know it.  Don't take this bad, I like you enough to be honest with you.

I have saved the whole log - for those with nothing better to do...

But the main point here is - please be aware of your interfaces - sometimes blinding / gagging are necessary - and as i said - as tourney director - i cannot do it for you - all i can do is suggest it.

I hope this does not become an issue again- it seriously spoiled a very nice tourney otherwise.
Never give up on the things that make you smile


I'm wondering, diane, if you have yet figured out how to blind or gag someone from a match in which you are not playing.  Have you figured out what your technical difficulties are?  ROFL.  This was a problem entirely of your own making, and you should have known it at the time rather than saying something stupid and rude like you don't "allow" kibitzes.

In fact, Burper even told you:  "I don't think TD's should try to do anything other than setup the tournies and make sure the matches run on time. Beyond that the TD's will only become frustrated."

By the way, your "techniical difficulties" are because what you were trying to do is impossible, as you should have known at the time.  Why didn't you post the whole log?  You were the rude one, not I.  If either player in a match wants to do something, they can.  Neither did, and when asked later, both said that I was not out of line at all.  (This would be a good place for you to swallow your pride and apologize.  You'd certainly get a lot of respect from me if you did so, probably a lot of others too.)

So many string dimensions, so little space time...


I've gone to great lengths to design skimpy outfits for and train my cheerleading squad, the 'cannonettes', and will be very disappointed if I can't bring them into the tourneys. They play a great role in distracting my male opponents and disgusting my female ones. O.K., girls, take it from the top: Gimme an 'L'!


This idea is growing on me - if you could arrange for em to be there whenever i have to play a male ranked 1350 or above :D  - particularly if i have to play vegasvic in the bagolympics again - just the very thing ;)  
Never give up on the things that make you smile


You don't sound disgusted OR intimidated diane.


Burper, I am just totally distracted by that wiggly tongue of yours!  Can you keep that out of the tourneys, please?   :lol:


"I don't mind what Congress does, as long as they don't do it in the streets and frighten the horses." - Victor Hugo


QuoteI've gone to great lengths to design skimpy outfits for and train my cheerleading squad, the 'cannonettes', and will be very disappointed if I can't bring them into the tourneys. They play a great role in distracting my male opponents and disgusting my female ones. O.K., girls, take it from the top: Gimme an 'L'!
[span style=\'font-size:21pt;line-height:100%\']L[/i][/b][/size][/font][/span]



so happy to see you back!  i hope this means your computer is fixed and all is well!  ;)))

Give me an E!


I had amnesia once - - or twice.  - submitted by Joyce Doyle


What the heck, trying not to sprain anything.....

Never give up on the things that make you smile


I would like to complain about a more insidious crime being committed by a fellow TD who I will refer to as "nononiz" (I have changed his name to protect his identify for fear being his using his awesome TD powers to screw up the tracking on my VCR or worse!)

"Nono" as he is sometimes referred to, will choose a victim, start watching their match, and start singing!  The singing is horrible, 100% off-key, and usually comprised of old disco tunes!

I think people like this should be perma-banned by Patti or have a finger cut off.  Which ever may be deemed worse.



I wish to complain about tournament opponents who tap their fingers while I'm thinking about moves. Although this doesn't appear in the kibitzes it's obvious they're doing it and I hold the TDs responsible.


Next you will be telling me i cant paint my nails!!!  :angry:  
Never give up on the things that make you smile


:D hello all, just saw this post and thought i would add.......

portwine & alef are right, lets stamp this out.... i think we need to have a singing and a tap tap contest to find the culprit......

i vote pw leader as he's almost as good as pavorotti and alef you can lead the tap tap contest....
i will aid you in this fight for justice

rock on port and tapaty tap alef and lets all party

are you with us everyone....
