new annotated match....... comment please?
Annotated Matches, with every move analysed and significant plays commented on and explained. The file is suitable for ExtremeGammon, Gnu, BgBlitz or Snowie and is accompanied by a word doc with full colour board diagrams for those who prefer to read it.
we occasionally get folks posting small ads in the boards - this is OK if you ask first, and make a small donation, say £5 depending on position and time slot. (giveaway items are free to advertise)
19/2/2009 SOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
improving-your-backgammon-skills donation received thx contact
*******Snowie Pro 4 for sale with permission to transfer ownership from Snowie Group
100.00 contact
LOST - i dropped my precision dice near the Reader's wives section. anyone seen em? reward contact stog
free......1 boog available for adoption, not sure if house trained, needs picking up
i noticed this for sale on ebay
also see "ask walter" & ''alvis stewart' in the advice column at the tail of the front page, for the full 'sad but true' story!
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contact us here
Fibsboard started out as an unofficial forum for the members and regular users of the First Internet Backgammon Server (F.I.B.S.) in 2002 by webrunner. Now it is growing to be a more general Backgammon related site. It hosts the support forums for several FIBS software clients and other backgammon servers that features free and paid playing, money tournaments, etc. and, since 2008/9, has been run and maintained by stog. (global moderators are stog, socksey, and zorba)
It provides an area where citizens of the various nations who use FIBS, can contribute a more considered and more permanent, searchable, re-readable view, than is possible in the live flow of public chat on FIBS itself.
(FibsBoard has had as many as 5000 members (now pruned to <2000), and visitors from over 150 countries; this is a fluxing membership in four figures, with a core following of >200 returning activated members on a 40 day cycle, and approaching 40 new members a month with, on average again, 40 folk online everyday, and most recent monthly pageview stats of around 300000 - nearly 10000 pageviews a day, with visitors remaining onsite, an average >6mins each ) may 23 2010
FibsBoard is a Free Forum where activated registration is required, We accept donations, and while VIP Donor members do get enhanced custom profiles, which can only be seen by their buddies, and access to special VIP Articles, the major part of the Forum & Boards is open to all...
Please realise that this Fibsboard site, has nothing to do with, that Patti runs, and on which we all play backgammon. Donations made here go towards this Fibsboard Forum, which is an unofficial voice for players on Fibs. It doesn't contribute to, although it does allow for feedback and support of many of its features such as the tourneys, clients, bots etc.
Note -- the domain ownership is now administered/paid by Patti
While we are happy to provide Free support forums for the free backgammon softwares, fibs server and allied projects, and all free stuff, we do welcome a modest donation, when commercial ventures or software use our boards to give support and inherent promotion, for their products or services.
Prohibited are signatures or Posts with advertising content. Exceptions to this rule may be made if there is a prior arrangement with Fibsboard
Admin reserve the right to remove or alter any signatures or Posts deemed inappropriate."
ie if you want to advertise or promote please ask us first - we do charge for advertising..
many thx
Fibsboard is not the official support website of F.I.B.S. For problems and other issues you can post in the F.I.B.S. support forum or in the forum of the client you use. However, since the admin of F.I.B.S. and a lot of other members read this forum, help is often at hand.....
"We trust all will appreciate the opportunity to post their views in a considered and polite format"
below is a warning taken from the actual FIBS FAQ
"One word of warning, though: at times some of the discussions carried on FIBS via shouts (i.e. readable by everyone) is, well, kind of "low level" and not for the faint hearted. If this disturbs you, you can use commands to gag and/or blind the offending people. "
Fibsboard however is different, apart from the option of not viewing, it is open to the public, with no option to blind/gag -- except by the admin..
we repeat
"this is a reminder for all of us to keep to topic and put across our views without getting petty and personal. we will not, and cannot allow tirades of abuse, as may sometimes occur in FIBs shouts here on Fibsboard - this being an open public forum albeit membered by adults. we have introduced a yellow and red card system here - as is used in football, where a yellow card is a booking -the post removed or moved, the ability to post removed, if later you get another card, you get a red, and you loose both posting ability and much access to the boards
obviously we reserve the right to totally ban too."
..................................................................................................otherwise enjoy yourselves stog
How people treat you is their karma
How you react is yours
Fibsboard is served up and maintained by Soul-trade com who produce SoulTrader, ( also Multi-Tasker and Multi-Trader) a suite of holistic comprehensive business solutions for the sole and multi-trader, for the self and multi-employed borne out of their 10 years evolving CrystalSolutions - their complementary Practice management Solution for alternative practitioners and clinics. All the software is free to try, fully working, and good for 50 records and a couple of months use. Unlimited use is affordable at £68 with 3 months email and/or Skype techsupport, which can be extended to a year, for only £30 - includes all updates.
SoulTrade will be happy to produce custom layouts for any of the above solutions for as little as £99 - ie you can have unique custom software for your businesses and services for under £100...not bad we think......
visit for more info.........................
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