
we welcome new Sponsors..keep the board going.....advertise your thing for a modest donation contact the

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<p>As a member you can contribute to Fibsboard in several ways. First you can post in the forum. This is the easiest way . It is also possible to <a title="Submit article to Fibsboard" href="/index.php?action=tpmod;sa=submitarticle">submit&nbsp; articles</a> about Backgammon, Fibs or any other backgammon related subjects and/or events.</p> <p align="left"><a>If you appreciate Fibsboard and would like to contribute to its ongoing running costs, please click </a><a href="">here</a> and choose how much you would like to give. We appreciate any size of donation, and depending on amounts provided, we could then lessen our dependance on advertisements, thx again.</p><p align="left"><a><strong>Why not advertise your goods and services on Fibsboard?</strong></a><a name="ad" id="ad"></a></p> <p align="left">got an exhibition or a money tourney coming up? - a £5 donation gets you a small ad on the front page for a few weeks...want a longer term ad? we will gladly replace existing google ad space for boarders</p> <p align="left">we have 4231 members, average just under 2 new members a day and we get well over 100 visitors a day; 35% new, average 31 members online a day, av time on site for all visitors is &gt; 6 minutes.</p> <p align="left">we welcome new Sponsors..keep the board going.....advertise your thing for a modest donation contact <a href="">us</a></p><p align="left"><u><em>also see small ads</em></u></p><p align="left">While we are happy to provide support forums for the free backgammon softwares, fibs server and allied projects, and all free stuff, we do welcome a modest donation when commercial software uses our boards to give support and inherent promotion for their products. click <a href="donate.php">here</a></p><p><br></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p>

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