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Ban of Team-brb from Team League

Started by tryout, July 19, 2004, 11:45:54 PM

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lol - of course - NOW i understand nihilists contribution...... :LOL2:  
Never give up on the things that make you smile


Quotethe name team try_facist_out
Incidentally, it's try_fascism_out, not try_fascist_out.  One is a sentence in standard English.  The other is a meaningless fragment.  You cognize the difference, I'm sure.
[size=8]All We Are Saying Is Give Peas A Chance[/size]
Trees don't grow on money either.


Quotelol - of course - NOW i understand nihilists contribution...... :LOL2:
1.  Who cares what you understand?

2.  NIH is a big boy and doesn't need me to speak for him.
[size=8]All We Are Saying Is Give Peas A Chance[/size]
Trees don't grow on money either.


QuoteIncidentally, it's try_fascism_out, not try_fascist_out.

Yes - you are correct :oops:  i made a mistake , was intending to copy it directly from the first post, but the thread is too long for me to be able to go back once i started the post.  And - of course - that completely changes everything......  

But, i will keep quiet now, and allow this to continue to be as it was intended...a rational discussion between yourself and tryout with the aim of sorting out this simple misunderstanding.  :D  
Never give up on the things that make you smile


I look at this thread and see the beginnings a wonderful friendship between don and nihi. Who would have thought that it would happen in our lifetime? Also, I heartily support the banning of the team as I, for the life of me, couldn't beat souptree. I will support the further banning of other teams and players, depending on match results.


As a proud member of the peanut gallery i have many things i'd like to say on this topic but for now will keep it brief. I think it's pretty clear what has happened here. At best, a behind the hand-schoolboy-gigglegiggle act, has offended someone. That has got your team banned. That's because this time, that someone, is the long time voluntary creator/organiser of the tourney. I suggest an apology is the only option at this stage if any of you are still keen to take part. Good luck.

[size=8]"..father he enjoyed collisions...others walked away...[/size]...."


Lews, you know as well as I that "don" is just another nick that NIHILIST sometimes uses.
The online debates "between" those two in the past were staged and have fooled many people.


Probably I shouldn't reply at all to people who are either insulting, lying or twisting things, proving that they are not capable of participating in a discussion nor having any manners. But since there are quite some other readers interested in the facts, here we go.

QuoteOf course I read your entire post.You state that you were going to accept the team.  What changed after that point other than the presentation of a name that you didn't like?
I did also made it very clear to houtx that he should talk to his team mates, particularly NIHILIST, and try to solve the nickname issue. He promised to do so.

He sent the mail at the almost latest possible time, Sunday July 18th 23:26. There was no single word about the problems I urged him earlier to solve, not even about his failure in case he tried. The only thing I found was the request of changing the team name to something that has nothing to do with backgammon nor a friendly competition and makes no sense at all, if it's not intended as a provocation.

So, my decision of disallowing your team comes from all the things together. That mail just hit it off. I didn't see any hint of cooperation, despite my chats with houtx. If you want to play it shouldn't be me who is after you to provide the registration data, sorts out your problems and so on. And if you don't have any sense of fair-play, well, real shame.

I'll spare myself to quote the crap NIHILIST posted. Apart from his incompetence (it's absolute nonsense to compare a money tournament with a FibsLeagammon event) and ignorance (if he sees no benefit in playing in team league, why did he apply?) he's shown and proven once again another reason for disallowing him.

It's interesting that right extremists like neonazis are the very first to blame others of being that.

The next post is the best of it all. It's absolutely hilarious that don appeared in this thread! ROFLMAO :LOOOL:

Quotethe simple fact is you insulted tryout - deliberately.
What insult?
Insult or not - I used another expression - you can try twisting yourself and claiming that you never thought of anything bad. If this team name is no provocation, what then? And what has it to do with team league?

QuoteCertainly, NOBODY, including tryout or diane has bothered to inquire as to the intended interpretation of the chosen name.
Among other things there wasn't any time for this. And you nor houtx obviously didn't supply an explanation with the request.

QuoteBTW, why would I apologize when we were the only ones wronged?  tryout could have asked if any offense was meant.  I guess he's psychic though.
ROFL. OMG: "the only ones wronged"  I feel soo much sympathy! And if calling someone psychic isn't finally an insult...

Even if you really don't understand why I didn't allow your team, then please take it as a man! If you like, as a man who has been wronged.  :lol:  You appear like a sobbing little whining child. :cry:  
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Not the best "joke" that I've heard. As Tryout sayd in his earlier message, we do this for fun and I would certainly not accept a team or individual in my tourneys who makes fun of me or my decisions.



lewscannon  Posted on Jul 20 2004, 02:38 PM

QuoteI will support the further banning of other teams and players, depending on match results.

I was thinking this too - do you suppose there is anyway we can get tryout banned from his own league????   :P  
Never give up on the things that make you smile


QuotePersonnaly I can understand people who want to play tourney with another nick even if it's not my way of living.
I'm really curious as to why you feel it should be fair to play with a nick that is 700 rating points lower.

QuoteIt's true that at the beginning rating is a little cheated. But just at the beginning, with experience growing and rating getting bigger, there will not be any more trouble.
A little??? Just at the beginning??? Sorry, but this is ridiculous. Even if he won all of his matches it would take him several team league seasons to come anywhere near 2200.

Apart from that, it would've indeed been no problem if he _were_ somewhere near that other rating.

QuoteBut i have to agree that banning the whole team alltogether wasn't in the spirit of Fibs and seems a bit overreacted.
Banning just one single team member isn't possible in a team event, apparently. And do you really think to have a complete understanding and knowledge of this issue to draw such a quick conclusion?

QuoteI'm very struck by how quickly harsh judgements fall on TDs by people who never run tournaments. It's not fun arbitrating which is presumably why there aren't more people don't regularly TD.
Very true. The referee is always the one blamed from all sides. Sure, that's easy.  :D  
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Quotelewscannon  Posted on Jul 20 2004, 02:38 PM
QuoteI will support the further banning of other teams and players, depending on match results.
I was thinking this too - do you suppose there is anyway we can get tryout banned from his own league????   :P
LOL  :lol:

Maybe you should submit an application with me that I only play blindfolded, or at least against you. Application forms are to be collected at opening hours of the office and handed in handwritten, blood signed and in quadruplicate.  :P  
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Some interesting snippets I just got:

Information about souptree:
  Last login:  Tuesday, July 20 02:21 UTC from
  Still logged in. 4 seconds idle.
  souptree is playing with cowgirl.
  Rating: 1756.03 Experience: 19102
  Email address:

He changed it by now. Hmm, wondering whether he changed his mind or whether he was too much of a coward to leave it there.

PortWine shouts: yo yo yo fibsters!
revans waves goodbye.
revans waves goodbye again.
kid_pantyhose shouts: port--what it is...
PortWine shouts: yo kid...whatup
mamaliga waves goodbye.
mamaliga waves goodbye again.
PortWine shouts: was just on fibsboard reading nihi's rant....lotsa fun!
Christian waves goodbye.
Christian waves goodbye again.
kid_pantyhose shouts: re:?
PortWine shouts: poor vegasvic is gonna read that and say "what did i do?"
PortWine shouts: fibsleaguegammon
NIHILIST shouts: <...........bows
weaky shouts: P.S. Is Tryout allowing Jews, Gypsies and other non-Aryans to enter his tourney ? 
weaky shouts: what a make love toing bullshit
PortWine shouts: you coudl play paul bagriel or vegasvic....the obvious comparison being obvious ends of the rating scale...poor vic
PortWine shouts: opposite ends
PortWine shouts: the jews, gypsies,etc. line was going a little overboard
PortWine shouts: but funny nontheless
PortWine shouts: overboard on fibs is normally funny
NIHILIST shouts: honest question, i think he barred souptree for being jewish
PortWine shouts: how would you know souptree was jewish?
kid_pantyhose shouts: he dont look jewish...
weaky shouts: i dont know if you really believe what you are telling
PortWine shouts: did he post a picture of his foreskin on the internet
weaky shouts: lol
buffy_ shouts: Hey Iikan you invited me to this game at least finish it!!!!
NIHILIST shouts: yup, it was hanging from weakys mouth
PortWine shouts: ack
yisgav waves goodbye.
yisgav waves goodbye again.
PortWine shouts: I got a wallet made out of rub it and it turns into kuggage
PortWine shouts: luggage
weaky shouts: nihi... all you can do is insulting, telling lies and more bitter things
NIHILIST shouts: sorry you didnt like the post, weaky, but tryout is as much an not a nice person as you are
PortWine shouts: hello weakly and welcome to fibs
weaky shouts: but no one expects anything different from an old bitter man
NIHILIST shouts: lol
camiller waves goodbye.
PortWine shouts: I gotta admit...I am adicted as much to the drama as I am backgammon
camiller waves goodbye again.
NIHILIST shouts: yeah, im bitter cuz i got banned from a tourney that has a net worth of zero
NIHILIST shouts: can anyone do the math on GAIN/LOSS if i played him in a 7 point match ?
Slipshod drops connection.
NIHILIST shouts: my guess is id lose 7 or win 1 point
weaky shouts: comparing 1600 and 2300 rating?
NIHILIST shouts: some clients have a built in ratings estimator, mine doesnt
NIHILIST shouts: run it at different ratings
weaky shouts: btw team league is 5 pt
NIHILIST shouts: so do it at 5 points
PortWine shouts: i dont understand why you dont play as nihi
NIHILIST shouts: theres zero upside for me
weaky shouts: i only can calculate from my point of view
NIHILIST shouts: since when ios league play about fibs ratings ?
NIHILIST shouts: since when is league play about fibs ratings ?
weaky shouts: 2283: win 6.6, loss 2.54
NIHILIST shouts: versus ?
zorie shouts: Port how many bottles of wine have you had this evening?
PortWine shouts: none....yet
vegasvic shouts: then make love toing keep me out of this
PortWine shouts: hehe
weaky shouts: 1652:win 2.97, loss 5.98
rascal waves goodbye.
rascal waves goodbye again.
PortWine shouts: wondered when you would show up
weaky shouts: quite a difference
souptree shouts: I can calculate any ratings / exp combo
dapmat waves goodbye.
dapmat waves goodbye again.
NIHILIST shouts: all these TDs are much too self-important for me, i only agreed to play to rat-make love to don
souptree shouts: NIH vs. 10,000 exp / 1600 at 5ptr = 1.31 / 7.63
PortWine shouts: I am soooo self-important
NIHILIST shouts: yeah, i essentially lay 3-1
souptree shouts: you are obviously cheating for not being willing to do so.
souptree shouts: any fool knows that
NIHILIST shouts: i guess
souptree shouts: there are lots here to ask
zorie shouts: zzzzzzzzz
PortWine shouts: so if soup was banned for being a jew...are you a gypsie nihi?
souptree shouts: I think I was banned for picking a name
souptree shouts: lol
kid_pantyhose shouts: Natural amiableness is too often seen in company with sloth, with uselessness, with the vanity of fashionable life.
weaky shouts: nihi... you are very concerned about your NIHILIST account, but you dont respect when others do
PortWine shouts: team triblinka
jan_crider shouts: when others do what ?
weaky shouts: instead you accuse tryout of being a fascist
souptree shouts: and he proved the point
zorie shouts: Hey Jan
phs shouts: 1 pointer anyone?
jan_crider shouts: his explanation is nonsense
PortWine shouts: I have never heard jan speak...hey jan!
zorie shouts: lol
PortWine shouts: thought you were a bot
jan_crider shouts: I just read that, it's hillarious
zorie shouts: Jan can chat up a storm
NIHILIST shouts: lol, another fan
zorie shouts: well night night fibsters
zorie shouts: have fun!
PortWine shouts: see you in your dreams zorie
weaky shouts: tryout is a fair and honest guy
PortWine shouts: what i want to know is howe vegasvic got pulled into this
Biggles_two shouts: viagravic pulls on a lot of things
weaky shouts: but he was really pissed off by your team name... TEAM-try_fascim_out
elreysol waves goodbye.
weaky shouts: fascism
PortWine shouts: that was kinda funny
NIHILIST shouts: horseshit, hes never spoken to me and makes all these bogus conclusions
elreysol waves goodbye again.
BladeRunner shouts: fascism
PortWine shouts: fashionism
PortWine shouts: david bowie had a song called fashion
NIHILIST shouts: damned shame you nazi make love tos are so sensitive about your past
Biggles_two shouts: people with thin skin should stay off the internet
weaky shouts: this team name does not make any sense... it is only a provocation to ???... i dont know
deosie waves goodbye.
deosie waves goodbye again.
BladeRunner shouts: yo biggs
PortWine shouts: I think someone should make a website listing all there wrongs and donate $2000
NIHILIST shouts: its a make love toing name, you moron
Biggles_two shouts: I think the word STEAM offends me....I think team-Steam should therefore be banned
PortWine shouts: team-kiddy porn
Biggles_two shouts: team-dildonstinyweewee
THEdiceLIE shouts: teams themselves offend me
BladeRunner shouts: about 9 years ago
NIHILIST shouts: team weakysmothermake love toedstalinforfood
Biggles_two shouts: las vegas offends me, therefore vegasvic should be banned
souptree shouts: would he have been less offended by team_tryout_sucks?
Christian waves goodbye.
Christian waves goodbye again.
Biggles_two shouts: weak people also offend me, so weaky should also be banned
melpaul waves goodbye.
melpaul waves goodbye again.
weaky shouts: b2... your words make even less sense than usual
NIHILIST shouts: germns with no grasp of their contributions to the 20th century offend me, we shoulda let the russians have them
PortWine shouts: he is probably sober..that s the problem
Biggles_two shouts: give me some good ol' Port Wine
PortWine shouts: I'll give you a nice bottle with a thunderbird chaser
Biggles_two shouts: I wanna 151 chaser
souptree shouts: it's hilarious how up in arms he got just to prove the point
THEdiceLIE shouts: What's the word?
schuback waves goodbye.
schuback waves goodbye again.
Biggles_two shouts: yeah, a 4 page fibsboard post......nice going soup
THEdiceLIE shouts: Thunderbird!
NIHILIST shouts: what point did he prove ?
souptree shouts: that our name was well chosen
PortWine shouts: but why dont you want to play as nihi?
BladeRunner shouts: i used to love the Thinderbird 3
BladeRunner shouts: er... Thunderbird
NIHILIST shouts: what for ? theres zero gain in it for me
weaky shouts: it seems that you guys cant play in a fair, peaceful and honest manner
ParlorBot shouts: I think caroline died! Would someone else like to play?
PortWine shouts: its actually pronounced thunda bird
weaky shouts: bad sportsmanship... nothing else
souptree shouts: 1. we had every intention of playing in a fair, peaceful and honest manner.
Biggles_two shouts: when we beat you in a fair, peaceful honest manner weaky, you whine for days
souptree shouts: 2. play with a doll, weaky
NIHILIST shouts: i play bagolympic under a different nick, no ones said jackshit
TomnLosAngeles shouts: anyone for 3
souptree shouts: who asked you anyway?
weaky shouts: each of you guys is telling the same sh**
souptree shouts: to make love to off?
souptree shouts: I'm shocked
NIHILIST shouts: so are you
weaky shouts: insulting
PortWine shouts: I'm shocked jan crider said something in shout
weaky shouts: telling lies, but accusing other people of lying
jan_crider shouts: lol
souptree shouts: what lie did I tell?
weaky shouts: ...
PortWine shouts: jan...please talk to me so I can say it happened!
souptree shouts: tick
souptree shouts: tock
jan_crider shouts: Hello, PortWine
weaky shouts: souptree... take the word insulting
PortWine shouts: I am complete!
souptree shouts: it wasn't a lie
souptree shouts: it was an insult
NIHILIST shouts: answer his question first, weaky, what lie ?
souptree shouts: tick
souptree shouts: .
souptree shouts: .
weaky shouts: nihi, i am sure you know about your lies... b2 knows anyway
souptree shouts: .
souptree shouts: tock
PortWine shouts: I want the truth!
PortWine shouts: you can;t handle the turth!
NIHILIST shouts: i freely admit to insulting anyone who makes a complete fool of himself in a post on rgb or fibsboard
Biggles_two shouts: I've never known NIHI to ever lie
souptree shouts: weaky is impersonating our old teammate
PortWine shouts: my mistake
BladeRunner shouts: is this "ArgumentMonday'?
NIHILIST shouts: weaky nust be dons aryan son
PortWine shouts: hello and welcome to fibs bladrunner
souptree shouts: weaky, what lie did I tell?
BladeRunner shouts: thx maria
BladeRunner shouts:
BladeRunner shouts: ;;]
weaky shouts: nihi, you seem to be the lawyer against non-existing anti semitism
NIHILIST shouts: shalom and welcome to fibs, bladderrunner
BladeRunner shouts: yo NIHImeister
souptree shouts: weaky, what lie did I tell?
weaky shouts: that seems to be a kind of sickness in your mind
BladeRunner shouts: mybrohammisterplayssogoodisnumebronemothermake love toingsonofagunsupaerbrotha
ModestMouse waves goodbye.
ModestMouse waves goodbye again.
PortWine shouts: sometimes when i get lonely and blue I say to myself....I wish don were here.
souptree shouts: we have weaky
souptree shouts: weaky, what lie did I tell?
NIHILIST shouts: well, i leave the team and league play to all of you, youre on a much higher moral high ground than i am
Joe_Tamargo shouts: Stop picking on weaky.
acs waves goodbye.
acs waves goodbye again.
souptree shouts: PICKING ON?  That shithead just called me a liar!!!
Pebbles shouts: Anyone for a quick 3 pt'r??
souptree shouts: And I ask AGAIN: weaky, what lie did I tell?
Joe_Tamargo shouts: I wasn't watching.  What lie did you tell?
PortWine shouts: mayeb you are lieing about calling him a liar in which case you would be tellin ghte truth?
weaky shouts: souptree... your main efforts are insults... not telling lies
souptree shouts: we are waiting for weaky to reveal the reason for his unfounded accusation.
souptree shouts: you called me a liar
NIHILIST shouts: talk about protecting a rating, weaky hasnt played a rated match in weeks
souptree shouts: what lie did I tell?
souptree shouts: weaky: each of you guys is telling the same sh**.   telling lies, but accusing other people of lying
souptree shouts: what lie?
souptree shouts: weaky: each of you guys is telling the same sh**.   telling lies, but accusing other people of lying
BladeRunner shouts: what *IS* a lie?
souptree shouts: weaky: each of you guys is telling the same sh**.   telling lies, but accusing other people of lying
souptree shouts: weaky: each of you guys is telling the same sh**.   telling lies, but accusing other people of lying
souptree shouts: weaky: each of you guys is telling the same sh**.   telling lies, but accusing other people of lying
THEdiceLIE shouts: Who is roscoe anyway?
souptree shouts: weaky: each of you guys is telling the same sh**.   telling lies, but accusing other people of lying
jan_crider shouts: Incidentally, why was vegasvic mentioned in that article ?
souptree shouts: weaky: each of you guys is telling the same sh**.   telling lies, but accusing other people of lying
souptree shouts: WHAT LIE?
NIHILIST shouts: lol
PortWine shouts: poor vegas
souptree shouts: has vic ever played magriel?
NIHILIST shouts: i thought id honor vic by mentioning him in the same sentence as magriel
weaky shouts: souptree, you are repeating your question over and over and over
souptree shouts: answer it then
resh_lakish shouts: NIHI you should check out phil hendrie i think he is your type of humor,
weaky shouts: you dont make much sense... but you dont read anything what i tell
souptree shouts: weaky: each of you guys is telling the same sh**.   telling lies, but accusing other people of lying
NIHILIST shouts: hes waiting for you to answer it, limpdick
BladeRunner shouts: is it Monday yet?
souptree shouts: you said it, not me
parker waves goodbye.
parker waves goodbye again.
souptree shouts: you called me a liar, and I didn't just let it slide.
souptree shouts: so make love to you.
souptree shouts: you're not worth lying to
NIHILIST shouts: you really are a wretched little punk, weaky, and well-named
souptree shouts: gollum
weaky shouts: come on... give me more insults
weaky shouts: that is what you do best
souptree shouts: weaky has now switched to his Zorba routine
weaky shouts: besides your pseudo-rating
THEdiceLIE shouts: OK you're a girlie man
souptree shouts: let us know when you think you can answer a simple question.
PortWine shouts: <---just waiting for don to show up to inject some logic into this argument
PortWine shouts: he knows everything!
NIHILIST shouts: yeah, soup, defend your pseudo-rating
souptree shouts: I keep it artificially low to sucker money play
souptree shouts: so sue me
PortWine shouts: i;ve artificially inflated my rating to 1520
BladeRunner shouts: i took 5 bucks from rash
BladeRunner shouts: er... resh
PortWine shouts: same thing
Biggles_two shouts: 'Who wants to play a Billionaire?'
Billionair waves goodbye.
Billionair waves goodbye again.
NIHILIST shouts: why is it that the eurotrash who never want to censor or ban anyone seem to be the first to do it ?
BladeRunner shouts: i used to fly at Millionair, in Teterboro NJ
MaddDogg waves goodbye.
MaddDogg waves goodbye again.
souptree shouts: well, if everyone would just be nice, there would be no reason to ban anyone
NIHILIST shouts: alef, webrunner, tryout......................
THEdiceLIE shouts: Who here is eurotrash?
BladeRunner shouts: i know a few gusy who should have a nick called EuroTrash
BladeRunner shouts: hi don
NIHILIST shouts: who was the other nazi *rick who gave me sh** over league play ?
souptree shouts: monitor?
NIHILIST shouts: ahh, cht, i almost forgot about that little twatfart
souptree shouts: is cht still around?
PortWine shouts: i think tourneybot is a fascist
CptHowdie waves goodbye.
CptHowdie waves goodbye again.
resh_lakish shouts: Patti <-----NIHILIST'S b+tch
PortWine shouts: jan_crider spoke to me!
BrizzyLions shouts: lol resh :-)  finally something funny is said on fibs :-)
NIHILIST shouts: shalom, resh_lakike
PortWine shouts: I am saving this log
jan_crider shouts: lol
kid_pantyhose shouts: there is a natural aristocracy among men
PortWine shouts: resh_latke with apple sauce
resh_lakish shouts: nihi does what he wants and patti looks the other way
resh_lakish shouts: he is racist
resh_lakish shouts: manipulates ratings
BladeRunner shouts: this Cohiba cigarrettes are *strong*
resh_lakish shouts: has multiple nicks
BladeRunner shouts: these...duh
resh_lakish shouts: he breaks all the rules
NIHILIST shouts: not at all, i hate bigots and kikes
THEdiceLIE shouts: He's not a racist...he hates everyone!
resh_lakish shouts: nihi the germans were just pissed with the jews because they were better germans than the germans themselves
acs waves goodbye.
acs waves goodbye again.
NIHILIST shouts: resh legitimizes anti-semitism
souptree shouts: they're better Arabs, too.
souptree shouts: wox populi
NIHILIST shouts: hitler was as dumb as weaky; if hed embraced the jews hed have kicked the worlds ass
BladeRunner shouts: Vox , port Vox
BladeRunner shouts: latin for voice
golem waves goodbye.
golem waves goodbye again.
souptree shouts: wox, referencing socksey, noun, a play on vox, the latin for voice
THEdiceLIE shouts: Wasn't Hitler jewish?
BladeRunner shouts: lol
souptree shouts: :-)
souptree shouts: an abbreviation of socksey wocksey
socksey shouts: hey blade!  souper douper! ;)))
jonesyjt waves goodbye.
cowgirl shouts: hey sis!!
jonesyjt waves goodbye again.
souptree shouts: moooo
BladeRunner shouts: heya sockseXXXy ;]
socksey shouts: mooooooooosis! ;)))
PortWine shouts: yo silly!
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QuoteMaybe you should submit an application with me that I only play blindfolded
Wait a minute. I always thought that you did play blinfolded


QuoteWait a minute. I always thought that you did play blinfolded
Only against you so far. Or did I confuse that with the nose plug? Nah, I think it was the blindfold in your matches.
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There used to be tons of soap operas, but then in the 90s the trend changed to insane talk shows with families and friends fighting. I think here we're stuck in reruns of the episode "This TD wrecked my life".


QuoteI believe TDs have the rarely used but totally clear "right to refuse entry". tryout was called a fascist and decided he won't allow them, fair call.

I'm very struck by how quickly harsh judgements fall on TDs by people who never run tournaments. It's not fun arbitrating which is presumably why there aren't more people don't regularly TD. The way I read the general vibe heading after all the TourneyBot hassles is that each TD can do as they please and others can choose to enter or not enter their tournaments. It's not an ideal solution, but seems the only thing viable.
:yes: right
Tomawaky "I feel good da da da da da da da.........i knew that i would now........."


QuoteIt's interesting that right extremists like neonazis are the very first to blame others of being that.
I didn't realize you were a right extremist, tryout!
[size=8]All We Are Saying Is Give Peas A Chance[/size]
Trees don't grow on money either.


QuoteEmail address:

He changed it by now. Hmm, wondering whether he changed his mind or whether he was too much of a coward to leave it there.
I realized I might have overreacted, but I was wrong.

You ARE an arrogant swine.
[size=8]All We Are Saying Is Give Peas A Chance[/size]
Trees don't grow on money either.


This is a great way to ensure you are in the next seasons league.   :D  
Never give up on the things that make you smile