Java 6 update 11 problems

Started by jdg, January 12, 2009, 08:31:36 PM

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After installing Java version 6 update 11, the jf GUI got flaky.  I backed out the java update to 1.6.07 and all it well.

Any workaround to get jf to work with the latest update?



My Java also needed the update to 6.11 which I've done and my JavaFibs behaves exactly as it did before.


Java 6 Update 10 (and up) is a lot more than an update, in it large parts of the core GFX and GUI engine were rewritten under the hood - not at least to support Window Vista's new features such as 3D user interface and 100% vector graphic based GUI. Java 6 Update 7 was the last release with the "classic", pixel oriented GUI code (8 and 9 don't exist). For more details of the U10 release, which I personally would call Java 6.5 rather than the understated "Update 10", see

Obviously the new GFX engine utilizes your operating system GUI drivers a lot more and in more sophisticated ways. So I strongly recommend to update your native GFX card drivers, and if you are on Windows, your DirectX libraries. Let me add that JDK6U10 and U11 work perfectly for me with JavaFibs on several GFX cards, including ATI Radeon, Matrox G400, and NVidia GForce with recent drivers.

I've seen minor issues, e.g. a one-time flicker when the first checker is moved on Radeon. Doesn't happen on the other two. This emphasizes how dependent JDK6U10 is on good GFX drivers.
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Thanks for the explanation.

I'm having the problem on a 3 year old laptop, which will have even weaker graphics boards/drivers than normal.  Problem is that, after clocking the dice to finish a move, there is a full one second delay as jf tries to remove the dice from the screen -- the erase of the dice picture is visible -- line by line.  Still plays, however.



Inim's FAR more techie than me as you'll have noticed. Don't forget tho' that almost certainly your laptop graphics boards drivers will have been updated several times in the three years since it was new - have you updated them?


What is strange is I still jave Java 6 update 4 and recently my Friends list started vanishing and I need to reload the program to get it back


Quote from: jdg on January 17, 2009, 02:28:03 PM
Problem is that, after clocking the dice to finish a move, there is a full one second delay as jf tries to remove the dice from the screen -- the erase of the dice picture is visible -- line by line.  Still plays, however.

I got the exact same problem. I'd say it might be close to a two seconds delay even. Does not happen to opponent's dice. Very weird problem, and pretty annoying. I think my move is actually only send to the server after the delay...

I've updated my gfx drivers but that didn't help. Ati Radeon X1050 here.

I've been wondering if using several java applications at once might be the problem. In the past, that sometimes didn't go too well.
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