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Players List: All players listed tiwce

Started by Hardy_whv, August 25, 2005, 05:40:50 PM

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I am sometimes experiencing an error in the players list .

Due to a timeout problem of FIBS, sometimes not all players are displayed in the players list. This is a known problem and can be solved by sending the commands:

 - set sortwho rating
 - who
 - set sortwho rrating
 - who

(Or something similar). I programmed some buttons for those commands. After giving the commands, the complete list of players is shown.

Somtimes however, after giving the above commands, all players in the players list are displayed twice . Also the displayed amount of FIBSters online is much higher:

The rest of JavaFIBS works fine, but the double amount of players in the players list is somewhat annoying.

Is anyone else experiencing the same problem? Any solutions for that?


Hardy  :blink:  
Visit "Hardy's Backgammon Pages"


Yes, I experience the same problem.  No, I have no solution for Javafibs, but I do sometimes log on with my 3DFibs with an alternate nick just to get the correct number of players on Fibs since I can never get it right with Javavibs.    :D


"There is only one satisfying way to boot a computer. " - J.H. Goldfuss


Sometimes, I have only one or two players listed twice.

If you press the "update table" button, JavaFIBS gets a complete new user list from FIBS. Mostly, that works.
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Hi Hardy,

You mustn't be too impatient and need to wait several seconds before issuing the second who command. Javafibs (or any other client) doesn't have any means to recognise for which who command the server answers come. If the second command is sent before the first has completed both answers are interleaved and produce double entries in the player list.

As a fix Javafibs ought to check on CLIP_WHO_INFO messages whether the player exists already in the player list and only else create a new entry.

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Hi tryout!

QuoteHi Hardy,
You mustn't be too impatient

I am impatient, so your solution doesn't help at all :D

I think, that JavaFIBS should recognize identical player information and not display them twice in the list. I have the impression, it also happens if I wait a while between the different who-commands.

This error is not reproduceable. It sometimes appears (around every 10th time I log in), sometimes not. Will have a closer look at it .... beeing more patient and trying the "update" button. Will report, as soon as I have more information available.


Hardy  B)

Visit "Hardy's Backgammon Pages"


"As a fix Javafibs ought to check on CLIP_WHO_INFO messages whether the player exists already in the player list and only else create a new entry."

It already does but for some reason this bug happens occasionally anyway. It's a bug which is hard to locate.


Hi cthulhu,

Perhaps I can help you to narrow the bug with some details of my observations so far.

Due to the (very often) incomplete FIBS player listing I proceed with the "set sortwho rating; who; set sortwho rrating; who" sequence after every login. Since I wait for the first who command to complete I'm not experiencing double entries caused by this.

Now and then however I see one or very few players having a double entry in the list. I assume this happens when JavaFIBS receives the initial player list and other CLIP_WHO_INFO messages get interspersed in the listing. I've observed on several occasions that the replies from FIBS for who or rawwho commands are unfortunately not a continuous block. This may happen for instance when a match is started or finished or a player toggles his ready status.

So far I've only gotten these double entries right at the initial population of the list, which could indicate a timing issue. This would also explain that it's difficult to find. Later, when I've obtained already a complete list and therefore an entry for every player exists, no problems appear even on successively repeated who commands. On a wild guess I'd say that the creation of a player entry takes a little while, during which checks for the existance of this player returns false (and on the second CLIP_WHO_INFO message for the same player a double entry is generated). Maybe it's even possible that triple or more entries are generated under extreme conditions.

A further interesting observation is that one of these double entries never gets updated, be it rating or any other status.

Hth and please feel free to ask for more details if needed.

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Thanks, but it's not really helpful. I can't stress this bug to appear no matter how hard I try when I login. I also use to do the "set sortwho rating; who; set sortwho rrating; who" sequence when I login and as fast as I can without being able to make the bug to happen. Therefore it's hard to do changes and see if I have succeeded. It is as pointed out, some timing error and there are happening things behind the scenes in the Java components that I don't have full control over.