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Started by KDP, May 09, 2004, 03:00:07 PM

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ive been using 3dfibs as my client but have always wanted to try javafibs.  however i can never seem to get it to open.  i have a fairly new computer running windows xp i download the javafibs and then try to unzip it but can never seem to get it right, that is it never opens or goes to my desktop.

can anyone (in plain english) explain to me what im doing wrong or what i need to do in oder to get it correct.  thanks in advance


Can you navigate to the directory where it is installed? If so, double-click on the icon with the .jar extension.


ok i go to the javafibs folder and double click on the javafibs jar file.  it then sends me to winzip to unzip/install the  the jar file  im then selecting unzip c\unzipped\JavaFIBS  i unzip that and get another folder: META_INF with a bunch of different sub folders and  thats as far as i get.  


Yeah the problem is, .jar files are associated with WinZip on your computer. This is likely due to the fact that you don't have Java installed. Go to and download the latest version of the Java Runtime Environment, then try again.

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ok i went to the java site but i didnt see any downloads with the name u suggested.  i did download java wsdp1.3 and tried  again but got stuck at the same spot.  was this not the right java to get?  thanks for your help


Yeah, it used to be simply 'get java', but now that is very complicated by all the related technologies you have to weed through.

This ought to do it for you:

Click on the "Download J2SE SDK", hiding down under the advertising for netbeans and J2EE. Actually, perhaps even better for you, is: "Download J2SE JRE", which will give you the java runtime stuff without all the development kit.


ok i finally got it to work :D   thank you all for your help