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Dropper and rude player -----> Picture

Started by BluNick, December 20, 2008, 01:01:15 AM

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Hi to all.
I played right now with a player with nickname Picture and it was a very real nightmare !

Here the chat during match:
Picture kibitzes: Hi !
You kibitz: Hi, Picture, good luck.
Picture kibitzes: born lucky ha boy
Picture kibitzes: sis u fiexed rolls ha
Picture kibitzes: ur fixed rolls ha jerk
Picture kibitzes: play uness ha ddont play with fixed rolls
Picture kibitzes: forget it ha boy u thonk u will get points from me bu fixed rolls
------------------------------------------------------------------------- this point he disconnected from table.
I've tried to resume but nothing, then he hurts me again.
Here the chat:

Picture: u dont have fucking shame on ur body ha jerk
You: you will be banned
Picture: and u too motherfucker jerk
You: :=) thank you gentleman
Picture: by using fixed rolls ha #ss#o##
You: LOL
You: shame on you, I will never play with you
Picture: of course u will not ha jerk.... why i should play one who fixing rolls
You: perfect, bye stupid man

He complained about me, and so I complained he too....

No comment !!!

Please let me know your opinion about this fact and tell me if it's possible to ban this very rude and unfair player.

Thank you.



Sounds familiar to me.  It's been a long time.  Only thing you can do is never play the player again.  If you use Javafibs as your client, you can permagag him by putting him on your villians list which will permagag him forever (until he uses another nick).  The Fibs gag command will work until the gagged person logs out and logs back in.  I don't know what you can do with the other clients.  That's why I switched to Javafibs.   :laugh:

Best not to bother Patti with unpleasant peeps.   :mellow:  Her energies need to be reserved for important stuff like keeping Fibs running.   ;)  The bad ones come and go.  Just avoid them and move on.  Use RepBot and you will avoid most of the droppers and other unpleasant players on Fibs.   :yes:


Most of the stuff people worry about never happens. - unknown


Sounds like the avarage conversation on Fibs to me... :dry:
"There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path."
Bruce Lee
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