FIBS Board backgammon forum

Management => Front Page => Topic started by: stog on January 31, 2009, 08:51:06 PM

Title: Welcome to Fibsboard!
Post by: stog on January 31, 2009, 08:51:06 PM
Welcome to Fibsboard..Howdy HNY 2024 still sorting out Fibsboard a bit; basically archiving it & updating the software to protect the database; let me know of any problems/ideas thx Remember to Register to see all the Boards Photos Match Diagrams etc

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Guests are welcome on Fibsboard but until you register, you cannot view pictures, board diagrams (for the problems and forum matches) and cannot participate in polls.

Registration is free and will allow you to join in comment and discussion here on Fibsboard.

in the meantime have a look round.........

VIP Donor members can now access articles on the random photos (see "Reader's wives" below Recent Topics mid way down this page). They also get fewer ads, faster loading,a VIP area, an expansive Profile area, open to whoever they like (their buddies) and a chess area where they can play others over an extended period (their moves being saved)

We are now fully migrated, any errors/bugs let me know. If you really want to advertise, let me know and, for a modest donation, we can set something up.
I have added a Donate button too but, if we have to have ads, then it might be nice to have them from fibsboarders!
Why not advertise your goods and services on Fibsboard?

we have have had >5000 members (now pruned to <2000), average around 2 new members a day and we get well over 100 visitors a day; 35% new, average 31 members online a day, av time on site for all visitors is > 6 minutes.

We have a core group of well over 200 members who regularly visit each month.

we welcome new Sponsors..keep the board going.....advertise your thing for a modest donation, details email (

"my main concern when doing this major update has been to preserve all the posts, messages, photos and info from over 14 years and i think we've managed that, but i've had to design a new look, as our old theme was not an option -- i hope you like it -- it has taken a long time to do -- my test site for the upgrade was begun 3 years ago"

Title: Re: Welcome to the new server!
Post by: sixty_something on February 02, 2009, 02:23:54 PM
Quote from: stogI have added a Donate button but, if we have to have ads, then it might be nice to have them from fibsboarders!

stog, how would this work? that is, how much would ads cost?

i have very limited dinero, but would like to sponsor an ad for a non-profit listen supported radio station, KPFT (, that many FIBSters have enjoyed on Saturdays and Sundays during socksey's Mini-Matches and my Bloody Mary tourneys .. since the radio station has been so kind as to adopt us with announcements and dedications during some of our tourneys, i'd like to reciprocate and encourage other FIBSters to support FIBSboard and KPFT with contributions

btw, congrats on the successful migration to the new server  :thumbsup2:
Title: Re: Welcome to the new server!
Post by: stog on February 08, 2009, 08:21:49 PM
at present we have 3 google ads which although, i do not expect to meet our costs, will contribute and am willing to monitor.(32 cents last week!!)..i have just committed £200 towards this board for the next 2 years (unlimited bandwidth storage and backup) + a lot of time:) -- but i must ensure that this fibsboard approaches some sort of viability.

it would be great to include ads from boarders, but as we have limited space for such ads - and i don't want to increase the amount of space given over to them any more more than at present, they would have to be --at least on a par with the income generated at present....

so, much as i would like to include charitable ads, --- i must be sensible, and so it is really up to the "would be advertiser" to approach us with 'the product or service they want shown' together with an offer of a donation. i would then assemble an ad like for example the one for our crystalsolutions software or modify their own design. If someone wanted to have a banner ad at the top or bottom or side - then it would depend on the type of ad, and the amount of contribution. it would seem to be a balancing act of keeping the look of the board as it is, and ensuring that it can approach some sort of viability.

i shall be monitoring all of this over the next few months, and will consider all approaches...

( (
Title: Re: Welcome to the new server!
Post by: socksey on February 08, 2009, 08:44:52 PM
Something strange is happening to me, not always, but occasionally, when I click on an unread post, I get a page with no color, just typing and my eyes.  Just now when that happened, I went to previous page, then clicked on the forum again and all was well and the same as usual.  I've also noticed some slowness at times.  When that happens, I page back and reclick.  Sometimes it's still slow and at other times it progresses faster.  :wacko:


When I point my finger to criticize you, three more are pointing back at me. - Herman
Title: Re: Welcome to the new server!
Post by: playBunny on February 09, 2009, 12:04:32 AM
Quote from: socksey on February 08, 2009, 08:44:52 PM
Something strange is happening to me, not always, but occasionally, when I click on an unread post, I get a page with no color, just typing and my eyes.

Yes, I've also had a couple of occasions when the stylesheets didn't come into play until I reloaded. Speedwise it's been reasonable although it's too soon after the changeover to say for sure. The previous server, however, was quite often horrendously slow. That's treacle slow, as in: click for Fibsboard, wait a few seconds, give up, go to DailyGammon (in another window) and make a couple of moves, come back and the Fibsboard page was still loading.
Title: Re: Welcome to the new server!
Post by: dickbalaska on February 09, 2009, 02:20:31 AM
I have seen no problems at all.  No slowness, no missing style sheets.  If i hadn't read that the server had moved, i never would have known.

Firefox 3.0.6 on Vista via DSL.
Title: Re: Welcome to the new server!
Post by: stog on February 09, 2009, 09:23:15 AM
thx Dick Playrabbit & Socksessssses,
just updated the Forum software so am hopeful your probs socks were because u were reading what i was at that very moment editing.

Thx Spielberg for making me aware that the Donate button linked to nothing! (and for being our latest donor..cheers!)
You can all now  donate or advertise ( to your heart's content...........:)
Title: Re: Welcome to Fibsboard! A big welcome to new members and hi to the herd :)
Post by: jane_doh! on March 15, 2009, 05:46:18 PM
I wish I could still play.  I've been off for about a year and tried to play now but for some reason I just can't connect.  It's sooo annoying!
Title: Re: Welcome to Fibsboard! A big welcome to new members and hi to the herd :)
Post by: socksey on March 15, 2009, 09:07:43 PM
We need more information in order to help you.  Are you PC, Mac, what client are you using?  Javafibs (the best IMO), 3DFibs, CocoaFibs, BBGT, etc. 

First, go to and read all the info there on how to play on Fibs.   :)


There are two means of refuge from the misery of life -- music and cats. - Albert Schweitzer
Title: Re: Welcome to Fibsboard! A big welcome to new members and hi to the herd :)
Post by: stog on March 15, 2009, 10:01:09 PM
or u may need to try new username/login?
Title: Re: Welcome to Fibsboard! A big welcome to new members and hi to the herd :)
Post by: diane on March 15, 2009, 10:34:34 PM
A whois returns...No information found on user jane_doh.

You need to reregister the nick - no one is using it, so you should be ok.  [Assuming that is the nick you used].
Title: Re: Welcome to Fibsboard! A big welcome to new members and hi to the herd :)
Post by: jane_doh! on March 16, 2009, 03:27:15 PM
OK, I'm on a mac and ~I'm playing cocoaFibs.  I used to play regularly under the name Jane_doh.  I'll go and check out the site you mention and I'll try to re register