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Game 4, move 24 blitzxz and Forum 25 : Forum 4-2

Started by diane, March 14, 2010, 04:09:37 AM

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Blitzxz danced with 3-2, so Forum, blue to move 4-2.

Never give up on the things that make you smile



What I'd really like to do is focus a couple of checkers on making the 4 point. But unfortunately, there's no way to bring two builders into range with this roll.

Making the 11 point looks "pretty", but it's a useless point - we need to block moves from the 4 point, and at 7  points away, the 11 doesn't do much in this regard.

We're still way behind in the race, so we need to keep the backgame structure in place for a move or two; in any case, we'll want to vacate the 23 before the 20, and we can't move off the 23 now even if we wanted to.

That leaves 15/9 - spread our checkers around. Only the blot on the nine is hittable, and that takes a 1/18 shot.  And even if we're hit, we have two anchors and lots of timing.  Leaving a checker on  the 15 counter's a run by the backman, the blot on the 11 serves a similar purpose.   The three combine to threaten to make another blocking point.

