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TBot director qualifications

Started by don, April 01, 2004, 09:17:02 AM

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I had an interesting thing happen while playing in a TourneyBot tourney.  The director was confused between the "shout" and "tell" windows on his/her GUI.   I "shout"ed a question about the tourney, waited a while, then used "tell".  It's no wonder I got no answer to my shout, I was gagged by the tourney director.  This was done for convenience, I'm sure, and not out of animosity.

My point is simply that directors of TourneyBot tourneys should be familiar enough with both FIBS and their GUIs that this is not even a problem.  I don't think this director was even aware that my shouts were also silenced.  I think the intention was to ignore a channel of FIBS communication because the director couldn't handle it.

So many string dimensions, so little space time...


i find it an honor and a privilege that my 50th posting would be to address you thusly:

go blank yourself, don.


So many string dimensions, so little space time...


That sort of covers my reaction to that too!! (the HUH? that is).  It had occurred to me the situation might arise in which someone who  is gagged by the TD enters a tourney run by them.  It would then be for the tourney director to point that out to the player and ask them to communicate any issues via another player. (assuming the situation was so bad the TD didnt want to ungag for the duration of the tourney)
Never give up on the things that make you smile


Could you re-state the problem don? Here is what I'm hearing:

1) someone, who happens to be a TD has you gagged
2) they allow you to register in their tourney
3) they can't hear your shouts and/or/tells

Is that it?


Don, and others...I might give you this bit of advice...

Notice who the TD is of the tourney you are considering entering, and make a decision as to whether or not you then wish to continue and enter the tourney. If you don't like the way a particular TD manages tourneys, then don't enter his/her tourneys anymore.

Tourneybot is not a right, it is a privilege.



Then maybe this needs some straightening out - because either the sand pit is open to all - unless you have good actual grounds to object - other than hearsay or gossip, or you should not be running tourneys - isnt that where we stand??
We have agreed that shouts etc will not be grounds for a ban - only actual bad behaviour within the tourney - so if you open your tourney - and someone who is not banned enters - then you will have to accomodate them - not vice versa
Never give up on the things that make you smile


OK, here's the gist:

> I entered a tourney;
> The tourney director was having problems managing a shout window and a tell window on whatever GUI;
> The tourney director gagged me for using tell, which of course means, no shout communication possible;
>  I resigned the tourney and left a message with MHO for the tourney director, which (of course) was immediately received;
>  The tourney directory then proceded to flame me in shouts.

My point is that tourney directors *should* be able to use all the features of FIBS (*and* of TourneyBot for that matter).  I have even explained some of the features of both to this director.  The advantage of the use of tells rather than shouts seems so obvious to me that I hesitate to mention it here -- when all that is needed is direct communication between a user and a tourney director, why use shouts?  I am not naming names on purpose because I see no point in starting a flame war here.  I only brought this up because I kind of like TourneyBot, though I find the help system a bit unstructured...

So many string dimensions, so little space time...


well okay....

Who was the TD in question and what tourney number was it?

If you have been wronged in this matter, then out the person who wronged you. Lets hear both sides of it.

I believe you Don, but it does sound pretty fishy to me.



JonJon, this is not about me being "wronged".  I'm only suggesting that TourneyBot directors be capable of using all the features of FIBS and TourneyBot.
So many string dimensions, so little space time...


I would suggest that a qualification for directors of TourneyBot be that they can handle FIBS communication in any form.  See the new thread started by a tournament director for more ...
So many string dimensions, so little space time...


I think don needs to be a tourney director.  I think anyone who thinks it's easy should try it for themselves.  ;)))


"An inventor is simply a fellow who doesn't take his education too seriously." --Charles F. Kettering  



If I decided to be a TBdirector, and I ran a tourney:  I would not have a problem with users using valid FIBS commands like "tell", "shout", "message", "say" or "kibbitz" on me; I would not flame them while the tourney is running, nor while running a tourney; and I'd leave an anonymous conversation here exactly that, anonymous, instead of flaming them here.

So many string dimensions, so little space time...


You do make it sound easy :rolleyes:

Consider if you will - three or four players cant understand the instructions given - and are asking for support.  someone who doesnt know this is also chatting - possibly two or three of them.  You have to keep shouting the tourney information anyway.  Add on to this all this is going on in separate windows - and the ones you need to be focussing on - dissapear when you need to be looking at them - cos something else pushed them out of the way.  Then the tourney starts - you have to check all the players are playing their matches and the matches are the right length.  Then you find someone who entered has left - and you have to time them to reappear- and possibly award a win to their opponent, someone else is in another match and needs to be hurried along.
Still sounding sooooo easy?
My personal approach is to simply ignore all but vital traffic - and explain later - and i have it much easier in java i think.
We can all use our interfaces well for normal use - but running a tourney is a bit more than that.
Never give up on the things that make you smile


Exactly, diane!  Yes, Don, you should try it before you criticize.  You can't possibly know until you've been there.  I don't think jinnate has a problem with any of the commands.  I think it is as diane says, jinnate was on overload at the time you were trying to have a conversation with her.  As she has stated elsewhere, she didn't realize you were in the tourney at the time.  So, it's as I have said to you before, don, you tend to overkill.  Sometimes it's just best to let it lie.


"Here is the test to find whether your mission on earth is finished. If
you're alive, it isn't." - Richard Bach


B) don, I see it now.
Please let us common users  - yes , TD`s have to be sensitive! -  B) (meanig not IT gurus) be just humans. Not everybody can know everything. (but we should all try!)
Helping people is tricky. Give help to anyone and he will remember it only when he is in need again.


i find it an honor and a privilege that my 500th posting would be to address you thusly:

go blank yourself, don.    


Just about what I've learned to expect from burper:  Empty flames in public and fear to address real issues except where he doesn't have to face any dissenting voices.

Congrats, burper, on showing us with your 500th post the best of wisdom and maturity that (apparantly) the TourneyBot moderators have.

So many string dimensions, so little space time...


don starts so many nasty threads! If this were my board, I would remove his presence entirely, i.e. every post and every topic that he starts.


This is too funny.  scite posts on another thread:
QuoteThis isn't meant as a flame, but your message seems to be unneccesarily nasty. Is this my own overly sensitive interpretation? I say this because several other of your posts also seem quite nasty.

..and then reopens in an unnecessarily nasty fashion a thread that hasn't been touched since June.

To clarify, scite (and all), I don't believe I've ever opened a thread for "nasty" motives.  I've shown elsewhere the users who resort to what you could call nastiness.  There have been times when I have been less than polite, but generally more civil than those who disagree with me.  I won't bother to rename those users, but I'm sure you can find the post where I cite chapter and verse.

scite, the thing you need to know is, most of the nastiest of the posters here are also incapable of handling even the mildest of disagreements without going ballistic.

So many string dimensions, so little space time...