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Game 1, move 0: Herd 6-2

Started by diane, May 06, 2011, 01:15:09 PM

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Position ID: 4HPwATDgc/ABMA

This opening move is a bit I thought it worth discussing.

Never give up on the things that make you smile


Hi ah_playername, good luck!  Hope you enjoy the match.


Splitting to the bar point and bringing down a builder is how I usually play this opening.  If I'm just trying to win a single point or avoid a gammon I'll sometimes run out to the 16, and if I'm particularly hungry for a gammon I'll slot the 5 point, but at any other match score the splitting play is better. 

The main reason is that moving one checker twice gives less diversity than moving two checkers, so with rare exceptions (eg 65) you want to move two checkers in the opening.  Slotting our own bar point gives up too much in the race when it's hit, so that move is out.

24/18 13/11



Quote from: diane on May 06, 2011, 01:15:09 PM
This opening move is a bit I thought it worth discussing.

Now that its been brought up, it might be, but by someone that knows the game a lot better than I do.

The 6-2 split is the obvious choice for all the reasons ah_choo (sorry I sneezed) clem gave, but he raises a point I've occasionally thought about, namely, is it ever correct to run or slot with the 6-2 opening roll?

I have never considered running out to the 16, though I have thought about slotting if I'm really behind in a match, but I  rarely do it because I don't think it beats splitting the roll.

On the other hand I will slot a 4-1 opening roll without thinking about it if I am down say 5-away, 1-away in a 7 point match, but I have a lot more chances to cover the blot due to the extra builder, which one doesn't have with the 6-2 slot play.

So my instinct is that slotting the 6-2 doesn't outweigh the opening split move, no matter how far one is behind in the match, though that doesn't erase the nagging suspicion in my mind that it just might be the correct move in some cases.

i would like to see what others have to say on this one and if dorbel is reading this, perhaps, if he is willing, could give some insights.  



Quote from: moonshadow on May 06, 2011, 06:36:04 PM
The 6-2 split is the obvious choice for all the reasons ah_choo (sorry I sneezed) clem gave, but he raises a point I've occasionally thought about, namely, is it ever correct to run or slot with the 6-2 opening roll?


There are rollouts of this opening at various match scores at stick's site .  Normally consulting rollouts is verboten until the vote is closed, but it's pretty clear what the Herd's choice is here, so I don't see any harm in chatting about them. Anyway, this is the kind of info that a good player should just remember, and the point of these matches is for the Herd to learn about the game, so here goes:

At DMP  the running play is very close according to gnu 2-ply rollout, close enough that it may come out on top in future rollouts with future software.  The running play has the virtue of simplicity - it leads to simpler games with less opportunities for making errors.  I tend to play it against better opponents.

At Gammon Go the slotting play is slightly favored by gnu.  But again, it's very close to the standard play.  I'm not confident that it actually is better, but I am confident that it's very close.  Worth experimenting with, especially against an inferior player who may make more mistakes.

At Gammon Save the standard play comes out on top, but the running play is not a very big error.  Again, since it leads to simpler positions it might be preferred when playing a superior opponent.

For money it's not close at all - just play the split.

Bottom line is that if you just always play 62 as the split you'll at worst make a miniscule error.  Alternative plays are perhaps better at some match scores.



Thanks for the discussion folks...I think this is clear though and will move on..definitely food for thought with this roll.
Never give up on the things that make you smile