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Looking for someone to take over!

Started by webrunner, November 02, 2008, 01:43:17 PM

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Hi everybody.

I haven't spend enough time lately on this forum as i wanted.
I always have big ideas and plans but just too little time to execute them all.

Lately, with 2 kids and a new job, i have even less time.
So i am looking for someone to take over Fibsboard after all these years.
I have to say it is difficult for me since it was the first community i ever build and still have nice warm feelings for most Fibs(board) members.

What do you need to take over?
1. a dedicated or a virtual dedicated LAMP server (Linx, Apache, MySql, Php)
2. moderation skills
3. Php skills (limited)
4. An elephants skin ;)
5. A good relationship with Socksey and the other mods.
6. You have to be a member of Fibsboard for at least 6 months.

I won't ask any money for Fibsboard (although i have been offered even 15.000 dollars for it)
I just want a agreement where in it says that i have first right to get it back for free in case when someone wants to get rid of it.
I made around $65 with adwords last year and i recieve $45 dollars a month for some link placements.
This barely makes up for the hosting costs (i host on a dedicated server) but the hosting can be a little cheaper.
Be aware that Free hosting will NOT WORK with the current configuration.

I am sorry to do this, Fibsboard means a lot to me but i just can't afford the time and money anymore. :cry:

Kind regards,
"There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path."
Bruce Lee
Orion Pax |


Thanks for the hard work. You've built up an excellent community here. Good luck with the new job!


Thanks :)
Although i didn't post this to get compliments ;)
"There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path."
Bruce Lee
Orion Pax |


You deserve one!  This has been a lot of work.......a labor of love.  Thanks, webbie.   :applaus:


"Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys." - P.J. O'Rourke, Civil Libertarian


Wouldn't it be simpler to get rid of the two kids & the job? ;)

Seriously, webby, thanks for all your work.


So far i rec ieved only one offer.
It is from the owner of the site BSPN

He offered to merge the sites.

What do you guys think about that?
"There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path."
Bruce Lee
Orion Pax |


Merging would erase Fibs individuality.  I don't think I would like that.   :ohmy:



Quote from: socksey on November 08, 2008, 07:54:21 PM
Merging would erase Fibs individuality.  I don't think I would like that.   :ohmy:




Yes certainly. It would never be as it was on FibsBoard.
But if webby stop, It wouldn't be neither.

BSPN do not look so bad and we can make some quiet good things there. I think.
We have the possibility to create group and I did there for Fibs. There is one Fibs Group with actually 40 members and PSPN have more than 700 members.

I really don't know if this is the good solution. But i did not think that Merging would erase Fibs individuality. There is not really great activity for the moment at BPSN and if we would merged Fibsboard at BPSN this would be the individuality of Fibsters that would be erase the majority of BPSN activity  :)

Do you really Think that Fibs individuality could be erased by anyone ?

They start at first, are always here and will be the LAST  :cool:
Tomawaky "I feel good da da da da da da da.........i knew that i would now........."


You make some good points, Tomawaky.   :dry:  I signed up at BPSN and found I had to up my birthdate to 1977 in order to get on!   :ohmy:  Already they are making me an aging woman!   :(   :lol:


"There are dangers that come with successful careers. One can slide almost imperceptibly into a situation where the demands of the job are automatically accorded priority over other, more personal commitments." - William H. Rehnquist


Although i feel for the points that Tomawaky makes and i also appreciate the offer if the owner of BPSN, i would always prefer a solution that keeps the Fibsboard site in it's current form.
"There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path."
Bruce Lee
Orion Pax |


my first impression of the BPSN site was not good .. it appeared to be just another overly commercialized "social networking" site that had no apparent focus .. the FIBS related focus at FIBSboard is our most important asset which is, imo, essential to maintain .. also, for personal reasons, i really don't like sites with a black background over crowded and busy with ads, thumbnail pictures, links, and worse, for me, tiny fonts - these old eyes have a hard time with all that

otherwise, i did not go beyond the BPSN home page .. had i discovered it on my own, i would not, at first glance be inclined to delve beyond exploring a few links and not inclined to join yet another group

however, webby, if BPSN is the best alternative to meet your needs, terms, and requirements, i trust your judgement entirely .. none of use are, imo, going to be wild about any changes, but if we must change, change we must

regarding the current look and feel of FIBSboard, our GUI, i have grown very accustomed to it and would love to see it preserved .. i have experience with many different styles of forums, mail lists, and social networks, but i am no expert .. so, i wonder whether our GUI is keeping pace with the many and varied rapid changes in these areas, i.e. is our old familiar friend keeping up or getting old fashioned .. i also wonder whether "keeping up" is even an issue .. there is always the if it ain't broke don't fix it argument for keeping the current GUI

for me, for now, i am inclined to make keeping this GUI with which we are all so familiar as a paramount goal in any transfer .. i am not clear whether a transfer of the server to someone like BPSN would necessarily entail a change in our GUI or not, i.e. make FIBSboard just another sub-forum of another GUI .. if we all agree that keeping our current GUI is of paramount importance, we should consider adding that to our list of requirements

p.s. socks, i feel your pain .. as time goes by i frequently find my birthday becoming out of the range on many sites and questionnaires .. i guess the twenty_somethings who are the creators of most such things on-line have no perspective on aging gracefully :wacko:
A little inaccuracy sometimes saves tons of explanation. -- Unknown
e-mail me


I think that making Fibs goup no black background and some other color is very easy to change. I think we can integrate fibsboard with some kinf of look like Fibsboard theme with the help of BPSN. This is not matter.
Tomawaky "I feel good da da da da da da da.........i knew that i would now........."


yes, the black background is just a matter of my own strong personal taste and that of many others with diminishing eyesight which comes naturally with aging

however, the look and feel issue has another parameter other than appearance alone, i think .. if we were to become a direct sub-forum at another website, we would lose the archival nature of all the posts here wouldn't we?

when i first joined and started using FIBSboard, i spent a good deal of time referencing old posts .. i found many very useful in not only better learning the FIBS interface, but the history and social dynamics of the community here and at FIBS .. i would really hate to see any changes that would lead to the disappearance of those old threads and history
A little inaccuracy sometimes saves tons of explanation. -- Unknown
e-mail me


Looks to me like integrating it is not really an option.
The BPSN is created using a free online service. It is hard to add any customisation.
I could just as easily create a new network using the same service but that wouldn't copy all the histiry that Sixt is talking about.
This is the main reason why i myself am not to enthusiastic about this idea.
"There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path."
Bruce Lee
Orion Pax |


Quote from: sixty_something on November 10, 2008, 02:45:34 AM
i found many very useful in not only better learning the FIBS interface, but the history and social dynamics of the community here and at FIBS .. i would really hate to see any changes that would lead to the disappearance of those old threads and history

Seconded, spekating for the two technical projects I'm involved in (JavaFIBS and RepBot) fibsboard is used as a bugtracker, newsfeed, technical whiteboard and history book all in one. While it would be possible to use the SourceForge infrastructure for at least RepBot, losing the feedback of many years would be a very bad thing. Furthermore, many not-so-nerdy users probably prefer a simple forum GUI over the highly sophisticated SF infrastructure.

Thus, in case any messages are lost during whatever transition may take place, I would ask for some form of backup of old messages in the RepBot and JavaFIBS forums in some machine readable format (SQL dump, XML, one-page HTML).

But let's all hope this isn't required and FIBSBoard just continues data-complete. Cudos to webrunner for creating and running this facility, it is a great contribution to the FIBS user and developer community.
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Quote from: webrunner on November 10, 2008, 09:15:44 AM
I could just as easily create a new network using the same service but that wouldn't copy all the histiry that Sixt is talking about.

If there is not all the history  :(
BPSN is a very bad Idea. I thought it was possible in a way or another.
Tomawaky "I feel good da da da da da da da.........i knew that i would now........."


Quote from: webrunner on November 02, 2008, 01:43:17 PM
Fibsboard means a lot to me but i just can't afford the time and money anymore. :cry:

Kind regards,

Might I ask what exactly is the monetary cost and what are the tasks that need to be done?

Is the money side such that a few members could contribute adequately without digging too deep?

Would it be possible to transfer the entire site - name, contents and hosting package? That is, it doesn't move anywhere or get disturbed in any way; it's just a change of ownership? That would nicely preserve the GUI, the history and the future (apart from the new owner's fiddling about).

Would it be possible to add someone to the management team and delegate part, most or all of the workload? (Or would that be too much temptation and you really do need to let go of the whole thiing for now?)

Would the new person have to land on their LAMP legs and start web running immediately or would there be time to get up to speed, eg. if their expertise is in other areas of web programming?


Quote from: webrunner on November 02, 2008, 01:43:17 PM

I am sorry to do this, Fibsboard means a lot to me but i just can't afford the time and money anymore. :cry:

About Money : I think that there is some places where it can be hosted for free. I know you already answer Webby that it's not possible if we want to keep "Spell Check" option and some others thing. But if this is the price to keep FibsBoard almost like it is actually, It worth the little loss. Even if I do not speak a good English, I never used the "Spell check".  :unhappy: Yes I certainly would have do sometimes. And then I try it know  :yes:.

Result : Webby is not recognized and I forgot the E at the English word  ;)

About time : Many moderators would be able to go on their job and even if there is no more improvements at FB. It's already so good like it is that I am not afraid. We have all we want here (Except for me advertising  :smile: But Just teasing)
Tomawaky "I feel good da da da da da da da.........i knew that i would now........."


Quote from: playBunny on November 11, 2008, 02:02:43 PM

Would it be possible to transfer the entire site - name, contents and hosting package? That is, it doesn't move anywhere or get disturbed in any way; it's just a change of ownership? That would nicely preserve the GUI, the history and the future (apart from the new owner's fiddling about).

Would the new person have to land on their LAMP legs and start web running immediately or would there be time to get up to speed, eg. if their expertise is in other areas of web programming?

Excellent questions both. If it is possible to transfer the whole site as an ongoing application this strikes me as ideal. I'd like to add to the second question - would it be possible for the new "owner"(s) to have no programming knowledge at all if the whole package just kept running? I know that's like asking "how many bugs are there in this piece of software?" but how much maintenance work does the site need on average webrunner?

And (I greatly enjoy starting paragraphs with "and") I know you don't want them webrunner but I'm adding my thanks to you for fibsboard (so there).