FIBS Board backgammon forum

Backgammon => Fibsboard Forum Matches => FFM 20 => Topic started by: stog on October 23, 2014, 12:26:39 PM

Question: herd 22
Option 1: bar/23 15/11 24/22 votes: 0
Option 2: bar/21 15/11 votes: 0
Option 3: bar/23 15/13 6/4(2) votes: 0
Option 4: bar/23 13/9 11/9 votes: 0
Option 5: bar/23 13/11 6/4(2) votes: 7
Option 6: bar/23 24/22(2) 13/11 votes: 0
Title: fibsboard match 20 Game 3 Herd MOVE 4
Post by: stog on October 23, 2014, 12:26:39 PM
roman forced return with 53

we 22 to play

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