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Started by delfibs, September 18, 2006, 07:51:29 AM

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Delfibs is a new fibs client running under windows os.

You can play by cliking on the checkers or you can drag them.

Played and watched games can be exported to .mat format.

You can browse thrue the games.

You can chat with yours friends.

You can display statistics and your rating curve.

The players list shows the players with saved games, friends and villains in differents colors.

You can look to your saved matches.

Complete RepBot integration.

and much more...

download link : Download

homepage: Delfibs

I need feedback and bugs report.

Boards are from Michael Darooge. i ask him the  permission to use his boards on his web site but i didn't get any answer. If someone knows his email address i would like to ask him again.


some screen shots :

Players list : Name, opponent, rating with color square, status, exp, gender, country, email, scrore for saved matches.
Friend are green, villains are red, you are blue, player with saved matches with you are grey.

Preferences : Board choise : choose your board and checkers.

Preferences :Personal buttons

MessageBox View your received and sent messages.

Saved GamesList of your saved games. You can choose one and watch the position


Some more...
Rating  statistics: Show your rating curve. With zoom and move. Rigth click to move. Selection to zoom

Matches Stat : Show your win and lost by length, opponent, last played matches

Matches Stat : Detail of your wins and lost


Delfibs 0.9 beta 12 available

-sounds added
-You can hide shouts in the preference menu
-Checkers speed can be set from *1/4 to *10 the default speed
-bug when you type show saved corrected
-password edit will show ***
-saved matches : the command has gone to the view menu, you can see the status of the players 'offline,playing.etc..'
if you select a saved match from here and the player is ready, you can invite him by clicking on the 'invite' button
-if a player with a saved match logs in, you will be told in the chat window.
-ratings changes will show in the system window if you have ratings toggle on
-system window will show only interestings things.
-bug with post crawford matches where the doubling dice didn't show is corrected
-add an option for debugging in the preferences menu. If you activate it a small window shows witch lists the lines parsed by the pgm. if the client crashes please post here the last 10 lines.

the final version isn't far away, i need to correct some bugs witch make the client crash.
They are difficult to find because they occur rarely.

If you want more features to be added it's now.
tell me if you find bugs.


New version available : delfibs 0.95
changes :
-correct bugs with the matches panel
-Rating curve : added the current rating, name of the selected player is shown
-Villains and friends list : bug correction when deleting a name, pop up menu with basic command added, delta rating shown, status shown.
-Added auto update function in help menu.
-Links with fibs help added in help->command
-Bug with Thorpe count corrected
-profile will now contain a field for your Email address
-Added a column for host in the players list view
-If a player with a saved match invite you, a warning will be shown
-leave command added in match menu
-new command added in a new menu : command
-if someone tell you something, the chat panel will show automatically (can be disable in the preferences menu)
-the client will no longer crash ( i hope so)


Next step will be writing a help file, if someone who speaks good english is interesting in correcting my spelling, i will be very glad.


Now you found something I can actually do - I cant code - but I can spell (proper English that is  ;)).
I would be glad to be useful - message me with any further instructions.
Never give up on the things that make you smile


I can spell proper American English.  I would be happy to help.   :yes:


"Lack of brains hinders research." - Columbus Dispatch, Headline


I speak even better english english and will gladly help out. I actually quite enjoy editing and proof reading for personal reasons - one of my Grandfathers was a publisher and I "earnt" pocket money long ago proofing kids books.
This DelFibs looks increasingly good - I'm gonna have to give it a try.


PS love that rating curve DelFibs - is it possible to import my rating history from JavaFibs?


QuoteI speak even better english english and will gladly help out. I actually quite enjoy editing and proof reading for personal reasons - one of my Grandfathers was a publisher and I "earnt" pocket money long ago proofing kids books.

(English) (grandfathers) (earned)

My grandfather was not a publisher, but I have also done quite a lot of editing for money.   :)  Seems you are getting ample help offers.   ;)


"Most hotels are already booked solid by people, plus 5,000 journalists." - Bangkok Post



I think "earnt" is in inverted commas for a reason....well done on the rest though..  ;)

Never give up on the things that make you smile


"Earnt" was in quotes as I don't think I really earned the money - but it is an acceptable past participle. Well done correcting my capitalisation though. I trust all have read "Eats, Shoots & Leaves" - an hilarious book on punctuation, I thought that impossible.


lol, so it is, I have heard it used in spoken language - but not seen it written - which seemed to make sense for the speech marks - you learn something new every day  :cool:

I never read that book - although I have seen it, including in a second hand shop recently, where I was very tempted, just for the fun.  The reason I didn't was because when I first heard about the book in a review, I knew I already knew all that - as kids we had devised humour from that kind of thing in our family. (what can I say - we didn't have a television  :laugh:).  A recent 'yet another report' writing course, care of our company, did teach me something I didn't  know and found interesting, maybe you know this already - being a language aficionado. We all know the apostrophe in, say, 'didn't' denotes missing letters, but the possessive apostrophe is almost certainly doing the same thing.  It is considered that 'Steve's pen', in the original language construction would have been 'Steve his pen', and the missing letters are covered by the apostrophe.  I bet that is in eats, shoots and leaves  :laugh:.

But we digress - this is supposed to be about delfibs, sorry :blushsmiley:

One last point, the spell check on here doesn't like 'earnt'  :lol:
Never give up on the things that make you smile


I don't agree.  In that use of "Steve's pen", the apostrophe does not replace a word or part of word but is governed under another rule.  There are several other rules for apostrophe use besides the replace rule.  Check your "Harbrace".


"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none." - William Shakespeare


Quote from: socksey on October 21, 2006, 02:40:10 AM
I don't agree. 

It wasn't an opinion.....but a little digging turns up this,

QuoteSpecial Remarks on the Possessive Case.
Origin of the possessive with its apostrophe.

64. In Old English a large number of words had in the genitive case singular the ending -es; in Middle English still more words took this ending: for example, in Chaucer, "From every schires ende," "Full worthi was he in his lordes werre [war]," "at his beddes syde," "mannes herte [heart]," etc.

A false theory.

By the end of the seventeenth century the present way of indicating the possessive had become general. The use of the apostrophe, however, was not then regarded as standing for the omitted vowel of the genitive (as lord's for lordes): by a false theory the ending was thought to be a contraction of his, as schoolboys sometimes write, "George Jones his book."

The main interest in looking at the origins of the possessive apostrophe, is that it makes it easier to remember where to put it - for those who struggle.
Never give up on the things that make you smile


New version 0.96 available
-correct a bug in the export function. Saved games can now be opened with bgblitz
-Add a probability panel in invite and join windows : they will show your probability to win the match and the number of ratings points you will win or lose.

Let's try the auto-update function to see if it works OK

feedback welcome


Quotea false theory

QuoteThe main interest in looking at the origins of the possessive apostrophe, is that it makes it easier to remember where to put it - for those who struggle.

The question seems to me to be not so much where to put the apostrophe as to when to use it.  Harbrace explains the answer quite lenthily.


"Trust your hunches. They're usually based on facts filed away just below the conscious level." - Dr. Joyce Brothers


lengthily?  :laugh: Perhaps you should try the spellcheck feature too  ;)

Clearly a lot of people have trouble with that - or we would see perfect use of the apostrophe all the time - since we don't, telling stories is a good way to spread knowledge.  The 'why' of things is much more meaningful to me than 'do this because that is the rule', I suspect that is true of many others.
Never give up on the things that make you smile


 :flipa:   :frusty:   :giggle:   :oops:  Of course, you are right as usual, diane.  I thought I did, but apparently, I didn't.   


"Men, I want you just thinking of one word all season. One word and one word only Super Bowl." - Bill Peterson, football coach


So.. i guess you are now all applying to write a nice Fibs howto too? :unsure: ;)
"There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path."
Bruce Lee
Orion Pax |


Always the same problem since the beginning !
I have an error message when it starts telling me that it can't open c:\documents and settings\myprofil\Buttons\aaron.copie.bmp  wacko

Why does it search image in my profil rather than in his particular file in programs Files\delfibs ?
Tomawaky "I feel good da da da da da da da.........i knew that i would now........."


Tomawaky : can you post here you delfibs.ini file (it is a text file)? thanks


It's ok
I deleted my shortcut and create it again and all is working fine now  :wacko:
Tomawaky "I feel good da da da da da da da.........i knew that i would now........."


Delfibs 0.97 available

-Add import function for javafibs user in file->import The program will ask for your rating file. You will find it in Javafibs_Installation_Directory\User\Your_Login (Thanks to spielberg for the idea and his files)
-Add basic tourneybot interface. From here, players can see the ongoing tourneys, register and submit loss;
Directors can create tourneys, view tourneys, players and start tourneys. The ditector's part hasn't  been tested as my experience is too poor to become a tourney director. So feedback is welcome...
-Delfibs will now show stats much faster (about 10 times faster)


Great But import data from javafibs create one entry for each match played even with the same player in the opponents list.
Possible to correct this ?

Then it would be great to have the possibility to change the board....
And also the window sizable
Tomawaky "I feel good da da da da da da da.........i knew that i would now........."


Yes i saw that, when correcting the drawing speed of the stats i introduced a small bug, i will correct it today.
Change the board: you have 2 boards available, in preference-> board, if i have the the permission of the authors i can adapt the boards from BGBlitz as they use a near data format. but it's difficult to find their Email.
Resize the window : not possible, board and checkers are bitmaps, they don't resize. All what i can do is include a larger board.


version 0.971 available
Corrects the bug found by tomawaky


Thanks for the bug
I think a larger board would be great.
Many players like a full windows board and resolution are always bigger and bigger.
Tomawaky "I feel good da da da da da da da.........i knew that i would now........."


Version 0.972 available
-2 small bugs correction
-4 new boards for tamawaky.  1 small and 3 bigs for 1280*1024 resolution

You have to download the install file, update will not work for the new boards.


Very thanks :worshippy:
Great work

One other question.
Why preferences are always restore to default each time the software is installed.
I am not sur it is the best way to do.
Tomawaky "I feel good da da da da da da da.........i knew that i would now........."


Have got this error 10057 in function send. Socket is not connected ! :unsure:
Tomawaky "I feel good da da da da da da da.........i knew that i would now........."


Ok I found where is the bug !

Try to Fill the preferences profile with a last name in 2 parts, which is my case  :ohmy: You will not able to connect anymore...
Then replace it with one single word or delete it and it's working  :smile:
Tomawaky "I feel good da da da da da da da.........i knew that i would now........."


Delfibs ver 0.974 available
-correct the bug found by tomawaky
-Tab selected in the right panel will be restore next time you launch delfibs
-sort column and sort order off the players list will be store
-Analyse with gnubackgammon will be available in the game panel. You'll see 2 play analyse and cube decision. To avoid cheating, the analyse will not be available for the current game of the match when you're playing.

Auto update will not work for this version, please relaod the install file from the server.


Is Delfibs only for Windows OS?  I have Win XP.  Am i obsolete already?   :wacko: 


"Golden, Ripe, Boneless Bananas, 39 Cents A Pound." - Ad in the "Missoulian" by Orange Street Food Farm


It works on windows xp and windows 98.


Good!  I'll give it a try.   :)


"Real excellence and humility are not incompatible one with the other, on the contrary they are twin sisters." -Jean Baptiste Lacordaire, Letters to Young Men


Version 0.975 available
Correct the drag and drop checker bug
Correct a bug that was crashing the client.. I finally get it!! I was looking for if for weeks now.


And where do we download it again?


"I didn't realize I was in a Buddhist temple." - Al Gore, former U.S. Vice President when asked about his illegal fundraising activities that took place in a Buddhist temple.


If you have the previous version (0.974), you can update with help->Check for updates.
If you have an older version, just use the link in the first post.


OK, I have tried DelFibs and after having reread all the posts here, and exploring all the functions as best I could, I could not find anything about font.  The font is too small for me.  It needs to be larger and bolder for me.  Can this be personalized?  Also, the help/index function did not bring up any index.  Found this problem while trying to find a font change.


"The life of the law has not been logic; it has been experience." - Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr


help is not implementted for now on (and not written).
Choice of font size is a good idea, i will look what i can do with it.


Version 0.976 available
Bugs correction. The bug i introducted in the last release with the export function is corrected.
Other bug corrections.
Modification on the game panel.
Code cleaning
You can modify the font size in Game->preferences->General
If you still find bugs, please let me know as i hope to release the final version soon. (as soon as i have written the help file, if no new bugs are found).


While installing the new version, I get an error message which reads:

"An err occurred while trying to replace the existing file:
DeleteFile failed code 32.
The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
Click Retry to try again, Ignore to skip this file (not recommended), or Abort to cancel installation."

I tried Retry to get the same message.

I tried Abort, then removed original DelFibs from my system, then reinstalled with same results.

I tried Ignore and went through the same process over and over. 

What should I do now?   :cry:


"We're going to move left and right at the same time." - Jerry Brown, Governor of California


try going back to the previous version ? (not just for the sake of getting something that works, but also it may help to check some things)


I would if I could.  Previous version is removed.


"Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school." - Albert Einstein


idea for Option to add :

Separate chat windows for each players you chat with

Possible to add friends even if they are not online.

Sort available in the friends tab
Tomawaky "I feel good da da da da da da da.........i knew that i would now........."


If you're looking at a different application and then switch back to Delfibs by clicking on the window, and your opponent happens to have doubled, then Delfibs accepts the cube. Not good.

I've had this happen a couple of times when I'm stuck on the bar and I don't have the cube, I've started reading my email. The game continues in the background. My opponent doubles and when I click on the Delfibs window to see what's what, I find I've accepted the cube.

I think it would be better to ignore the first click when the window receives focus. Alternatively, have a confirmation box popup when accepting or rejecting the cube rather than just clicking on the board.



I advise to put a dialog screen in this procedure that asks if you want to accept the double. This happend to me several times.
I advise the same for doubling. (now a click on the cube doubles instantly there is no way back).
"There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path."
Bruce Lee
Orion Pax |


OK, I'll add an option to have a a confirmation if you want to double or accept a double in the next version. This option will appears in the Preference Menu.

Tomawaky : add friends if they are not on line  : i will do it in the next version.
Sort in the friend tab : next version
Tab for each player you chat with : i can try but it might be a bit confusing, and i don't want to add windows, i prefere to have all the  informations in the same window.


Delfibs 0.98
Add a confirm dialog when doubling or accepting a double. You can choose to have a confirmation dialog or not in the preferences menu.
If no player is selected in the players list, right clicking on friend or villain in the pop up menu will allow you to add a player's name manually. Sort available in the friends and villains list. Click on the columns header.
Bug correction in create account witch didn't toggle moreboards on, so the dices weren't showing properly.


idea: Please add an option to send a thank you message after you finished a match.
"There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path."
Bruce Lee
Orion Pax |


Good idea, it miss me too. I'll do it very soon.


Can i advise you to place a link to your website in your forum signature?
That way everybody reading this information can easily find your website.

Of course i would appreciate a link to your fibsboard forum on the delfibs website :)
"There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path."
Bruce Lee
Orion Pax |


And also ask patti to add a link at
Tomawaky "I feel good da da da da da da da.........i knew that i would now........."


Delfibs 0.981
add an option to send a thank you message after you finished a match. Fill the file in preference->messages whith your message. If the file is empty, no message will be sent.
If someone blinds you while you're watching him, a message will pop up, and the bug that appends when the match is over is corrected.
Gnubackgammon process will die when delfibs is closed. (I hope so)


Now this has to be the stupidest question...


I tried clicking and double-clicking a few things



grit your teeth, hold your breath and flex your diaphragm hard.
you'll feel some pain from the corners, but once they are both past you will feel much relieved


Funny... NOT

ok it seems if I refresh the page the click points become active

It may have something to do with the Game History scrolling



I deleted my shortcut and create it again and all is working fine now