Fibsboard Forum Match 18 Game 3 Move 2 Herd to move

Started by stiefnu, April 16, 2014, 03:10:09 PM

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So juanz makes a bid for freedom by running out with one of his back chequers. In reply, the Herd now has 43 to play. Plenty of candidate moves, of which eight are on offer (in no particular order). Anything else you fancy, just ask.

5-pt match, juanz 0-3 Herd
Pipcount: juanz (red) 158, Herd (black) 167



hit and split getting things going on both sides of the board.



We want a gammon here, so D 13/9 13/10*.

The hit is mandatory; slotting the 20-point is playable but not as incisive as bringing another checker into the zone.