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how to make a board

Started by burper, June 20, 2004, 07:07:30 PM

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I was about to launch into creating a javafibs board of my own, when an idea occurred to me. Perhaps we can start a thread/online class, both in making javafibs boards, and in how to use gimp.

A description of GIMP from it's web page "The GIMP is the GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed piece of software for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring. It works on many operating systems, in many languages."

I have been using GIMP 1.0 for awhile, but having made the switch to 2.0, which has a significantly changed interface. So, while I think I can get people started, and can probably teach others what I learn along the way, I thought it would be neat if others who wanted to do the same could join in a discussion here.  We can teach each other, and share in templates etc... In the end, we'll have several differnet boards to donate to the community, and hopefully have some fun along the way.

If you are interested, please don't just lurk. I want to pace this so that we're all together. It may take months, and perhaps we can create a javafibs/gimp tutorial along the way. GIMP gurus preferred ;) but otherwise, just being able to deal with moving files around and stuff is all you really need. So far, I have created a background template file with the triangles, edges and background separated into layers and channel masks. Don't worry if you don't know what that means, I'll back up and talk you/us through it.

So, class session one will be gathering materials. First you need GIMP 2.0. I will give instructions for windows users. Others, please chime in with what you learn. GIMP 2.0 relies on a GUI library called GTK+. You can download both it and GIMP 2.0.2 from here:

Let "us" know what problems you run into.

Next, get and install javafibs 2001:

Again, let us know what issues you have.

Once everyone has checked in and has these items, I'll continue with the thread.


ok - im in this class - but i may hold you all up - i will try once again to download that gimp stuff - and tell you exactly what goes wrong.... :D

Ok - first issue -with this

QuoteGIMP 2.0 relies on a GUI library called GTK+. You can download both it and GIMP 2.0.2 from here:

do i want FTP or HTTP - and which site and am i downloading from - there are so many options  :wacko:  and the ones i have tried so far (cant remeber which now) didnt work - so can you suggest a box to tick for the best?

I suppose the good bit is i have already done part two  :D  
Never give up on the things that make you smile


Have to admit that making a JavaFIBS board was much easier than I thought it would be. burper's advice here is great, especially in that it starts from scratch and describes getting the required software, but I'll also explain how I've made mine just to offer alternative tips and advice.

Firstly I chose the existing board that most resembles what I wanted to make: casino with dimensions 497x354. Then I duplicated that folder, gave it a new name and edited each of the image files in Adobe Photoshop to my new look keeping the exact same dimensions. The big advantage of this approach is you don't have to worry at all about how the pieces, dice, etc fit together since it's all based on a working template. I kept lots of backups and created new layers each time I wanted to test out a look to preserve the options.

I saved all my files as .png except the thumbnail which for some reason needs to be a .gif. You need to be sure to have transparent backgrounds, especially on the pieces.

It's important to see what all the pieces look like together so I regularly refreshed my board in JavaFIBS by switching to another board and then back again. Then I'd either watch people playing to see the board in action or just move between the plays of a saved game.

Recently I've been working on two new boards, both involve changes of piece sizes and so I have to edit the metrics files (in a text editor, I use BBEdit on my Mac but any text editor should work) and it's a real pain to get all correct. I still haven't got it all working together, the dice appear on my big chunky pieces sometimes so haven't posted them here on the FIBS Board yet. Although if you want to try them out while I'm tinkering around with them I have put these "works in progress" on my homepage:

If anyone else is using Photoshop then don't hesitate to ask me for my layered Photoshop files for various dice, pieces, etc. I also have the high res artwork for the FIBS shirt if anyone wants to use that to make anything.

A tip on dice, for the 6 possible dice numbers you only need four layers: 1, 2, 4, 6. The 3 is both 1 and 2 visible, while 5 is both 1 and 4. I made them look by precision dice by placing a slightly paler circle on a square, and that was it! Shadows get a bit fussy and time consuming, definitely best to start without them.  


I use photoshop and be interested  ;)  
Tomawaky "I feel good da da da da da da da.........i knew that i would now........."


Thanks alef,

On this page, it sayd that the javafibs board is scaleable. What does that mean?

I''ll try to run this "class" with gimp, since photoshop costs some real money! I have also heard that for this sort of graphics, it is actually better than photoshop, which shines when doing photographic work.

Anyway, thanks for the tips. Before we get too far, I guess we should choose some working dimensions from existing boards, and leave other sizes as part of the advanced course.


ahem - i am still stuck on part one whilst you talk over my head - and resisting the urge to pick at my nail varnish and stick pencils in places they dont belong  :D  help!!
Never give up on the things that make you smile


Ask away! We're also waiting for more class members to arrive.
I went off in the meantime and tried to get the first part done myself. Here are my notes:

-I had a previous version of GTK+ installed, so I had to delete and install the new one. I hope whatever was depending on the old version is happy with the new. Should be ok.
-Installing the GIMP 2.0: I'm presented with a warning that Win 9X/ME are no longer supported, but might just work. I do have an XP laptop in the house, but we'll see how this goes on my ME box.
-I skipped the file associations, checking none, and took all the defaults. The 64Mb tile cache was fine with me, as I have 256Mb, I don't feel like allocating any more than that. I hope its' changable later if need be. I installed only the typical stuff, and no extra stuff.
-I noticed that the desktop icon had no icon, so I went and set it to:
C:\Program Files\GIMP-2.0\bin\gimp-win-remote.exe
-During the first time running, it does some more install stuff called "user install".

It seems to start up just fine. So I am going to go use it to see what the various board sizes in the javafibs install directory are, as well as the extras I just put in there from the javafibs page.

Let me know what's up diane.

How come all you other guys can afford $600 for photoshop?


QuoteOn this page, it sayd that the javafibs board is scaleable. What does that mean?
If you choose the vector board in JF2001, it is resized when the board area is resized. Scaleable.


It occurs to me what the "scalable" board comment means. Maybe it means that you can use any size board and it will work correctly, putting the pieces in the right places. I thought it might be dynamically scalable in that you could stratch the window and the board would resize.

alef_bluewhite: 497x354
casino: 497x354
casino_small: 398x283
cthulhu 495x355
cthulhu_small: 396x284
daboo_marble: 497x354
marble: 465x333
Radu's gold: 832x570
wood: 501x364
wooden: 358x420

Now wooden is a strange one in that it has a background behind the board, namely grass. So there must be numbers in this metrics file that control where the pieces get put.

So who wants what for a size for our class projects? I think it's best to all go with the same, so we can refer to dimensions in this thread and have it be correct. I have my monitor set to 1024x768, and I can just barely get the Radu's Gold board to fit, and that's if I turn off the display of the side players window and the bottom system windows. I'm thinking we better stick with the medium size which is most popular, namely 497x354.


Aha Cthulhu! That makes sense now. Thanks
I was typing while you were posting


Quoteok - im in this class - but i may hold you all up - i will try once again to download that gimp stuff - and tell you exactly what goes wrong.... :D

Ok - first issue -with this

QuoteGIMP 2.0 relies on a GUI library called GTK+. You can download both it and GIMP 2.0.2 from here:

do i want FTP or HTTP - and which site and am i downloading from - there are so many options  :wacko:  and the ones i have tried so far (cant remeber which now) didnt work - so can you suggest a box to tick for the best?

I suppose the good bit is i have already done part two  :D
Sorry I missed your question before diane. I must have been typing while you were posting. I found all the sites to be slow in responding, but the bottom one on each seemed to work finally. Some other time may be different, but here is what I got:


YIPEEE i have GIMP - thx for the help - now all i have to do is sort out how on earth it works  :D  - but i am willing - that must be half the battle - i have put the pencils down for a while  :)

Never give up on the things that make you smile


plenty of time to dig in.
hopefully someone else will happen along and join us.
it'll be more fun with more people.


and photoshop file can be load with Gimp
Tomawaky "I feel good da da da da da da da.........i knew that i would now........."


Hello friends,

I am more than willing to participate. Add me to your list!

I would propose, to work on a scalable board, as there are many fixed ones, but only one scaleable is available, as far as I know. But possibly, it is more difficult to design a good looking scaleable board than a fixed one???

I am using Corel Photo Paint, but I think the tool is not the central question, as the picture format is, what counts.

So ... ready, steady, GO :-)

[/font]    B)
Visit "Hardy's Backgammon Pages"


Glad you could join us Hardy! I hope some more happen along here soon.

On vector boards: Cthulhu can correct me, but I think there is only the one vector board, which uses textures. So what you might mean, is generating textures for use with that one vector board. That is different than what I am pursueing here, but certainly a worth side project, so perhaps that will be one of the first things we do in learning to use the tools.

On the Corel PP thing: how advanced is it? Can it do layers? Can it do channels and paths and stuff? There are many many tools out there. I was going to talk specifically about gimp features, which you could skip over and apply to your own tools of course. But if you want a "free upgrade", try to install gimp and see what you think. It may help you use your Corel PP better. I expect about half of what goes on here to be learning how to use gimp specifically.


QuoteI use photoshop and be interested  ;)

I've added some layered photoshop files for download. Included is the FIBS t-shirt design vector artwork from Adobe Illustrator incase anyone would like to use that to make something. (scroll to bottom)


Yeah, I'll be interested to see what gimp does with a layered photoshop file. Thanks!


I already thought, that there is some significant difference between a scaleable board and a board of fixed dimensions. But I do not know, how they work in detail. Where can I find a description of the board-formats for JavaFIBS? A scaleable board is just more flexible, espacially if you sometimes have 1000 chats to handle while playing ;-)

I think, the tool does not matter as long as that main features and formats are supported. As far as I know Corel Photo Paint can do anything what Photoshop can do. Alef's T-Shirt was handled well by Corel. Thanks Alef :-)

Corel also has also channels, but I don't find "paths and stuff"  :lol:
I should warn you: I work a lot of picture, but am not tooo familiar with the more advanced techniques.

I also have Gimp on my machine, but running under Linux. While I do my very best to start loving Linux, Linux is not loving me :-(   So far, I am still a convinced Windows user. Is Gimp available for Windows?

Hardy  B)

Visit "Hardy's Backgammon Pages"


Sounds like Corel will do ya fine. Gimp is indeed available for windows. Follow the links above.

I'll have to go look for a description of vector vs. image boards.


Yes gimp is available for windows - proving it right here  :D   now i just have to figure it out - but not tonight - whoooaaaaaaaaaaa England  :D

Sorry - will be dedicated student from here on in  ;)  
Never give up on the things that make you smile


I should read the discussion CAREFULLY before asking already answered questions ....  :wacko:    ... just downloading ....

BTW, I found some good tutorials, which may help to get used to Gimp's features:

Hardy      B)
Visit "Hardy's Backgammon Pages"


Great Hardy! I think there will be advantages to all using the same software. I'm sure Corel is fine, and I didn't mean to sound like I was bashing it. Let us know when you have it up and running.

And if alef sticks his head in here again....gimp is also available for mac ;)

Tons of tutorials online Hardy. One caution: I have heard gimp 2.x has a significantly different GUI from 1.x. I haven't played with it much yet, so I can't tell how different. When working through any online tut's, just be aware of that.

As a side project, we might consider creating one of our own as we go along, that spans both using gimp and creating a javafibs board. Just a thought.

So back to vector boards. I wonder if Cthulhu could comment on how accurate I was about there being just the one vector board, using the various textures available?

Here is a rough roadmap for this "class":

-materials gathering: gimp and javafibs, plus extra javafibs boards install
-using gimp to generate textures for the vector boards (maybe an online tutorial covering that already?)
-using a template board I have created (creating your own later), experiment with making various changes, i.e. plugging in colors, background images, textures from above, etc...
   - about layers, visibility, active, merging, copying, cut and paste etc...

anyway... let's not go too fast. I'm still hoping others may join us.


OK, I'm downloading Gimp too and will have a look. It's a memorable software name, that's for sure...

Recommended first step:
- copy an existing board or use a template
- just change the colours of the pieces: "playerpiece" and "opponentpiece"


okay, I'm getting the feeling teh pace is too slow now? Let's get to the next step.

alef, you're idea for "first" step is right in line with what I was originally thinking (didn't i post a rough outline of what we would do?), except that someone brought up the idea of vector boards. So, I'm going to take a little side trip into vector boards and textures first, and then get right into what you suggest, i.e. making simple changes to existing boards.

At this point, everyone should have gimp installed and be able to run it, as well as having JavaFibs2001. I will refer to the directory that JavaFibs2001 is installed in simply as javafibs/ hereafter. Remember, if you don't understand something, ASK!
  • Run javafibs (no need to connect to fibs).
  • From the "Preferences" menu, select "Board..."
  • Check the "Vector" box.
Recall from Cthulhu's post earlier, that a vector board has the ability of being stretched to any size. By comparison, the "image" boards can only be the size they are.
  • Click on the "Colours/Textures..." button.
  • Take note of the various components of a board you can change: background, checkers, dice etc...
  • Go ahead and play around with both colours and textures. Notice the vast array of options Cthulhu has given you here. All in a board that is resizeable. Select either a colour or texture, and then hit the "..." button to choose.
Remind me to check the javafibs page for enhancement requests. It occurs to me an "Apply" button would make sense in these popups, to short-circuit the need to keep working through menus. Maybe a preview too, or something.

Anyway, notice that there are many pre-installed textures to choose from. These are installed in the javafibs/textures directory. Go ahead and take a look there. We can add new textures there, and javafibs will automatically recognize them. I don't know what sorts of problems we can cause by adding new ones in unexpected formats and such, but I have a feeling we're going to find out! :)

First, let's confirm that a new file is found. copy javfibs/textures/wood_orange.gif to javafibs/textures/wotest.gif. The next time you bring up the texture selction popup, it should appear there. Note the need for descriptive file names.

okay, to the gimp-mobile!!
  • Start up gimp.
  • Open the new wotest.gif file. If you have trouble getting this far, ASK!
  • There are two general ways to do things in GIMP: from the "toolbox", or from the "right-click menu". As a personal perference, I do most stuff from the menu.
  • I'll let you play around with gimp to alter the image any way you can. Don't worry about making things ugly, we're going to end up erasing this wotest.gif file and starting over once we've learned a few things anyway.
  • Try drawing a short black line using the pencil tool. (ASK!)
  • Save the file (ASK if you need to!)
  • Try the javafibs prefs again, choosing wotest.gif and see the change!
At this point, if you are not able to add some sort of custom change to a vector board, start asking questions and let's get everyone up to this point. I glossed over stuff in a big way, and know that more detail is needed.

Once we have everyone this far, we can start making specific "good" changes, like altering the color of the wood, or changing the direction of the grain etc... Then we'll create our own brand new texture from scratch. Start thinking up ideas.

PLEASE START ASKING QUESTIONS, and answering them for each other too :)


Anyone getting anywhere with this gimp thing - i imported alefs board to have a play with it  - and all i have successfully done so far is plank over the playing surface  :(

Cant find out how to do textures, change colours even!!

Can anyone suggest some easy things i could do to get the hang of the controls - so i am not so far behind when burper gets back?
Never give up on the things that make you smile


Having trouble getting Gimp to run  <_<

Any Mac OS X users who understand X11? I once got gnubg installed, this should be the same sort of thing but having trouble finding instructions.


Hey I just noticed this topic is old as heck, but I wanted to share with you what I made in GIMP:

from all these paths :yes::