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Day trip to Lady Julia Percy Island

Started by diane, March 29, 2011, 12:43:43 PM

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Yesterday turned into a beautiful Autumn day for a trip out in this very interesting schooner. It was definitely a day with a difference.

Some blurb about the ship is available here..

The ship is an interactive experience - with passengers encouraged to do bow watch, anchor, and set and bring down the sails. Climbing the rigging is also an option for the fearless  ;)  It was a pretty impressive activity for those who did it...given many of the passengers were extremely seasick. The boat has a particularly hard to deal with motion of up and down mixed with side to side - so even those used to sailing were struggling. With up to 2 metre swells yesterday, it was quite a motion adventure!!

We had to motor out - as there wasnt enough wind - so that gave lots of time for people to climb the rigging - including two of our group.  Once at the island - we were treated to seals playtime..thousands of them, sleeping, sunning themselves..playing in the water - staying close to the island..leading to a wonderful 'seal soup' image - in this piccy - spot the rocks with flippers..

The water is around 30 metres deep around this island..and crystal clear on a day like yesterday - still we were not graced by a visit from a great white shark..

This could have been considered an improvement on the previous day, when the passengers were treated to the sight of 'half a seal' floating by...  :unsure:

Amongst the interesting sights of an albatross..peregrin falcon, whales and jellyfish...we were treated to a wonderful dolphin experience - when a pod of dolphins came and swam with the boat for a good few hours...frolicking in the wave off the bow.

Once we eventually found some wind..we got three sails up - the top sail requiring two lithe crew members to zip up to the very top and set it! I am told using three sails is pretty rare.

And of course, they had to bring it down again at the end..

The ship was left docked in Portland for its return trip later.

All in all, this was an amazing experience - and is highly recommended for anyone travelling to, or living in Melbourne.
Never give up on the things that make you smile


Thanks for sharing, diane.  Lovely!   :cool:  Were the dogs allowed to go? 


No, 10 hours on a boat might be a bit long for them to 'hold on'...and I cant see them using the portaloo..  :laugh: :laugh:
Never give up on the things that make you smile


my dog fell in/jumped in from the boat yesterday and now finds that he can swim! that after trying to snaffle my sandwiches for most of the trip, growling at buoys (could be a useful trait) and removing the stick from the trailer wheel causing me to career into the water sideways shouting drop it/come back u bugger and  "all sticks are not the same, some are chocks, gaffs, spars and oars leave 'em etc /

(dog  hears 'bla bla bla stick bla bla grr)

great fun first time out this year. looks beautiful over there - great pics - but i wouldn't like the idea of having to do high rigging.
i did my skipper course on a traditional boat - a pilot cutter and the feel of them is just great.

my little open gaffer boat has 2 masts but they aren't very high and i can reach any problems with a boat hook. and at least this trip, young woof didn't chew any ropes.

there is a great book recommended to me about sailing on one of the last square sailed boats by eric newby (best known for 'A Short Walk in the Hindu Kush')  called the The Last Grain Race


10 hours!?   :ohmy:  I'd never make it either!   :laugh:

Stog, you constantly amaze me!  Sometimes in a bad way, but more often in a good way!   :yes:

Nice pics!   :)
