FIBS Board backgammon forum

Backgammon => Fibsboard Forum Matches => FFM 9 => Topic started by: diane on April 07, 2011, 09:44:25 PM

Title: Game 2, move 13: gaspar 4-2
Post by: diane on April 07, 2011, 09:44:25 PM
Position ID: tlkKgA2GzwcLAA

Title: Re: Game 2, move 13: gaspar 4-2
Post by: stog on April 08, 2011, 09:18:28 AM
hi if someone could pick up the running of this match for a while -- we'd be grateful. file attached , but gaspar's last roll may need checking


Title: Re: Game 2, move 13: gaspar 4-2
Post by: stiefnu on April 08, 2011, 12:45:07 PM
Quotegaspar's last roll may need checking
'cos it looks awfully like 6-5 on the diagram, rather than 4-2...
Title: Re: Game 2, move 13: gaspar 4-2
Post by: diane on April 08, 2011, 02:31:57 PM
Ok - posts all sorted - it shows the correct current position - apologies, this morning - I was.....distracted.

I will carry on as is from here when gaspar makes his move - I am enjoying his commentary  ;)
Title: Re: Game 2, move 13: gaspar 4-2
Post by: ah_clem on April 08, 2011, 05:33:50 PM
Ok, I was about to step in, but if you're still on the case I'll stand back.
Title: Re: Game 2, move 13: gaspar 4-2
Post by: gaspar on April 08, 2011, 06:19:12 PM
Ok herdites....well your ill fated attempt to hem me in has failed...just goes to show you the power of gold pt....but i feel for the herd...hard to play back game and blitz game at same time.

so with my 4-2 i will continue my tip toe thru the tulips and play safe with 14-8.

i dont like those long distance indirect shots ....the herd is well equipped with heat seeking dice and will flush out a lone checker hanging around in outfield.

well anyway 5 6 and 4 play well but my 3's are not so hot (unless they come in pairs)

i dont know if i wrote about the ever changing rules regarding fast rolling,  yesteday night i played in a chouette with a fast roller....i swear this guy has moved all of his checkers before the dice have settled on the board.,..very good player and very fast.  in a tourney you can respond to these guys  (female bg players are few and far between unfortunately so it male pronouns for now...except u diane 0--)  you can try and play as fast as they do (which ultimately leads to you making a blunder ..or you can purposely play slow and really piss THEM off....

i played Mr. BG in a live tourney in my early days.  this guy actually had a diamond encrusted ring with a mini BG board on it....he rolled fast and played i decided to match his pace to show i wasnt intimidated and eventually found myself on bar rolling , what i thought to be a dancing number ,,,it was actually a good number to come on but i scooped up my dice.

I realized almost instantly the mistake and i looked across the board at his gleaming bg ring and sinister sneer ... I didnt need to wonder if he would let me play my roll since he looked like the kind of guy who kicks his i just bowed my head and danced for 4 more rolls on my way to the bad side of a gammon and a lesson learned...

yes live bg is an expensive way to learn , but believes me the hard lessons are the ones you remember the best....feel my pain ....