FIBS Board backgammon forum

Backgammon => Fibsboard Forum Matches => FFM 11 => Topic started by: diane on March 04, 2012, 09:15:54 AM

Question: Move?
Option 1: 11/1 votes: 0
Option 2: 11/5, 9/5 votes: 6
Title: Game 5, move 25: Herd 6-4
Post by: diane on March 04, 2012, 09:15:54 AM
ah_clem danced again with 4-1, there are two ways to play this move for the herd, so wonder if anyone would like to venture reasoning as to why any one might be better than the other...

Ok - so there are 3 ways..but I'm not offering the 3rd one unless someone gives me a really good reason to.  ;)
