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Backgammon => Improving your backgammon skills => Topic started by: PillowFighter on October 31, 2016, 01:34:06 PM

Title: Backgammon Studio 3.3!
Post by: PillowFighter on October 31, 2016, 01:34:06 PM

Backgammon Studio keeps improving and today I have updated the version number to 3.3 with these fine improvements:

Backgammon Studio 3.3

Improvements since 3.2:

Some images


More training tracks to enjoy! Current total is 56.


Training tracks needs new action tags which can be used in any number of wonderful ways!


Google/Chrome (and I suspect other browser vendors will follow) will start to complain about sites not using secure connection early next year so I have switched to using this. You should update old links to point to:

to avoid problems. On desktop you should be redirected to https:// but on devices if you have added Backgammon Studio to the home screen these will not automatically redirect and you have to delete/add these links again. If you get a blank screen on your phone/tablet this is likely to be the problem. Also if you have a really old link using you need to update as this now points to Backgammon Studio test server.


Tore Fredriksen wanted to be able to search for positions using pipcount and suggested one usecase: "One practical application is to use this tag for finding cubeactions in short bearoffs".


If you have a very wide screen the board may end up being larger than the screen (it can't be stretched to fit the screen as that would look wrong) you can do some tricks to make it fit the secreen. I guess it might have been possible to force the size to be lower in order to make it fit in these cases but I suspect it can be tricky and error prone.


The users dialog that you can open through the server chat dialog (Other actions/Chat) is now working as a launchpad for playing matches/duels against other players or chatting with friends. It stays up regardless where you are on Backgammon Studio so you could have it open and then watch for your friend to log on...


If you haven't been able to enter the top 5 highscore list (It is very hard!) your best score is displayed at the bottom to give you a quick input on how far you are from making the top 5. Suggested by Hall.

In other news

Backgammon Studio has moved to a new and bigger server. You probably won't notice anything as the old one was able to deal with the current level of traffic but I'm optimistic that Backgammon Studio could increase in popularity! :-)


Backgammon Studio now has over 5000 matches in the database and it keeps growing! I'm pretty happy about that.

I have been working a bit on fixing the last remaining problems with the consultation match feature and it now looks like all serious problems are resolved. There was a problem with displaying cube action errors where it turned out gnu bg (which evaluates the position on the server) had a tendency to swap the position it received making the result wildly off. (https://"") The swiss army knife of backgammon! :-)

Best regards,