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should we moderate/censor more strictly or stay as 'fluid' as we can

Started by stog, March 29, 2011, 02:04:56 PM

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Quote from: socksey on April 02, 2011, 01:27:17 AM
I'm just thrilled moonshadow used someone else's name in his last 2 posts!   :veryhappy: :veryhappy:

One reason a dog can be such a comfort when you're feeling blue is that he doesn't try to find out why. ~ Author Unknown

Thank goodness the vote is coming out to allow this sort of thing to continue    ;)

I prefer the other dog too, is my universal plea  ;)  with this one..I am convinced they do try to find out...and they definitely will try to cheer you up. Mine bring their favourite toys to me...some will bring you their bone to share..they definitely want you to be less blue  :wub:
Never give up on the things that make you smile


Quote from: sixty_something on April 02, 2011, 01:23:50 AM
but this seems as off topic here as it was at the TPR thread

Yeah, there wasnt an ideal location for it...the gammonbot thread didnt seem right either - and stand alone seemed a bit least this is a thread where we are already bickering  ;)
Never give up on the things that make you smile


when as the self-proclaimed Czar you appointed the new Sheriff in town.  - quote moonshadow

Well since 60 started the Bloody Mary Tourney, he has every right to appoint whomever as interim TD.  He has also spent countless hours compiling statistics, and organizing seasonal championships.....  What do you do but spew venom?
Your hostility towards 60 seems to increase weekly, if not daily. 

Sorry stog, leave it as is, you are doing a fine job. 
I would rather be villified for doing the right thing, than be praised for doing the wrong thing. -unknown, very likely it was me.


Quote from: manxcat on April 03, 2011, 03:34:19 PM
when as the self-proclaimed Czar you appointed the new Sheriff in town.  - quote moonshadow

Well since 60 started the Bloody Mary Tourney, he has every right to appoint whomever as interim TD.  He has also spent countless hours compiling statistics, and organizing seasonal championships.....  What do you do but spew venom?
Your hostility towards 60 seems to increase weekly, if not daily.  

Sorry stog, leave it as is, you are doing a fine job.  

My comment from another thread has nothing to do with the topic of this thread and neither does the manner in which the Bloody Mary is organized, which is in yet another thread.

As I've already expressed my opinion to leave it 'as is' in this thread, if you are going to mention me here in a subsequent post and you agree with me, then logically you should have said something like, "I agree with moonshadow's brilliant insight and therefore voted to leave the moderation 'as is'.

The others posts in this thread of mine relating to sixty_something were originally moved here from the Tournament Ranking thread because they were, as I admitted,  off topic, and I asked those posts be moved, though I didn't think they should have been moved "here" as they didn't quite fit.  Though my posts were off topic, sixty_something has readily admitted to hijacking his own thread by making specific asides to a response I had made to him in the putative gammonbot thread and where he had chosen not to post.

That being said, those responses of mine to sixty_something's admitted hijacking of his own thread have been put in this thread, where it really doesn't fit either, as its 'off topic', but this is where it ended up. (sixty something has since deleted the Neville comments in that post to which I had responded.)

The context of my "when as the self-proclaimed Czar you appointed the new Sheriff in town" quote.

sixty_something did call himself the "Czar" and he did refer to TD Vic as the "Sheriff" and I merely used his own language against him in attempting to drive home my point.  It was quite a lengthy "response" and I was quite passionate for reasons I've already stated in that thread, but which you have dishonestly not mentioned, as it quite doesn't fit your attempted smear of me 'spewing venom" or being "hostile" to to sixty_something on a "daily" basis.

Yes, I was a bit passionate about sixty_something's thinking and the comment he made where he attempted to blame "all of us" for TD Vic being shout banned,  when he knows full well that's not true and I simply called him on it.

My second post explaining my first "response" there to sixty_something--as well as some exchanges with socksey-- was quite conciliatory, straightforward and could in no way be construed as "hostile" except by an illiterate or someone with a persecution complex.

QuoteGranted, I was quite passionate, partially because someone as perceptive and intelligent as sixty_something sought to collectively blame all of us for the actions of the TD he had appointed to run the Bloody Marry, which is in itself an insult to those of us who had nothing to do with his TD being shout banned.

Furthermore, TD Vic is a very visible and public figure who is very vocal, so to speak, and should not be afforded the protection granted to weaker and lower profile individuals.

And yes, I was rather caustic and scathing and I could have toned that down, but that had nothing to do with .   .    .  

So I said to go ahead and just nuke it, I would not give you any flack over it, but you deferred .  .   .  

Your failure to mention that was perhaps an oversight? Or was this just outright dishonesty?

Your claim that as the Bloody Mary TD founder,  sixty_something has the right to appoint whomever he wishes as interim TD.

I agree. I've never questioned that.  Irrelevant.

Your claim that sixty_something has  "spent countless hours compiling statistics, and organizing seasonal championships"

I agree. But this is irrelevant to anything I have posted.

Your claim that I spew nothing but venom.

Balderdash.  You disagree with my opinions and my analysis but can't refute my arguments.

Your claim that my hostility towards sixty_something increases daily and weekly.

False. (or stupid, or an outright lie.)

This is pretty easily disproved in that I certainly haven't shouted daily or weekly abuse at poor sixty_something and neither have I daily posted "hostile" posts.

sixty_something himself realizes I have only been taking him to task over some of his ideas and he has posted as much elsewhere.  He even has taken a fancy to my comparison of him to Neville Chamberlain (for those ignorant of history, Neville was not an evil, unlikable man.)

In any case, what you attributed to me regarding sixty_something is not true and I would appreciate a retraction.



this is getting absurdly deep .. regardless, i love the passion of everyone involved in these debates .. thank God we're armed only with words and dice .. all things considered, i'd rather roll dice than type

methinnks we need convene a Beer Summit .. make mine a Shiner Bock, Neville will have a Guinness :beerdrinkers:
A little inaccuracy sometimes saves tons of explanation. -- Unknown
e-mail me


And a nice beer fueled brawl to cap the night.  Go for the knuckles gentlemen (makes the next day's typing a tad challenging).

I'll play for team 'Guinness' and I'll only fight someone who's clearly weaker than me.




we have further refined the system here now such that the semi-censored trash board is still out of public domain, but open to all registered fibsboarders. This continues to give folks a voice, but i ask again that we try and keep to topic , not cut paste fibs shouts - he said/she said etc and make an effort to put our point across,without cursing or attacking, and without naming names wherever possible.

i have just dumped a thread, which  had  too much personal stuff, and fibs shout type attacking, into the semi censored trash board

although we are  responsible for not allowing personal attacks, we haven't the time/energy to edit posts or  get into arguments about what should or should not be allowed, nor are we online 24 hours in, so i think in future, we will just dump stuff like this in semicensored trash which is then at least out of public domain. But beware "Abandon all hope all ye who enter"

there are no bans on Fibsboard at present (except spammers), but we reserve the right to bin, censure or ban at will, maybe without explanation, and request that all try and consider carefully before posting.

How people treat you is their karma

How you react is yours

by all means as was suggested elsewhere, consider if your mother would like what you are about to post,
but if your mother is a vindictive spiteful sh** stirring hag, you may need to imagine a better rolemodel)


When I took up this game I never thought I'd encounter so much drama.


Never give up on the things that make you smile