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too many spammy posts from tourneybot

Started by josephmcg, November 17, 2015, 11:55:36 AM

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There are occasionally some interesting posts in here - but they are not easy to find, because the 'most recent posts' and 'recent topics' are always dominated by automated posts from tourneyBot.

This means that any attempt to have an actual discussion gets lost.

I think the forum would be much improved if tourneyBot posted once-per-week instead  of several times a day.


This post had 198 views since I posted it 2 weeks ago - that's quite a lot.

Unfortunately, I've had no response from admins yet, and no response from tourneyBot.  I see there's a board specifically for TourneyBot - I'll post there aswell.


it may be that some of those 198 views are from visiting bots.. ;)

the more real folks post -- the fewer posts tbot seems to make ;)

also bear in mind tbot is auto updating results and leagues and so shows as posts...

also as the forum has been running for a very long time -- many of the questions folks may ask have already been answered and are available to view in search

enjoy the forum


QuoteUnfortunately, I've had no response from admins yet, and no response from tourneyBot.  I see there's a board specifically for TourneyBot - I'll post there aswell.

i think you will be waiting for a response for  a while as it is only a reporting robot -- i on the other hand do look in and respond from time to time



This was an issue I raised nearly 4 years ago - see  > Bots & other tech stuff > TourneyBot > News: Automatic Postings to FIBS Board, 21st January, 2012.  Stog kindly suggested ways of customising FIBS Board to suit your particular preferences.  Sad to relate, these never really made much sense to me so I still find the welter of TourneyBot postings in Recen Topics a frustration - but it's one I've learned to live with.



ok after a little work i may have the solution ;) stiefnu you no longer have to live with it! Most Recent Posts (front page top right) should now not show autobot tourney posts!!

recent topics centrally below the pic of the day remains unaffected

let me know if there are any problems (my coding is rough rough rough!


Since this IS a backgammon forum, it seems natural that folks would like to see the tourney results here.  I, for one, just go in and click on the posts I want to see, and delete all the rest easily.   :yes:


We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude. - Cynthia Ozick


well they are still all available in Recent topics below the picture (and tourneybot results LH  block link) and Show unread posts since last visit in top left, so i hope that suits everyone (but they did kinda fill up the lal recent post block on the top right!


Quote from: stog on December 04, 2015, 04:31:12 PM
ok after a little work i may have the solution ;) stiefnu you no longer have to live with it! Most Recent Posts (front page top right) should now not show autobot tourney posts!!

recent topics centrally below the pic of the day remains unaffected

let me know if there are any problems (my coding is rough rough rough!

Thanks, Stog, much appreciated!
