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Somewhat humorous encounter on FIBS ...

Started by maria, March 23, 2010, 04:44:43 PM

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Okay so this guy invites me.  I check first to make sure he's not a PhoneUser, and join him.
Here is a short summary of how our kibitzing went.
Names have been changed to protect the innocent. <giggle>

Inviter:  asl

Me:  Sorry I only speak English.

Inviter:  it's internet jargon

Me:  what is internet?

Inviter:  age sex location

Me:  I forget.  I have early Altzheimer's.

Inviter:  forget it

Me:  Forget what?

LOL.  We then proceeded to play and just as I was about to win, he dropped.

:cry:   :puke:   :cry: