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iphones/ipods etc what do you want to see/ any suggestions

Started by stog, December 26, 2008, 07:10:11 PM

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Ok, at the risk of looking really dumb - we can get FIBS on the iPhone???!!!   :cool:

Can anyone tell me how??   :blush:

[5 minutes later]
Ok - I'm there!  :)



Speaking as a non-phone player, one feature i would like to see is,
As soon as the game turns into a race, enable greedy bearoffs, or at least ask the user if they want to enable greedy bearoffs.

I don't mind waiting a bit pretending that my opponent is thinking about what to do with his opening 6-1, but when bearing off a 5-3, i keep thinking about the poor guy (no gender neutral anonymous noun in english) fat fingering dragging the 5 to the bar, oops that was a 4 undo drag a 5 to the bar...



Hi dickbalaska,

at the moment the user has to enable a certain gesture (slide towards your playing direction) to enable Greedy Bearoffs. That option is in the preferences and I must admit that people who never played at FIBS may tend to ignore this, I have no stats about this ;) Enabling it totally automtically might be a bit confusing for the average beginner but I'll consider it for the next update, thx for you feedback.
