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Open letter to Stog and fibsboard community !!

Started by vegasvic, September 01, 2013, 03:23:16 PM

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I fine is so ironic that i post anything on this forum and the  "tossers" so well put by garp ... since being one .

After they fill the thread with filth , move the thread, like they had nothing to do with it .

Maybe Stog you shout have  diane keep her comments to her self if she is to moderate this page .

You all make me Laugh !! seriously make me laugh ...


I agree it wasn't right to move this entire thread to limbo. There were several interesting posts in it, regarding the tournament rules (f.i. from Tom, socksey and diane herself) and some funny remarks (always subjective, I know) that I don't think anyone would be offended by. I put the (IMO) on-topic and funny posts back to the chit-chat forum.
The fascist's feelings of insecurity run so deep that he desperately needs a classification of some things as successful or superior and other things as failed or inferior. This also underlies the fascist's embracement of concepts like mental illness and IQ tests.  - R.J.V.

Luck is my main skill


Robert J Ebbeler


Bob ,
My problem's on fibs started when i associated my self with you and rollingfool and  took you to lunch in Detroit .

Patti never was the same towards me after that .  :lol:

I should have known better .  :ban:



I fine ironicness not under stood much.

Mine post re-moved.

Has Vik stooped taking her pills?


Quote from: vegasvic on September 01, 2013, 03:23:16 PM
You all make me Laugh !! seriously make me laugh ...

In my eyes, this makes you a laughing stock.  :laugh:

Your message is more than a little garbled, but I get the gist of it.  Your imagination seems to be working overtime, and you also seem to display a bit of a persecution complex. Perhaps the reaction of peeps both here and at FIBS has something to do with the way that you have talked/ranted at them over a protracted period - from my viewpoint, I think it's hilarious that you got banned for such an innocuous reason, but hey ho!  That said, I wouldn't consider, even for one second, of putting in a good word for you.  

Think on it - as you sow so shall you reap, what goes around comes around, etc etc etc.


Quote from: Zorba on September 01, 2013, 04:40:16 PM
I agree it wasn't right to move this entire thread to limbo. There were several interesting posts in it, regarding the tournament rules (f.i. from Tom, socksey and diane herself) and some funny remarks (always subjective, I know) that I don't think anyone would be offended by. I put the (IMO) on-topic and funny posts back to the chit-chat forum.
I moved the whole thing for ease, it had degenerated, as they always do. I didn't see any positive coming from it.

'Limbo' does not delete anything, nor stop members seeing or participating, it just puts it out of the 'public' view..

Quotethis is "limbo" ......trash; a non public Board where fibsboarders get the chance to view/ignore and/or comment/vote away, a post, poll or topic, a board where harassed moderators can put the "unsure". Abandon Hope all ye who enter here"

I still think that is where that thread belongs, the point was made, there is no new information or information for newbies, or for non members to see. It is the same old debate by the same old people, and they can continue to have it at will, in the limbo section, IMO.
Never give up on the things that make you smile


Oh, and this one should be there too, since it is just another name calling session, really. One more post with my name in it and I wont just move it next time...
Never give up on the things that make you smile


we all as moderators try to 'allow' expression on this Forum, but at what point does the playful 'jibing' become personal?

have we the time or patience at a particular time to 'moderate' correctly? are we all the same as moderators - 4 of us?

no is the answer

i have provided the Limbo board (non Public viewing) for those times we feel we need to moderate but wish to 'allow' and not 'delete'

when i watched the thread progress ; i came to Garp's post and wanted to move it, but realised it was also nihol's post that needed to be moved as well -- so i attempted to move both, but ended up moving whole topic (and i was in a rush to get to work) so then i moved the topic back, and remembered i must choose 'split' as the way to moderate..

i also removed names used in non accurate quotes etc -- all time that could have been spent on forum admin that will now have to wait

obviously we need to ensure posters edit their own posts, do not unnecessarily name and do not rise unnecessarily to bait.

we do not usually allow verbatim quotes from Fibs shouts -- although the Kiwi ban topic did i feel need  the quoting

we also want to be able to enjoy 'banter'

we as moderators don't always have the time/patience but..

i will certainly ban all those that transgress the rules of personal slagging and refuse to edit/re-read their own posts , and i remind all of our credos here below

Fibsboard provides an area where citizens of the various nations who use FIBS, can contribute a more considered and more permanent,  searchable, re-readable view, than is possible in the live flow of public chat on FIBS itself.

"One word of warning, though: at times some of the discussions carried on FIBS via shouts (i.e. readable by everyone) is, well, kind of "low level" and not for the faint hearted. If this disturbs you, you can use commands to gag and/or blind the offending people. "

Fibsboard however is different, apart from the option of not viewing, it is open to the public, with no option to blind/gag -- except by the admin..

we repeat

"this is a reminder for all of us to keep to topic and put across our views without getting petty and personal. we will not, and cannot allow tirades of abuse, as may sometimes occur in FIBs shouts here on Fibsboard - this being an open public forum albeit membered by adults. we have introduced a yellow and red card system here - as is used in football, where a yellow card is a booking -the post removed or moved, the ability to post removed, if later you get another card, you get a red, and you loose both posting ability and much access to the boards

obviously we reserve the right to totally ban too."

      ..................................................................................................otherwise enjoy yourselves :)     stog

How people treat you is their karma

How you react is yours


Thank you Stog and Zorba not leaving it only up to Socksey to do the right thing and take the  bashing from someone's ratpack .


After don was banned from FIBS, I was a solid citizen for months. But without don, I had too much time on my hands and was bored. It was then that I fell into vic's daily drama. Unfortunately, I was associated with him, tarred by his brush, if you will. This negative association overshadowed all my positive accomplishments at FIBS and when Patti shout-banned vic, I was soon to follow.

I now know that vic was a bad influence. I advise young and naïve fibsroids to avoid his drama. No good can come from it.

Robert J Ebbeler



You are too much for words :)

Does anyone else think that if you cube after you have gone over match point that you will roll a double ? besides Ms KMA ?

i want to see hands

Seriously, why could you guys not get your selves to say , KMA was wrong ?

All it does is show your bias .

edit stog removed unnecessary names 3/9/13