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Questions about RepBot, dropped games and JavaFibs

Started by rir_sr, December 08, 2006, 06:15:07 PM

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I am new to FIBS - I have some questions.

I have now been dropped seven times and this results in saved games.  In most instances I was at the point of winning.  I have duly notified RepBot of the droppers' name.  I see that my RepBot reputation is Bad.  Bad, Bad, Bad.  How does RepBot reconcile players that have been dropped to players that drop?

Secondly, I am embarrassed to say that I do not know how to recall a saved game where a bad connection has caused a drop.  I cannot find any reference in the manual to this.

Also, I cannot find any clear description of how to use the communication tools (shourt, tell, whisper etc) in JavaFIBS.   

Finally, I still cannot make the programmable buttons work in JavaFIBS.  I am trying to programme 'tell RepBot ask %player'.  I does not do anything.  Also, can I add the button (once it works) to the menu bar?


QuoteHow does RepBot reconcile players that have been dropped to players that drop?

Repbot reconciles nothing.  Repbot us just a tool to help in the quest to know who the droppers are.  Sometimes players who are complained on reciprocate with a complaint back.  To overcome this takes experience and other vouches.  Just keep playing fairly and when you are about to lose a match, ask your opponent to vouch for you.

QuoteSecondly, I am embarrassed to say that I do not know how to recall a saved game where a bad connection has caused a drop.  I cannot find any reference in the manual to this.

The Fibs command to see saved matches is, "show saved".  Fibs commands may be found at

QuoteAlso, I cannot find any clear description of how to use the communication tools (shout, tell, whisper etc) in JavaFIBS.

If you click on the tab/arrow that shows shout (left lower corner), a display of choices will emerge.  Just click on the one you want.   

QuoteI still cannot make the programmable buttons work in JavaFIBS.

There is a thead here on fibsboard where that can be found.  You might search for that to find more info and ideas on the buttons function, but for now, you may be clicking on "ok" instead of "add" when you try to program the button.  You must click on "add", then the button will appear on the menu bar.

Hope that helps.


"From an early age I was aware of what America meant, and how the Marines at Camp Pendleton were ready to defend us at a moment's notice. I also remember what fabulous bodies those troops had." - Heather Locklear, Actress


Thank you - but regarding the saved names - I know how to see them, what I do not know how to do is go back to my opponent and ask to resume a saved game.  In the past, when a connection has dropped, my opponent has come back to me and offered to resume the saved game.  How do I do this?


Click on the name, and invite "resume".  It's done just like you invite otherwise, except you must find "resume" where the match invite number is by scrolling above the invite to 1 point.

For having played as many matches as you have, you have not explored your client very much.  Use the "help" feature and find what you need to know by reading a lot.   ;)  Another thing you might try, is check the list of players with javafibs.  Find one who has a lot of experience and ask them.   :)

Here is a link to more help with the buttons:,1171.0.html

Check the forum topic on Javafibs also.  There is lots of helpful info there. 


"You can't shake hands with a clenched fist." -Indira Gandhi


Agian, thanks for taking the time - but I did say I have read the manual thoroughly and can find no reference to retreiving saved games to resume a game.  I can find references to retreiveing completed games for review. 

On one hand, I cannot but appreciate your time, on the other, being admonished for not trying all options open to me having examined all those options is slightly galling.  My main interest is playing backgammon.  I spend my day supporting my IT clients and I do not really want to wrestle with a front end that is not obvious.

Thanks again for your help.


Your welcome, I think.


"A period novel! About the Civil War! Who needs the Civil War now -- who cares?" - Herbert R. Mayes (Editor of the Pictorial Review ), turning down a prepublication offer to serialize Margaret Mitchell's novel Gone with the Wind, 1936


I have a programmable button "tell RepBot ask %Player" and it works.
It works on the person you select in the player list and of course needs RepBot to be logged in.

Maybe the capital "P" is important?

Another nice button:

"tell RepBot list %Player"

And of course, under the "M" button:

"tell RepBot vouch mookie"
The fascist's feelings of insecurity run so deep that he desperately needs a classification of some things as successful or superior and other things as failed or inferior. This also underlies the fascist's embracement of concepts like mental illness and IQ tests.  - R.J.V.

Luck is my main skill


Resuming saved games with JavaFIBS is pretty obvious: it says "resume" in the invite Pts: drop down list.
The fascist's feelings of insecurity run so deep that he desperately needs a classification of some things as successful or superior and other things as failed or inferior. This also underlies the fascist's embracement of concepts like mental illness and IQ tests.  - R.J.V.

Luck is my main skill


Quote from: Zorba on December 09, 2006, 03:49:01 PM
Maybe the capital "P" is important?

Just for the records: The capital letter is important indeed!

Hardy  B)
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