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TourneyBot, light side or dark side?

Started by don, June 24, 2004, 10:02:27 AM

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I've been thinking.  (Now there's a scary thought!)

As near as I can tell from reading topics on the Tbot forum, every, or almost every, comment I've made about the operation of TourneyBot has been covered here, and I've been on the side of "right", with one exception.  First, let me cite a few of my gripes, and the "solutions".

My first recorded gripe was about a TBot director who gagged me for using "tell" and expected me to play.  I seem to have seen a lot of comments about how Tbot directors should use "tell" since then.  I've seen nothing about how that particular director bragged about her 50th post, which was a flame.  I'd not named her, she named herself.  My point was that Tbot directors should be familiar with FIBS.  So I brought up a point without pointing any fingers, was flamed for it, and now it appears to be status-quo.

I admit I was a bit tweaked at the general Tbot-moderators' complacency to flames when another Tbot moderator accidentally kibitzed a multi-line status message as I was playing, which was intended for shouts.  I informed that person of his mistake, he kibitzed another multi-line status message, and (I forget if it was after the third or fouth time) I informed him that I would gag and blind him if he did it again.  We all know what happened then.  What we all don't know is that that moderator alternated, for the next few days, between apology and denial.  The current version is, I made it all up, and I'm a liar, and it never happened.  I feel sorry for that particular twisted moderator.  Apologize one day, deny the next.

While I'm at it, I might as well comment on my take on kibitzing.  It's a FIBS thing, and the only people who can control it are the players in the match.  If you read this forum, you will see that before any issues with kibitzing ever came up, THAT was an acknowleged fact.  It is possible that I should have avoided blinding and gagging a Tbot director who was making multi-line kibitzes, after being asked not to do so.  Perhaps I should have either tolerated it or taken some time off from the TourneyBot match to help him with his GUI.  Oh well.

Apparantly, the final straw was when I laughed at yet-another Tbot moderator who rudely informed me that I *couldn't* kibitz.  She didn't *allow* kibitzes.  Neither player had a problem, but the director halted the match for 20 minutes, when you can see here that she had no reason to do so, at least according to public commentary about TourneyBot.  She was trying to figure out how to stop me for one line, and trying to persuade the players to gag/blind.  They refused.

So here's my point:  Apparantly, there are a hundred hidden comments, or more, located here on FIBSboard.  Sometimes moderators cite them to flame me, and other times they deny they exist.  I've heard that one moderator was banned from this source of secret information, and I know that other moderators are unwilling to participate honestly in this secret, and sometimes non-existent, forum, for fear of retaliation by the honchos of TourneyBot.  One moderator accidentally sent comments from this non-existent forum to me instead of feeding them to Biggles for flames on FIBS in shouts.  He still hadn't gained control of his GUI.   OOPS!

What I see is that my two major "sins" are acknowleged truths of Tourneybot:  That "tell" is the preferred medium; that it is up to individual players to decide to use FIBS commands like "gag" and "blind".  This is as it should be.  What I also see is TourneyBot directors who are afraid to speak their minds, TourneyBot directors who are punished for suggesting that I might have a point of view, and TourneyBot directors who are in conflict over whether their actions should be in public or private.

What I do know is that there is more than one moderator of TourneyBot who is using it as a flaming tool, directed at me.  What I also know is that secrecy can only lead to cabalistic behavior.  What's the secret?  Who is afraid?  I'm not afraid, but some Tbot moderators are.  I've even been asked to reveal my sources to the secret that apparantly doesn't exist -- or it does, depending on who's talking and when.  I suggest open behavior instead, and perhaps weeding out TourneyBot directors who use TourneyBot to furthur a grudge.  This is far more important than the ignorance and imcompetence of some moderators in their use of TourneyBot and FIBS.

Tourneybot is an excellent idea and an asset to FIBS, and I thank all moderators for their contribution to this worthy project, except when a few attempt to establish some clique of control for their own egos, at the expense of TourneyBot.

So many string dimensions, so little space time...


This really is too funny:  burper says I twist the truth and make up lies, when all he's ever done here is flame me in response to anything I've said.  If he's ever made an intelligent effort to respond to anything I've said, it must be in that mysterious moderators' forum, which seems to exist one day, gone the next.  Or else I've missed it.

Say burper, why don't you try making statements in public that aren't flames?  I'm a reasonable fellow.  Much of my "disrespect" for TBot moderators is due to their tendency to leap into flames instead of considering and discussing facts (unless those discussions take place in that mysterious moderators' forum....).

So many string dimensions, so little space time...


I was going to post a parcel today - but then i didnt have time   :rolleyes:  
Never give up on the things that make you smile


I got curious about the sequence of events on the many boards here involving my disagreements with some TBot directors, so I decided to sort out the time-line.  I've no doubt made some errors in cut-and-paste, but over the last couple of days, between moves on FIBS, I've come up with the following list of "relevent" posts.

I believe if you examine them in sequence, you will find that I started out quite polite and attempted to keep doing so, though there were times when I reacted.  The format of this list is:

1-- date -- poster
2-- topic title
3-- "usually a quote that is a brief essence of post"
4-- occasionally used as a comment or rating

It's all sequential.

I'm not attempting to present myself as perfect here, nor always correct.  I suggest that I have yet to see or meet anyone else who is perfect.  I think the sequence of posts here on FIBSBoard is educational.


Feb 10 2004, 08:50 AM -- burper
Banning people from tournaments
"Banning is a neccesary evil. It should be used with great discretion"

Feb 10 2004, 03:23 PM -- webrunner
Banning people from tournaments
"i think a closed forum is not the way to go"

Feb 10 2004, 04:07 PM -- MadMatt
Banning people from tournaments
"The mailing list at the webpage has been created for the purpose of discussing stuff..."

Feb 11 2004, 07:21 AM -- burper
Banning people from tournaments
"Be objective"

Feb 19 2004, 10:26 AM -- socksey
Banning people from tournaments
"good idea, i think to have a private forum for directors "

Feb 21 2004, 06:54 PM -- webrunner
Banning people from tournaments
"This way the suggested player and other players can respond and defend themselves"

Apr 1 2004, 01:17 AM -- don
TBot director qualifications, ..they should know FIBS
comment:  I made this post naming no names, was not expecting a conflict.

Apr 1 2004, 01:39 AM -- jinnate
TBot director qualifications, ..they should know FIBS
comment:  jinnate's 50th post, she named herself
rating: flame

Apr 1 2004, 02:09 AM -- don
TBot director qualifications, ..they should know FIBS

Apr 1 2004, 02:15 AM -- diane
TBot director qualifications, ..they should know FIBS
"That sort of covers my reaction to that too!! (the HUH? that is)."

Apr 1 2004, 08:03 AM -- burper
TBot director qualifications, ..they should know FIBS
comment: asks for restate

Apr 1 2004, 12:43 PM -- JonJon
TBot director qualifications, ..they should know FIBS

Apr 1 2004, 06:34 PM -- diane
TBot director qualifications, ..they should know FIBS
"..needs some straightening out "

Apr 1 2004, 11:27 PM -- don
TBot director qualifications, ..they should know FIBS
comment:  I reiterate

Apr 1 2004, 11:43 PM -- JonJon
TBot director qualifications, ..they should know FIBS
"Who was the TD in question and what tourney number was it?"

Apr 1 2004, 11:54 PM -- don
TBot director qualifications, ..they should know FIBS
"JonJon, this is not about me being "wronged". I'm only suggesting.."

Apr 2 2004, 01:19 AM -- jinnate
dear don, enough
"i admit to being already distracted by another program i was running.."

Apr 2 2004, 09:28 PM  -- don
dear don, enough
"jinnate, now that it's no secret who the director was. .."

Apr 3 2004, 12:04 AM -- burper
dear don, enough
"I don't like when someone is slandered."

Apr 3 2004, 04:04 AM -- alef
dear don, enough
"The FIBS bullies will use any tactics they can "

Apr 3 2004, 11:37 PM -- don
dear don, enough
"Burper, you are just trying to stir up a fire. "

Apr 4 2004, 01:16 PM -- burper
dear don, enough
"There are two types of people in the world."

Apr 5 2004, 06:46 PM -- socksey
TBot director qualifications, ..they should know FIBS
"I think don needs to be a tourney director."

Apr 6 2004, 05:08 AM -- diane
TBot director qualifications, ..they should know FIBS
"You do make it sound easy"

Apr 6 2004, 05:41 AM -- burper
dear don, enough
"Can't you just admit that you stalked Jinnate "
Comment:  huh?

Apr 6 2004, 08:03 PM -- PortWine
dear don, enough
"I like a good debate,"

Apr 6 2004, 10:27 AM -- socksey
TBot director qualifications, ..they should know FIBS
"Exactly, diane! Yes, Don, you should try it before you criticize"

Apr 10 2004, 01:27 PM -- aslengyel
dear don, enough
"As a happy end "

Apr 14 2004, 06:11 PM -- diane
kibitzing during a tourney
"As the tourney director - and with FIBS set up as it is - there is nothing i can do ..."

Apr 18 2004, 10:30 PM -- socksey
kibitzing during a tourney
"The rules of etiquette forbid kibitzing amongst observers..."
comment:  Only if either player objects.

Apr 19 2004, 07:36 AM -- burper
kibitzing during a tourney
"The players in the match can always use gag/blind if they care. If they don't care, why should the TD?..."

Apr 19 2004, 01:28 PM -- socksey
kibitzing during a tourney
"burper, and you are right...."

Apr 19 2004, 06:51 PM -- diane
kibitzing during a tourney
"..just wanted to second sockseys statement..."

May 15 2004, 08:45 PM -- diane
kibitzing during a tourney
"Time to rake this up again - cos of - well, we all know who..."
comment:  diane failed to mention her rude comment, nor boardking's response.  I hope it's in her log on the secret moderator board.
rating:  silly in terms of previous posts

May 31 2004, 09:09 AM -- diane
Drunken TD's, Port :)
"no one has complained so far!! "

Jun 1 2004, 11:23 AM -- JonJon
Burpers Complaint Against Me
"I don't so much support Don as I have moral objection to the way the Don situation was handled"
comment:  JonJon appears to be referring to some communications on the mythical TBot private board

Jun 1 2004, 02:23 PM -- webrunner
Burpers Complaint Against Me
"I'll have to close this topic down."

Jun 10 2004, 12:12 AM -- don
Drunken TD's, Port :)
"one of the worst abusers has admitted here to being drunk while running a tourney"

Jun 20 2004, 12:04 AM -- JonJon
Fare the well
"I hereby renounce my membership as a TD and in Fibsboard."

Jun 21 2004, 01:05 AM -- don
I'd hoped it was done too.
"From PortWine (Jun 20 23:00 PDT): you love this sh** don;t you you not a nice person....go kill yourself"

Jun 21 2004, 07:05 AM -- PortWine
I'd hoped it was done too.
"I ask the FIBS community to ignore don's attacks."
comment:  flame

Jun 21 2004, 09:01 PM -- don
kibitzing during a tourney
comment:  I discover diane's comment and try to explain.

Jun 21 2004, 12:10 PM -- socksey
I'd hoped it was done too.
"I just have a hard time believing that any of our ... TD's would be afraid"

Jun 21 2004, 03:56 PM -- gogogoiz
I'd hoped it was done too.
"there is NO Secret board"

Jun 21 2004, 09:29 PM -- socksey
I'd hoped it was done too.
"Don, I just don't believe they exist."

Jun 22 2004, 07:27 PM -- don
burper, Is he schizo or something?
"The background was that burper was watching me ... flaming in shouts"

Jun 24 2004, 02:02 AM -- don
TourneyBot, light side or dark side?
"I've been on the side of "right" "

Jun 25 2004, 09:32 AM -- alef
Fare the well
"I took the step of booting out JonJon."

Jun 25 2004, 11:08 AM -- burper
TBot director qualifications, ..they should know FIBS
"i find it an honor and a privilege that my 500th posting..."
rating:  flame

Jun 25 2004, 04:35 PM -- don
TBot director qualifications, ..they should know FIBS
"Just about what I've learned to expect from burper"

Jun 25 2004, 04:40 PM -- don
Fare the well
"That [secret] TourneyBot closed forum ... sure seems to cause a lot of grief!"

Jun 25 2004, 05:58 PM -- don
TourneyBot, light side or dark side?
"Say burper, why don't you try making statements in public that aren't flames?"

Jun 25 2004, 11:32 PM -= BrizzyLions
Fare the well
"I can't imagine that JonJon was booted from anywhere."

Jun 26 2004, 07:58 PM -- don
burper, Is he schizo or something?
"From TourneyDon (Jun 26 05:23 PDT):"
comment:  burper creates a new ID to flame with

Jun 26 2004, 10:42 PM -- JonJon
burper, Is he schizo or something?
"I noticed tonight some new complaints against me..."
comment:  JonJon notices yet another burper fake ID?

Jun 26 2004, 11:18 PM -- don
burper, Is he schizo or something?
"It looks like some TBot directors are breaking rules of FIBS.. JonJon"
comment:  burper and Port are shown to draw in an innocent bystander.

Jun 27 2004, 03:14 AM -- diane
burper, Is he schizo or something?
"burper is no longer a TD"

So many string dimensions, so little space time...


This is a transcript of an actual conversation which I think has more of a bearing on the situation.  I encourage everyone to read it and it may shed some light onto the issues:

Abbott: Well Costello, I'm going to New York with you. You know Bookie Harris, the Yankee's manager, gave me a job as coach for as long as you're on the team.

Costello: Look Abbott, if you're the coach, you must know all the players.

Abbott: I certainly do.

Costello: Well you know I've never met the guys. So you'll have to tell me their names, and then I'll know who's playing on the team.

Abbott: Oh, I'll tell you their names, but you know it seems to me they give these ball players now-a-days very peculiar names.

Costello: You mean funny names?

Abbott: Strange names, pet Dizzy Dean...

Costello: His brother Daffy.

Abbott: Daffy Dean...

Costello: And their French cousin.

Abbott: French?

Costello: Goofè.

Abbott: Goofè Dean. Well, let's see, we have on the bags, Who's on first, What's on second, I Don't Know is on third...

Costello: That's what I want to find out.

Abbott: I say Who's on first, What's on second, I Don't Know's on third.

Costello: Are you the manager?

Abbott: Yes.

Costello: You gonna be the coach too?

Abbott: Yes.

Costello: And you don't know the fellows' names?

Abbott: Well I should.

Costello: Well then who's on first?

Abbott: Yes.

Costello: I mean the fellow's name.

Abbott: Who.

Costello: The guy on first.

Abbott: Who.

Costello: The first baseman.

Abbott: Who.

Costello: The guy playing...

Abbott: Who is on first!

Costello: I'm asking YOU who's on first.

Abbott: That's the man's name.

Costello: That's who's name?

Abbott: Yes.

Costello: Well go ahead and tell me.

Abbott: That's it.

Costello: That's who?

Abbott: Yes.


Costello: Look, you gotta first baseman?

Abbott: Certainly.

Costello: Who's playing first?

Abbott: That's right.

Costello: When you pay off the first baseman every month, who gets the money?

Abbott: Every dollar of it.

Costello: All I'm trying to find out is the fellow's name on first base.

Abbott: Who.

Costello: The guy that gets...

Abbott: That's it.

Costello: Who gets the money...

Abbott: He does, every dollar. Sometimes his wife comes down and collects it.

Costello: Who's wife?

Abbott: Yes.


Abbott: What's wrong with that?

Costello: Look, all I wanna know is when you sign up the first baseman, how does he sign his name?

Abbott: Who.

Costello: The guy.

Abbott: Who.

Costello: How does he sign...

Abbott: That's how he signs it.

Costello: Who?

Abbott: Yes.


Costello: All I'm trying to find out is what's the guy's name on first base.

Abbott: No. What is on second base.

Costello: I'm not asking you who's on second.

Abbott: Who's on first.

Costello: One base at a time!

Abbott: Well, don't change the players around.

Costello: I'm not changing nobody!

Abbott: Take it easy, buddy.

Costello: I'm only asking you, who's the guy on first base?

Abbott: That's right.

Costello: Ok.

Abbott: All right.


Costello: What's the guy's name on first base?

Abbott: No. What is on second.

Costello: I'm not asking you who's on second.

Abbott: Who's on first.

Costello: I don't know.

Abbott: He's on third, we're not talking about him.

Costello: Now how did I get on third base?

Abbott: Why you mentioned his name.

Costello: If I mentioned the third baseman's name, who did I say is playing third?

Abbott: No. Who's playing first.

Costello: What's on base?

Abbott: What's on second.

Costello: I don't know.

Abbott: He's on third.

Costello: There I go, back on third again!


Costello: Would you just stay on third base and don't go off it.

Abbott: All right, what do you want to know?

Costello: Now who's playing third base?

Abbott: Why do you insist on putting Who on third base?

Costello: What am I putting on third.

Abbott: No. What is on second.

Costello: You don't want who on second?

Abbott: Who is on first.

Costello: I don't know.

Abbott & Costello Together:Third base!


Costello: Look, you gotta outfield?

Abbott: Sure.

Costello: The left fielder's name?

Abbott: Why.

Costello: I just thought I'd ask you.

Abbott: Well, I just thought I'd tell ya.

Costello: Then tell me who's playing left field.

Abbott: Who's playing first.

Costello: I'm not... stay out of the infield! I want to know what's the guy's name in left field?

Abbott: No, What is on second.

Costello: I'm not asking you who's on second.

Abbott: Who's on first!

Costello: I don't know.

Abbott & Costello Together: Third base!


Costello: The left fielder's name?

Abbott: Why.

Costello: Because!

Abbott: Oh, he's centerfield.


Costello: Look, You gotta pitcher on this team?

Abbott: Sure.

Costello: The pitcher's name?

Abbott: Tomorrow.

Costello: You don't want to tell me today?

Abbott: I'm telling you now.

Costello: Then go ahead.

Abbott: Tomorrow!

Costello: What time?

Abbott: What time what?

Costello: What time tomorrow are you gonna tell me who's pitching?

Abbott: Now listen. Who is not pitching.

Costello: I'll break your arm, you say who's on first! I want to know what's the pitcher's name?

Abbott: What's on second.

Costello: I don't know.

Abbott & Costello Together: Third base!


Costello: Gotta a catcher?

Abbott: Certainly.

Costello: The catcher's name?

Abbott: Today.

Costello: Today, and tomorrow's pitching.

Abbott: Now you've got it.

Costello: All we got is a couple of days on the team.


Costello: You know I'm a catcher too.

Abbott: So they tell me.

Costello: I get behind the plate to do some fancy catching, Tomorrow's pitching on my team and a heavy hitter gets up. Now the heavy hitter bunts the ball. When he bunts the ball, me, being a good catcher, I'm gonna throw the guy out at first base. So I pick up the ball and throw it to who?

Abbott: Now that's the first thing you've said right.

Costello: I don't even know what I'm talking about!


Abbott: That's all you have to do.

Costello: Is to throw the ball to first base.

Abbott: Yes!

Costello: Now who's got it?

Abbott: Naturally.


Costello: Look, if I throw the ball to first base, somebody's gotta get it. Now who has it?

Abbott: Naturally.

Costello: Who?

Abbott: Naturally.

Costello: Naturally?

Abbott: Naturally.

Costello: So I pick up the ball and I throw it to Naturally.

Abbott: No you don't, you throw the ball to Who.

Costello: Naturally.

Abbott: That's different.

Costello: That's what I said.

Abbott: You're not saying it...

Costello: I throw the ball to Naturally.

Abbott: You throw it to Who.

Costello: Naturally.

Abbott: That's it.

Costello: That's what I said!

Abbott: You ask me.

Costello: I throw the ball to who?

Abbott: Naturally.

Costello: Now you ask me.

Abbott: You throw the ball to Who?

Costello: Naturally.

Abbott: That's it.

Costello: Same as you! Same as YOU! I throw the ball to who. Whoever it is drops the ball and the guy runs to second. Who picks up the ball and throws it to What. What throws it to I Don't Know. I Don't Know throws it back to Tomorrow, Triple play. Another guy gets up and hits a long fly ball to Because. Why? I don't know! He's on third and I don't give a darn!

Abbott: What?

Costello: I said I don't give a darn!

Abbott: Oh, that's our shortstop.


I don't really care much one way or the other, but I would suggest that the occasionally existent, not-so-secret, communications of the TourneyBot moderators request that PortWine cease using TourneyBot to harass me.  I know the moron gets kicks out of it, and I've already shown that he can't even speak English to the point of comprehending the word, "ignore", so this is just a suggestion.  I'd have thought you would've put a stop to it after I caught Port revealing your secrets to Biggles, but apparantly not.

As for the missing burper, well done.  Now if you would bring back JonJon, get rid of PortWine (or educate him), and educate fools like diane and jinnate as to the realities of FIBS, instead of circling the wagons every time someone makes a polite comment (which this is not), TourneyBot would be the better for it.  Regarding polite communications, I believe if you review the history of posts here, which I provided, you will find that I am more than polite until flamed.  In fact, all things considered, I consider myself to be a positive influence to TBot, since I've helped some ignorant folks understand the nature of FIBS, and FIBS commands like tell, kibitz, gag and blind.

So many string dimensions, so little space time...


I finnaly found a way to do this without having to put effort into replies.  Here is one that sorta fits nicely from "A Few Good Men":

Jack Nicholson (Col. Jessup): Son, we live in a world that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Whose gonna do it? You? You, Lt. don? I have more responsibility here than you could possibly fathom. You weep for Santiago, and you curse the marines. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know. That Santiago's death, while tragic, probably saved lives. And that my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives. I know deep down in places you dont talk about at parties, you don't want me on that wall, you need me on that wall. We use words like honor, code, loyalty. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom I provide, then question the manner in which I provide it. I prefer you said thank you, and went on your way, Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand to post. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to!



And i was just gonna agree that he has indeed introduced a vast number of players to gag and blind  :D  
Never give up on the things that make you smile


I'm not surprised at PortWine and diane when they fail to make any logical defense of their actions.  I posted the sequential list of posts in the hope that someone would note that I seldom start flames, but usually respond to them.

But I would appreciate it if the TBot moderators would prevail upon PortWine to cease his use of TBot as a tool of harassment, or else make me a moderator so I can do so too.

Port, if you stop using TourneyBot to harass me, I will not attempt to play in any of your tourneys.

So many string dimensions, so little space time...


You think you're gonna to live your life alone
In darkness
And seclusion
Yeah i know
You've been out there
Tried to mix with those animals
And it just left you full of humiliated confusion
So you stagger back home
And wait for nothing
But the solitary refinement of your room spits you back out onto the street
And now you're desperate
And in need of human contact
And then
You meet me
And you whole world changes
Because everything i say is everything you've ever wanted to hear
So you drop all your defenses and you drop all your fears
And you trust me completely
I'm perfect
In every way
Cause i make you feel so strong and so powerful inside
You feel so lucky
But your ego obscures reality
And you never bother to wonder why
Things are going so well
You wanna know why?
Cause i'm a liar
Yeah i'm a liar
I'll tear your mind out
I'll burn your soul
I'll turn you into me
I'll turn you into me
Cause i'm a liar, a liar
A liar, a liar

I'll hide behind a smile
And understanding eyes
And i'll tell you things that you already know
So you can say
I really identify with you, so much
And all the time that you're needing me
Is just the time that i'm bleeding you
Don't you get it yet?
I'll come to you like an affliction
And i'll leave you like an addiction
You'll never forget me
You wanna know why?
Cause i'm a liar
Yeah i'm a liar
I'll rip your mind out
I'll burn your soul
I'll turn you into me
I'll turn you into me
Cause i'm a liar, a liar
Liar, liar, liar, liar

I don't know why i feel the need to lie
And cause you so much pain
Maybe it's something inside
Maybe it's something i can't explain
Cause all i do
Is mess you up and lie to you
I'm a liar
Oh, i am a liar

If you'll give me one more chance
I swear that i will never lie to you again
Because now i see the destructive power of a lie
They're stronger than truth
I can't believe i ever hurt you
I swear
I will never to you lie again, please
Just give me one more chance
I will never lie to you again
I swear
That i will never tell a lie
I will never tell a lie
No, no
Ha ha ha ha ha hah haa haa haa haaa
Oh, sucker
I am a liar
Yeah, i am a liar
Yeah i like it
I feel good
Ohh i am a liar
I lie
I lie
I lie
Oh, i lie
Oh i lie
I lie
Ohhh i'm a liar
I lie
I like it
I feel good
I'll lie again
And again
I'll lie again and again
And i'll keep lying
I promise

--->all hail Henry Rollins!


I will try to explain why you are being 'harrassed' by Portwine (one more time for the record).

The way Madmatt set up tourneybot - it is not possible to have TD specific bans - we have to impose them on each individual tournament.  Each time we do - you are notified, immediately - or by message to read later.  We cannot change that - if you have issues with it - take it up with madmatt on his return.

You have made a point of joining his tournies late - so he rightly imposes them whether or not you are present - to be sure - hence the messages.

The other alternative to this is that we can set a global ban - and you will recieve no more messages - would you prefer that?

I suppose a third option is to promise - here - never to join another of Portwines tournies - and then he can stop the banning. But, should you breach that agreement (whether or not encouraged by other Tds) we will respond with an immediate global ban. I cannot get portwine to agree to this - it is up to him - but it is a suggestion.
Never give up on the things that make you smile


Thank you for your informative reply diane.  I know how it works.  I am politely requesting that PortWine refrain, if you will read and understand my message.  I have made a post on another forum in which I politely request you to back up your actions and accusations.  I would appreciate your reply there.  In particular, I'd like to see your log, to see if it is accurate, as well as a synopsis of the comments made on boards I have no access to, by you and other TBot moderators.  I am making as sincere an effort at communication as I know how, and I'd appreciate it if you would tell me where I'm failing to do so.

So many string dimensions, so little space time...


If you are not prepared to pick a preference, do not continue to call the messages harrasment - and which of the numerous threads would you like me to reply on?

And, once again - i will not publish my private conversations for yours or anyone elses benefit (that would be private, not secret).

I have no case to answer, i asked you to hush in a good humoured fashion, you refused and have then hung this out for what is now 6 weeks.  I will make this my last attempt at answering.

I have done my best to answer all of your queries, privately, publically and here, I have made as sincere an attempt as possible to do so and think that i have succeeded.  

If you still feel aggreived, may i suggest you be the bigger person - and move on.
Never give up on the things that make you smile



I do not believe this is the forum for your gripes about individual TDs. Sort it out in private with the people you don't get along with.

I do agree that the current system of bans and a closed forum for discussing it has not worked. Please trust that there are many sensible TDs and people are trying to create a better system.



QuoteApr 18 2004, 10:30 PM -- socksey
kibitzing during a tourney
"The rules of etiquette forbid kibitzing amongst observers..."
comment: Only if either player objects.


The rules of etiquette "forbid".  There are no excepts, i.e., "Only if either player objects".  The rules of etiquette forbid kibitzing amongst observers within a tournament match.

The TD's of Fibs currently exercise their individual rules within their own tournaments.  This is the way it is.  Live with it, please, and let the rest go.

QuoteJun 25 2004, 04:40 PM -- don
Fare the well
"That [secret] TourneyBot closed forum ... sure seems to cause a lot of grief!"

The Tourneybot closed forum is "private", not "secret".  Got it?


One nice thing about egotists They don't talk about other people. - unknown