FIBS Board backgammon forum

Backgammon => Fibsboard Forum Matches => FFM 10 => Topic started by: diane on June 15, 2011, 09:53:40 PM

Question: Move
Option 1: 5/4, 5/1 votes: 6
Option 2: 5/off votes: 0
Option 3: 4/off, 4/3 votes: 0
Option 4: 6/5, 6/2 votes: 0
Title: Game 3, move 14: Herd 4-1
Post by: diane on June 15, 2011, 09:53:40 PM
A lot of moves after the 4-3 were obvious and seemed hardly worth voting, so I moved them on. This one has some interest maybe, so thought I would let the herd ponder the best bear off approach. It also stops you all falling asleep  ;)

clemstog has danced since that move. Herd rolled:

5-3; 6/1, 4/1
4-3; 13/10, 13/9
5-4; 10/5, 9/5
2-1; 3/off

Position ID: aO/AA0Db9gYAAA