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java fibs client

Started by bearfan, July 19, 2010, 12:43:48 AM

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I had to buy a new computer.  I was using java fibs on my last computer and it worked fine.  I downloaded java fibs on my new computer.  I can play but the board seems to be missing something. I can't undo a roll.  And it seems like the icons for functions are missing.  Other wise I can play, but there is something wrong.   On reading about java fibs. It says I need java two.  I clicked on the link but don't see any thing on the java page that says java two.

I am using Windows 7. Is there maybe a compatibility problem?   When I unzip the file, it does appear in the window of my zip program.  I can play but all the buttons are missing.  I hope some one can help me with this.


I am not a Windows 7 user, but perhaps you start JavaFIBS from within the .zip-file itself. It might not be able to load all necessary files, because they are still zipped.

Did you UNZIP the contents of the .zip-file into a new folder?  Try that, and start JavaFIBS by double clicking the correct .jar-file in that directory.


I too can't see the dice pips on Ubuntu Lucid Lynx. I've tried the solutions here to no avail. Anyone got any other suggestions??


First of all, there is another thread on this issue: my-dices-show-no-numbers.

Then: mine work since I have started fiddling around with colors in the vectorboard. Here are your options:

1) Switch off the vectorboard (Preferences/Board). Then it should work right away.
2) Change the color settings of the vectorboard (Preferences/Board/"Colors/Textures"). That part is somewhat messy. You have to set several colors and the setting dialogs have to be closed for every trial. Notice, that for the player and the opponent as well there have 2 (=two!) colors to be set. These two colors are used for the dice (color no.1) and the pips (color no.2). At the same time they are used for the checkers. By chance these two colors may be the same. Then you can't see any pips.

Hope this helps.



Familyoutlaw: Might be because you are using Open Java, try removing open java and give sun-java6-jre a go.