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Started by MadMatt, January 23, 2004, 12:05:19 AM

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Hi folks.

Proudly announcing full support for the FLG Fridays3 tourneys. In addition to running the tourney, the bot also keeps the monthly standings and calculates how many points to award to the each player after every Fridays3 tourney.

To see the monthy standing, send standings fridays3 to TourneyBot.

Also, two new commands, standings and count have been added.

The tourneys command now filters the output based on the arguments.

Tourney Directors should subscribe to the tb mailing list.

Well, I think that's about it for now.

TourneyBot Website


Thanks to Eric (webrunner), we now have a permanent server to run TourneyBot from!  :D

The server is running a fast Pentium III Mandrake Linux system and it seems to be working perfectly.

Thanks, Eric! :yes:  

TourneyBot Website


Proudly announcing full support for the FLG Fridays3 tourneys. In addition to running the tourney, the bot also keeps the monthly standings and calculates how many points to award to the each player after every Fridays3 tourney.

Hi Matt,

everything went really smoothly today. We can now offer very good service to our players, thanks to your efforts.
I'm just afraid, that I'll become useless soon  ;)



Not useless
What can be automatic must be cause there is no value to work on it.
Animating and produce new solution and improving the automat is what we must work on  :rolleyes:  
Tomawaky "I feel good da da da da da da da.........i knew that i would now........."


Introducing the banning system

After many requests by several Tourney Directors, I introduced the new command ban which enables them to remove and/or ban a player from a tourney.

The syntax is:

ban <player> <tourneynumber>

This will ban <player> from the specified tourney. Note that if that player has already signed up, he will be kicked out and prevented from reentering, but only if the tourney hasn't been started yet.

If you want to prevent a certain abuser from entering your tourneys without having to ban them anew every single time, you can ban by type, like this:

ban <player> <tourneytype>

So, that for example ban Abuser fridays3 will ban the player called Abuser from entering any fridays3 type tourneys. He will, however, be able to enter other tourneys.

And lastly, for really big abusers, you can ban them globally, thus preventing them to enter any kind of TourneyBot tourney:

ban <player> globally

To see who's banned, use the banned command:

banned 41 or banned fridays3 or banned globally

Use the unban command to lift a ban. As always,  consult the Command Reference for details about these 3 commands.

Important: please be careful when using these commands. The tourneys you run are your own, of course, so you get to decide who can enter them, but I write this software so that as many people as possible can enjoy it. Needless to say,  excessive banning will not help in that regard, so please try to use it with caution, for abusers and droppers. Personal dislike is not a sufficient reason for banning someone, in my opionion. Especially the type and global bans should not be used unless in case of repetitive abuse.

TourneyBot Website


I think that the last note of Madatt is very important.
Too easy ban would make Tourneybot going down.
Anyone who respect tourney rules must be able to take part in the tourney whatever if the TD likes or not this people and If one player just want to play if he's sure that someone else would not be there.
Tomawaky "I feel good da da da da da da da.........i knew that i would now........."


Hi folks.

TourneyBot has two new commands, called next and previous. They're complementaries to the current command in that they display the next round of the specified tourney (that is, the round following the current one) and the previous round (current round - 1).

next 21
will display the next round bracket of Tourney #21. previous uses similar syntax.

Thanks to tryout for suggesting these.


TourneyBot Website


You will notice that the tourney header now displays date and time. That date and time shows the last change of the tourney state (created, open, started, completed). I think that will be useful for when you want to hold a tourney but not sure when the last one was held.

In addition, I implemented the limit sytem.

TourneyBot Website


TourneyBot now supports filtering players based on their RepBot reputation. This will particularly useful for longer tourneys such as 72 and 105, to filter out those with low experience and negative reputation. Details here.

Next, I will be rewriting the bracket generation code to get rid of bug 269 and make it possible to add feature 272, as well as some sort of Double Elimination Tourney.

If anyone knows of a good, balanced double elimination system, please post the rules or a link to them here.  

TourneyBot Website


Alright, the new bracket building system is in!

Eventhough most of you won't notice much change, this was still a reallymajor change to TourneyBot code (biggest one so far I believe), so be on the lookout for bugs and inappropriate behaviour.

Two things that you might notice: To-Be-Determined is now replaced with the actual match the player is waiting on. In addition, the byes are distributed more fairly so that the lower and the upper half of bracket will have the same amount of matches to reach the finals, whenever possible. See detailed description of this problem.

Right, more fun stuff is up next. I think I'll work on the tells-subscription system now.


TourneyBot Website


You will notice that TourneyBot only displays the integer part of the rating in its messages from now on (for example: MadMatt (1704) instead of MadMatt (1704.26)). This makes for shorter and less cluttered messages which are easier to read.

TourneyBot Website


New command: matches

Here's what the reference says:

TOURNEY <number>
Access: Everyone
Description: Lists matches of the specified tourney that meet the argument
criteria, regardless of round. If you only specify the tourney number, it will
list all currently still unfinished matches in that tourney. If you specify
FINISHED, it will list all the finished matches, UNFINISHED all unfinished and
ALL all matches of the specified tourney.
Example: "tell TourneyBot matches 450" will list all matches that haven't been
completed yet in Tourney #450.

So, for example, telling TourneyBot  matches 105 will list all matches that still need to be played in Tourney #105, while telling TourneyBot matches finished tourney 105 will list all completed matches in Tourney #105, regardless of the round.

TourneyBot Website


Following the introduction of Double Elimination tourneys, I have updated the webpage, help documentation etc. to reflect the changes.

TourneyBot Website


You will notice that I updated all the documentation and webpages to reflect the recent Tourney Director system changes.

TourneyBot Website


I added a new command for tourney directors who own a specific tourney type (like fridays3). It enables you to reset the standings of that tourney type. Read about it here.

TourneyBot Website


QuoteI added a new command for tourney directors who own a specific tourney type (like fridays3). It enables you to reset the standings of that tourney type.
Hi MadMatt, happy to see you around and still try to improve tourneybot.
Not sure to understand what "reset the standings of tourney type" is meaning ? :huh:  
Tomawaky "I feel good da da da da da da da.........i knew that i would now........."


The available tourney types are: bracket, double and fridays3.

i've seen that tourneybot has some standings about fridays3. I think, this standings will be resetted.

Is it possible to add a tourney type "bago"? Only you can do that, MadMatt; isn't it? It would be a good think, to see the standings also of BAGolympics tourneys.


To be is to do
To do is to be
Do be do be do


QuoteHi MadMatt, happy to see you around and still try to improve tourneybot.
Not sure to understand what "reset the standings of tourney type" is meaning ? :huh:
If you tell TourneyBot standings fridays3 it will display the monthly standings for that tourney type. Resetstandings fridays3 will reset those standings (remove all the points from all the players). Usually you will want to do this at the start of a new month, after the winners of the previous month have been declared and before the first game of the new session starts.

TourneyBot Website


QuoteIs it possible to add a tourney type "bago"? Only you can do that, MadMatt; isn't it? It would be a good think, to see the standings also of BAGolympics tourneys.
Post the full specifications here (in a new thread) and I'll see what I can do. Might take a while, though.

Don't forget to include detailed rules on how standings should be calculated.

I think Tomawaky might have sent me this once already, but I seem to have lost the mail.

TourneyBot Website


QuoteI think Tomawaky might have sent me this once already, but I seem to have lost the mail.
Right just tourney informations to create bracket would be great.

Standing is certainly more complicate and it's available at the Bago page, but if you're able to create standing and even better, sending mail included SQL statements to insert record in my database. It would be wonderfull  :)

Here the command I must type when created the bago session :

maxplayers 32 tourney XXX
matchlen normal 3 tourney XXX
matchlen finals 5 tourney XXX
Describe XXX Standard single elimination tourney. New players thanks to TELL me your country. More info at
Tomawaky "I feel good da da da da da da da.........i knew that i would now........."


Standings should be calculated like this:
  • every player gets one point for a match win
  • the winner of the tourney gets additional 3 points
  • the 2nd (loser of the final) gets additional 1 point.
Thanks, MadMatt!
To be is to do
To do is to be
Do be do be do


Quoteevery player gets one point for a match win
Does that include the winner of the finals? So does the winner get 1 pt for the win in the finals plus 3 pts for the overall win or just the 3pts?

TourneyBot Website


QuoteStanding is certainly more complicate and it's available at the Bago page, but if you're able to create standing and even better, sending mail included SQL statements to insert record in my database. It would be wonderfull smile.gif

How would this work? Please explain in detail.

TourneyBot Website


QuoteDoes that include the winner of the finals? So does the winner get 1 pt for the win in the finals plus 3 pts for the overall win or just the 3pts?

The winner of the final gets 3+1 points.
To be is to do
To do is to be
Do be do be do


2 more precisions
- For the final : The loser of the final gets 1+0 points.
- No point awarded in case of award win by the TD
Tomawaky "I feel good da da da da da da da.........i knew that i would now........."