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Backgammon Studio 2.0!

Started by PillowFighter, November 12, 2015, 10:25:13 AM

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Some of you may have already noticed this but I have updated my server with a rather large update that I have called Backgammon Studio 2.0. The biggest change is the new board that scaled with your screen/window size which is used everywhere.

I have also made it possible to use Backgammon Studio as an app on your phone. You can use the device browser and use the 'Add to homescreen' button which will put Backgammon Studio on you homescreen. This allows Backgammon Studio to use the entire screen without the browser interface. This is a lot better solution for devices.

On my iPhone it looks like this now:

If you click on the toggle details button it will expand the information area to give it more room for text:

On phones you should switch to using a dialog menu system which takes a lot less screen space on the device:

In the first release I automatically did this for users where the server thought this was the best alternative but that was a bit confusing so you have to do this manually in the "my actions/my settings/user settings":

You should now also stay logged in even if you lower Backgammon Studio to the background and go back. You'll end up on the start page and not exactly where you left off though. This is better than having to log in again every time you return to Backgammon Studio (which you had to do until now).

With the new board there is also a customization bonanza where you can change the color/texture of the individual board elements:

It is now possible to toggle the showtime chat even if you're not in the showtime section:

This will allow you to see when someone logs on which is a perfect opportunity to challenge them to a duel! :-)

There is now a new section 'my duels' where you can review your old duels:

You can click on show on a duel and review the positions in this duel. The recorded information from old duels was a bit lacking so you'll only see if you and your opponent answered a position correctly/wrong but on duels from now on you'll also be able to see what you and your opponent answered.

When training in your training ground you'll now get a level up! message if you manage to increase your level:

The old "Latest comments" section has grown up and become "Position forum". Whenever you add a comment to a position it will show up here. This is an easier way to navigate the position comments than a single list.

Moving pieces on the board when answering a position is now more reliable and if the client finds a match with one of the possible answers it will submit this answer. If it doesn't find a match you will have to select an option manually. This could happen for double moves and possibly for pick&pass moves (13/7*/5 could also be written 13/7* 7/5 and XG and my server might not agree on what is correct...) Earlier it would submit anything and fail on some answers that were obviously correct.

There are some new challenges: Timed perfect streak. These are variations on previous challenges with a 10 second time limit:

Bar brawl 2!

Hitman 2!

Payback 2!

Bearoff bingo 2!

If you thought the old ones were hard these ones are harder! :-)

In other news Norway is still the 'best' country:

But I suspect that won't last for too much longer...

Now is the time to try this site on your device! Please give it a try and tell me what you think. I am sure there are still more ways to improve this experience (using icon style menus is one) but I think it doesn't work too bad. I still have more to learn about responsive web design and when I do I'll take another shot at improving this experience!

Give it a try!

Best regards,