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F.I.B.S. for really new newbies - 1. What happens with the invitations to play ?

Started by adrian, November 09, 2007, 08:20:39 PM

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I am sometimes too busy or tired to explain the basics of FIBS to, or guide the first steps of newcomers  :sleep: . I am sometimes a bit too harsh to people who have just discovered FIBS  :thumbdown:  Maybe it is time to start a sticky topic about the basic etiquette on this wonderful server. Everybody is welcome to share their observations , to write the explanations and the advices for the newcomers, who seem to come to FIBS in larger number in the last few months.
Since I changed my personal play policy, by accepting any length matches with anybody with less than 20 saved, my fingers and my keyboard are wearing off too rapidly! (not to mention my ratings  :laugh:) . I felt it would be nice to direct new users to a handy resource. I received feedback's that information is cryptic on official FIBS site ( I found that you really MUST BE A NERD  to succeed in reading it, if you wat to get the info), and here, on Fibsboard, it is deeply hidden imho. That is why I am asking webrunner to make this sticky, if enough members contribute in a meaningfull or interesting way. People may like to read stories instead of icy cold help files.

I remember my "youth" on FIBS:

- I didn't knew back then what happens with the ignored invitations after I issued a new invitation.
- I did`t realized how dangerous was to keep "toggle autodouble" on, when playing as unaware people as I was, even if they were highly experienced  :yes:, and they accused me of cheating for something neither them or I did`t understood then.
- I wasn't aware about differences between kibitz, whisper, tell, say. I learned it the hard way, by being gagged and blinded.  :ohmy: . Sometimes even nicely sweared..
- I wasn't aware about the discreet "look" command ;-)), not to mention the "whois" which I use now to greet my opponent in it`s native language.
- And more, other intriguing, odd or funny things, that FIBS serves us with sometimes, you old friends experienced lot of them, I`m sure   :) . Post here the symptoms , the explanation and the workaround!

I know there are more nuisances that bothered us during matches with a new FIBS user. Those may have the easy solution: "kibitz <newenhusiastplayer> Please read all you need to enjoy this wonderful site at:" . Just have the explanations on the main page, at hand, people tend to be frustrated if they don`t find quickly what they want!

Back on the track, in this too long post  :happy:

I was, myself,  too eager to play more!, more!!, more!!!,   with preferably high experienced and high rated players, when I was a "baby" here. I invited him, him again, and her, the other her, and him, and again her.., with no success ! It was an easy mouse ride: click, click, click, ... , but how annoying..  :wacko:  Results: nil, zero, nada, zilch, nulla. And, of course, anger and frustration grew. On both sides!  :laugh:.  I am sorry , but  don`t remember the kind soul`s name who told me this simple but a "must know" secret : The last invitation issued cancels the previous one !!!.

Dear new friends who are starting your lifetime  :thumbsup2: addiction on FIBS: please, please be a bit more patient, allow more than 30 seconds between invitations, we may be busy, we may want first to know better who you are before accepting your invitation. Some of us will be kind and reply with a "No thanks!" at least! I do it when I have time. And I`m angry if I accept and I am greeted by FIBS with: "<too-unpatient-playername> didn`t invite you", because you are lazy to read the FIBS help (..yes , I agree, you must find it first !). Your only excuse is your too enthusiastic willingness to give your free time to play backgammon with a lot of great and friendly people.

Anyone who want to share his experience and write some more and shorter(?) and also meaningful(?) helping explanations for new players (or for a few "old" ones too!) is welcome to reply !

Helping people is tricky. Give help to anyone and he will remember it only when he is in need again.