Game 1, move 13: r_monk to move 3-3

Started by diane, August 03, 2010, 09:48:20 PM

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Well..herd rolled the 1-6 and moved bar/18

r_monk now to move 3-3..


Never give up on the things that make you smile


To Strip The Home Board Or Not To Strip The Home Board?

The easy part: I think I can't afford it to be hit... So that's one 3: 8/5.
I think I want my anchor to remain intact because it gives me the opportunity to roll some 5's the next rolls without leaving my 6-point.
And maybe... if you roll a 2-2 you can't run and you have to give up your 6-prime.
But, to achieve that I have to strip my home board. Of course it's of no use now; however that can change very soon, for example if you roll a 5-5.
I think the only play then, is 8/5/2 4/1(2), because 8/5/2 6/3(2) or 8/5/2 5/2(2) both seem ugly to me.

I don't know whether my thinking is right or not. But if I don't strip the home board now, I still don't want to be hit. So then I have to play 9/6/3 9/6 8/5 or something like that. After that, if I roll a 6, I don't have to play it (unless you roll 5-5, that will give me an indirect shot), but each 5 will still ruin my board.

So, my chances are low, but I think my thinking is right, for me at least it is.

I play 8/5/2 4/1(2)