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Statistics graph in JavaFibs2001

Started by talkinaway, January 03, 2009, 04:57:27 PM

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There's a little change to JavaFIBS that I think could make the statistiscs graph look nicer.  From the graph I posted, the range is from 1500-1600, where it really only needs to go up to perhaps 1550. 

I'm not a programmer, but I am a math geek, and I'd suggest taking 5% of the range of the data - that is, (DataMax-DataMin)/20, and subtracting this number from min and adding it to max to get a GraphMin and a GraphMax.  You can then round GraphMin down to a "nice" number (nearest 10 would probably look nice), and round GraphMax UP to the nearest number.  Just a little suggestion to make the graph less "smooshy" (technical term) and fill up the whole space. 

In my example, it looks like my low point is 1502 and my high point is 1533.  So the range is 31, and I'd want a buffer of 31/20 = 1.55.  So I'd want it to go down to 1502-1.55 = 1501.45 and up to 1533 + 1.55 = 1534.55.  Rounding the first number down and the second number up, I'd show the graph from 1500 to 1540.

The specific is just one suggestion of how to implement it automatically - again, not a programmer, but the math geek in me says this algorithm should make it 'look nice' 



Useful suggestion which can be done with moderate effort. It becomes a bit more tricky to calculate the label positions for the numbers, which actually is harder than calculating the graph dimensions. Estimated effort about half a person day.
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