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Questions about RepBot, dropped games and JavaFibs

Started by rir_sr, December 08, 2006, 06:10:14 PM

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I am new to FIBS - I have some questions.
I have now been dropped seven times and this results in saved games.  In most instances I was at the point of winning.  I have duly notified RepBot of the droppers' name.  I see that my RepBot reputation is Bad.  Bad, Bad, Bad.  How does RepBot reconcile players that have been dropped to players that drop?

Secondly, I am embarrassed to say that I do not know how to recall a saved game where a bad connection has caused a drop.  I cannot find any reference in the manual to this.

Finally, I still cannot make the programmable buttons work in JavaFIBS.  I am trying to programme 'tell RepBot ask %player'.  I does not do anything.  Also, can I add the button (once it works) to the menu bar?


Since you have asked these questions and been answered in another thread, I am closing this one.  ;)))


"I would rather fail at a cause that will ultimately succeed than to succeed at a cause that will ultimately fail." - Theodore Roosevelt