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Game 2, move 2 : Julia_H 4-3

Started by diane, June 20, 2012, 08:16:23 PM

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Never give up on the things that make you smile


You can see why the herd's last move was so much better than the alternative 24/23(2) 8/7(2)... the extra builder on 5 makes me even more reluctant to run off the anchor, the split back men are pretty safe and give you multiple shots into the outfield. Here I'm immediately rejecting anything that breaks the anchor, and I think the only options are 13/9 13/10 and the ugly, passive 13/6. Of course the game is young and I shouldn't really be afraid of 14 shots at this stage in exchange for rapid building opportunities. 13/9 13/10



Normally, an early 13/7 wuss play takes two stacks of 5 and turns them into a stack of 6 and a stack of 4.  Here, you're turning a stack of 5 and a "stack" of 3 into two stacks of 4 - not nearly as bad as usual. 

This analysis is pure 20-20 hindsight, of course.