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3DFIBS Autoroll on Bar

Started by joebones, August 24, 2008, 02:47:51 AM

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Hi --

First and foremost, Ive been using 3dFIBS for a few weeks now, and overall, I think it's a GREAT interface.  Just wanted to give the author a big  :thumbsup2:

Now, three questions, please:

1.  I never want autoroll when I am on the bar.  Guess I don't trust the "pseudo-randomness" of the FIBS dice generator or something.  Anyway, while on the bar, turning autoroll off in time is difficult for me because it rolls so fast. Is there any way to permanently stop the dice from autoroll while I am on the bar?

2.  Autoroll, again.  When it is RED, which should mean "do not autoroll", it still continues to do it sometimes.  Could this and other features that allow the player to have greater control be addressed in a future upgrade?

3.  Is it possible to autoinvite bots a different point levels?  "Auto Invite Bots" tries to match at 1 point only.

A final note ... a positive confirmation message like "Autoroll ENABLED" would be nice.  "You will be asked if you want to double", printed in the server message window, seems rather disconnected and counter-intuitive.  Since these items are mutually exclusive, the server window shows a WILL (be asked if you want to double) when autoroll is OFF, and WON'T (be asked if you want to double) when autoroll is ON.  Just a tweak suggestions.

Anyway, 3dFIBS is a  :cool: client and I've had a lot of fun using it.  Thanks!


Autoroll is a function of the server, not of the client.  Unless the client is screwing with it, you should be able to turn autoroll on and off on a whim, though as you point out the server rolls quickly.  Do it during your opponent's turn and you should be OK. 

'You will be asked if you want to double." also comes from the server.


Yes, Im aware of those things, but thank you for your reply. 

One key thing I should have mentioned is that this problem occurs primarily (not always) when I am playing one of the bots.  Autoroll self-activates when I am on the bar, mostly vs a closed board (again, not always).  Once the closed board opens, it still doesnt stop.  Toggling it OFF works sometimes, but sometimes nothing will stop it for the duration of the game, even though I have toggled it OFF turn after turn.

3dFIBS is a very nice client.  However, I dont seem to have this problem with other interfaces.  Since there also seems to be more author and user interest in other clients -- like JavaFIBS, for example -- I will just use one of those for now.  Perhaps some future update will address this matter.


arer you sure you aren't playing a crawford game when that happens?
"There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path."
Bruce Lee
Orion Pax |


I am (sure x positive)2 .

In fact, should the author demonstrate any interest, I would download FRAPS and make a movie of the offending behavior to rule out any kind of pilot error on my part.  Then, perhaps in the next upgrade, he could take measures to stop the "cannot-disable-autoroll" thing.


On a number of occasions I've had auto-roll switched on against my will. I'd switch it off only to have it switched back on again for the next turn. I can't remember whether it's been a bar or bot related thing but it's memorably annoying because it prevents me from praying to the Dice Gods and offering my youngest in sacrifice to them. I use 3DFibs v3.0.10.


Yep, we're in the same boat.  Thanks for posting ... it reminds me to add the version number to my first message.
[I tried to add "I am using 3dFIBS version 4.0.54" to my original post, but there is no longer a "Modify" option for some reason.]

I used to be content with autoroll permanently on until I acquired Snowie 4 recently and did a very long series of rollouts.  They showed a notable variance from standard deviation when entering from the bar with autoroll engaged.  It was about 6% off expectancy, which I felt was significant.  (I didn't really expect it to fall within SD.  Computers can't generate truly random numbers ... but that is another topic.)  Didn't mention this before because the classic argument is that one must increase the size of the sample to obtain more accurate statistics.  Im too new to Snowie to know how to adjust it for really huge/accurate testing.

Anyway, if the icon in 3dFIBS would disable autoroll at the proper times, I would at least feel like I had better chances. :)