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3DFibs / Re: Can't get FIBS to work
Last post by Ashi - December 08, 2018, 01:47:03 AM
The answers are "Yes" and "Yes".
Since you've been away from Fibs for a long time you must create a new username and password.
3DFibs / Can't get FIBS to work
Last post by ron9567611 - December 07, 2018, 10:04:31 PM
I have been away from FIBS for a long time. I have FibZilla 5.0. I have tried repeatedly to log in and start playing again, but when I do, in the command window the FIBS logo scrolls and then, if I count correctly, three lines of "Login:" and then I am disconnected. My old ID and password (which used to work) are in the login dialog box but apparently don't get to the server.

I have a number of questions. First, is FibZilla still working? Second, is the FIBS site still active? Third, if the answers are "NO" and "YES", can someone point me to some client software I can use to play on FIBS?

Thank you very much, and please email me if you wish.

3DFibs / Re: Convert *mat backgammmon f...
Last post by Eleanora - September 12, 2018, 05:11:01 PM
thank you so much i didn't knew how to convert it thanks a lot mate
Fibsleagammon / Re: FLG league needs more play...
Last post by stog - August 04, 2018, 12:59:19 PM
New Season beginning
message Tom if you are interested or Register at

thx Tom for all your work
F.I.B.S. general support / .
Last post by Ashi - July 10, 2018, 12:58:45 AM
Using backgammon software / Re: Fibs on a Chromebook?
Last post by Saison - July 04, 2018, 07:01:03 PM
Thanks Maria, no luck with Crossover. ParlorPlay is not the best but it works on a Chromebook. Hate to stop using fibs but cannot buy a computer just to play ;(

If you hear of anything else please let me know?

Fibsboard Forum Matches / Re: How do 'luck' calculations...
Last post by jools - July 04, 2018, 03:22:33 PM
I know this is really old but I stumbled onto something interesting...

Yesterday I was feeling hard-done-by at my terrible luck, so I logged out and went for a bike ride.  I got about 3km before a car driver took me out. Now my left leg, right arm and, strangely, both thumbs are pretty banged up - so I'm recuperating and reading old threads on backgammon.

I have learned three things...

1. I don't need thumbs to play backgammon, although dressing and feeding myself are pretty tricky.
2. Suddenly, I'm pretty happy with my dice.
3. I have a much better grasp of what bad luck really is.
Using backgammon software / Re: Fibs on a Chromebook?
Last post by maria - July 02, 2018, 10:56:40 AM
I'm sorry to hear that about ParlorPlay.  Not because I use it.  I did try it and found it to be the WORST FIBS client I've ever tried, and trust me, I've tried them all.  But I think the GammonBots use it, but I could be wrong.
I know very little about Chromebooks but I found out there is an app called CrossOver that will run Windows programs.
I don't know if it's free of if you have to pay for it, but it might be a solution.
Here is a link to an article about it:

Good luck in your search.
Using backgammon software / Fibs on a Chromebook?
Last post by Saison - July 01, 2018, 09:29:03 PM
Looks like Parlorplay is going down. Does anyone have any ideas on how to use Fibs on a Chromebook?

Using backgammon software / Re: Which macOS backgammon app...
Last post by Bertold - June 01, 2018, 09:54:51 PM
Did you try it out on macOS?

Curious if it's really as bad as the reviews say.