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Happy Birthday, adrian!!!!!!!!

Started by socksey, December 21, 2008, 01:23:19 PM

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 :eager:   :feest005:   :s35:   :sexe:   :troost:   :veryhappy:

May you have the very best year ever!   :wub:



Large amounts of alcohol are COMPULSORY on birthdays. Your youth (compared to me) forces me to recommend this:

(I've seen the movie around 150 times - friends and I (the "bad boys" at school) used to go to the local cinema every fortnight or so (that's 2 weeks you 'mericans) partially to watch/ take part in (audience participation) "the Rocky Horror Show" but mainly (I started going at 15) to leer at the women in the audience (many wore the basque costume - I did after 17 or so).)



 :feest005:  :beerdrinkers: :icon_pidu: :kaffeepc:

thanks also for all your great work as a TD for F3's and a reliable Bloody Mary sub

Happy Holidaze, amigo  :santa:
A little inaccuracy sometimes saves tons of explanation. -- Unknown
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 :lol:  Leave it to 60, to give you at least 2 sensational redheads!   :lol:


All I ask is a chance to prove money can't make me happy. - Stephen Wright