Register for a tourney, see the tourney info, brackets, examine results etc.
tell TourneyBot count <tourney>
Tells you how many players have registered for the specified tourney. If the tourney's accepting sign-ups, it will also tell you how many places are still open.
Everyone |
You: tell TourneyBot count 376
TourneyBot: Registered: 13 (Tourney #376)
tell TourneyBot current <tourney>
Displays the current round information for the specified tourney.
Everyone |
You: tell TourneyBot current 376
TourneyBot: Listing Tourney #376 Round 3 (match length: 3):
TourneyBot: T376R3M1 (3-pt): VoteGWBush (1556) def. rossmann (1648) 4-1
TourneyBot: T376R3M2 (3-pt): Honeygirl_ll (1782) vs. zdoc (1517)
TourneyBot: 1 out of 2 completed.
TourneyBot: Finished listing Tourney #376 Round 3.
tell TourneyBot dropout <tourney>
Removes you from the specified tourney. Currently you can only do this before the tourney's been started. You will need to confirm it with a 'yes' command.
Players |
You: tell TourneyBot dropout 93
TourneyBot: Are you sure you want to drop out of Single Elimination Bracket Tourney #93 (Tourney #93)? (send 'yes' in 10 seconds or less.)
You: tell TourneyBot yes
TourneyBot: You have been removed from Single Elimination Bracket Tourney #93 (Tourney #93).
In the future this command might be changed so that players will be able to dropout after the tourney's been started.
tell TourneyBot matches <tourney>
tell TourneyBot matches all|finished|unfinished tourney <number>
Lists matches of the specified tourney that meet the argument criteria, regardless of round. If you only specify the tourney number, it will list all currently still unfinished matches in that tourney. If you specify finished, it will list all the finished matches, unfinished all unfinished and ALL all matches of the specified tourney.
Everyone |
You: tell TourneyBot matches finished tourney 375
TourneyBot: Listing finished matches of Tourney #375:
TourneyBot: T375R1M1 (3-pt): spartiati (1501) def. mrbond (1259) 3-0
TourneyBot: T375R1M2 (3-pt): Dusty (1537) def. deuce (1501) 3-0
TourneyBot: T375R1M3 (3-pt): skimo (1601) def. grillbill (1451) 4-0
TourneyBot: Done listing finished matches of Tourney #375.
tell TourneyBot next <tourney>
Displays the match-ups for the next round of the specified tourney (that is, current round + 1).
Everyone |
You: tell TourneyBot next 367
TourneyBot: Listing Tourney #367 Round 4 (match length: 1):
TourneyBot: T367R4M1 (1-pt): _donja_ (1642) vs. Carolina_Blue (1698)
TourneyBot: T367R4M2 (1-pt): melzi (2002) vs. [winner of T367R3M4 (1-pt): HumanIAm (1665) vs. MND (1773)]
TourneyBot: 0 out of 2 completed.
TourneyBot: Finished listing Tourney #367 Round 4.
tell TourneyBot players <tourney>
Lists all players who've registered to play in the specified tourney.
Players |
You: tell TourneyBot players 302
TourneyBot: FIBSLeaGammon Fridays3 Tourney of Apr 02 (Tourney #302) players:
TourneyBot: houtx, diane, tryout, BladeRunner, weaky, Mikania, DirtyHarryII, mano, WooMets, Wallenstein, Matrasback, BushSucks, juanz, wyzzz, socksey, Spock, _donja_, masson, Backwoods, lene, hirnakrobat, KATO
TourneyBot: Done listing FIBSLeaGammon Fridays3 Tourney of Apr 02 (Tourney #302) players.
tell TourneyBot previous <tourney>
Displays the match-ups for the previous round of the specified tourney (that is, current round - 1).
Everyone |
You: tell TourneyBot previous 21
TourneyBot: Listing Tourney #21 Round 2 (match length: 1):
TourneyBot: T21R2M1 (1-pt): _donja_ (1642) def. Carolina_Blue (1698) 1-0
TourneyBot: T21R2M2 (1-pt): melzi (2002) def. MadMatt (1688) 1-0
TourneyBot: 2 out of 2 completed.
TourneyBot: Finished listing Tourney #21 Round 2.
tell TourneyBot register <tourney>
Signs you up for participation in the specified tourney, assuming you meet the requirements and that the tourney's not full yet or already in progress.
Everyone |
You: tell TourneyBot register 92
TourneyBot: You have signed up for Single Elimination Bracket Tourney #92 (Tourney #92). You will be notified on who your first opponent is as soon as the Tourney starts.
tell TourneyBot report loss <winner_pts>-<loser_pts> tourney <number>
Inform the bot that you lost a match in the specified tourney with the specified result.
Players |
You: tell TourneyBot report loss 1-0 tourney 91
TourneyBot: You lost your match against Alexr in Round 1 of Single Elimination Bracket Tourney #91 (Tourney #91) 1-0.
TourneyBot (msg): You have been eliminated from Single Elimination Bracket Tourney #91 (Tourney #91). Better luck next time!
tell TourneyBot round <round> tourney <tourney>
Displays match-ups for the specified round of the specified tourney.
Everyone |
You: tell TourneyBot previous 21
TourneyBot: Listing Tourney #21 Round 2 (match length: 1):
TourneyBot: T21R2M1 (1-pt): _donja_ (1642) def. Carolina_Blue (1698) 1-0
TourneyBot: T21R2M2 (1-pt): melzi (2002) def. MadMatt (1688) 1-0
TourneyBot: 2 out of 2 completed.
TourneyBot: Finished listing Tourney #21 Round 2.
tell TourneyBot standings <tourney_number>|<tourney_type>
Displays the standings of the specified tourney. If you specify a number, you will get the standings for that tourney only. If you specify the tourney type (such as fridays3), you will get the overall standings for that tourney.
Everyone |
You: tell TourneyBot standings fridays3
TourneyBot: Standings for 'fridays3':
TourneyBot: 1. Spock 28 2. burper 26 3. tryout 18 4. BushSucks 16 5. houtx 14 6. rdd 12 austin 12 LisaS 12 9. Backwoods 10 10. spielberg 8 Wallenstein 8 zdoc 8 spanglychild 8 14. spartiati 6 juanz 6 16. kanga 4 cmyk 4 squegger 4 azul 4 Travis 4 tyke 4 alef 4 morphel 4 MadMarc 4 resh_lakish 4 Im_not_gimmeluck 4 hypnosa 4 28. trinity 2 socksey 2 diane 2 Tremolo 2 Tourney_Boy 2
TourneyBot: Done listing standings for 'fridays3'.
tell TourneyBot tourney <number>
Sends detailed information on the specified tourney, including minimum and maximum number of players, description etc.
Everyone |
You: tell TourneyBot tourney 105
TourneyBot: Displaying information about Tourney 105:
TourneyBot: |105: [bracket] Single Elimination Bracket Tourney #105| |Sat, 03 Apr 04 08:27 UTC| |Directors: Tomawaky| |Status: In progress|
TourneyBot: Min players: 32 Max players: 64 Registered players: 64 (registration closed)
TourneyBot: Match length: 15 Match length finals: 21
TourneyBot: Limits: (no limits)
TourneyBot: Description: This is a bracket tournament consisting of 15 point matches and a final of 21 points. This tournament will start he first of April, if the required 32 minimum players register. You will have one month to complete your first round match, then another one for your second round match etc.
TourneyBot: Done displaying information on Tourney 105.
tell TourneyBot tourneys [created|open|playing|completed|all]
Lists tourneys. If you don't specify an argument, only the tourneys that are currently accepting sign-ups or are in progress will be displayed. If you do specify an argument, the output will be filtered according to it: created will list tourneys being set up, open tourneys accepting sign-ups, playing tourneys already in progress, completed tourneys that have been completed and all will list all tourneys, regarding of their state.
Everyone |
You: tell TourneyBot tourneys created
TourneyBot: Listing tourneys being set up:
TourneyBot: ||335: [bracket] Oingo Boingo Daze| |Fri, 09 Apr 04 03:39 UTC| |Directors: jinnate| |Status: Being created|
TourneyBot: Finished listing current tourneys.