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Ban of Team-brb from Team League

Started by tryout, July 19, 2004, 11:45:54 PM

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JLee, I think the best direction is to try and avoid reference to other fibsters names (eg:try_out) but especially avoid linking it with anything that may be deemed insulting (eg: Suggesting a German National who runs the tournament is a Fascist ). If these type of combinations are avoided , so say Team_hedonism or Team_fascists, i can see no problem.  However the final say will always be in the hands of the Tournament organiser. Hope this helps.
[size=8]"..father he enjoyed collisions...others walked away...[/size]...."


1.  I'm called a nazi on fibs at least 3 times a week, sometimes by people in the team league.  Not that a single person on this thread has ever once responded to the vicious anti-American propagandists of fibs in my defense.

2.  Tryout himself referred to us as "neo-nazis" in this thread.  I suppose he will recuse himself from the team league now, no doubt.  More likely, the more holier-than-thou among you will leap to insist he was right in doing so.

3.  There was never any connection intended between the name and tryout's German citizenship.  In fact, I didn't know (or care) where he was from. To take additional umbrage at this fact is to engage in offense at a fiction.

4.  I think JLee's suggestion is a good one.  Perhaps some of the overwrought hall monitors on this thread could use their extensive luxury of free time to come up with some guidelines on this subject.

5.  I've still seen no theories on any possible motivation for 3 long standing fibs citizens to make an unprovoked attack on the league director.  Given there was no such attack, this is not terribly surprising, but I was hoping someone's creativity would allow us a possible glimpse into the presumed motivations for such an "attack".  If you think we just decided to haul off on some random German because we are racist American pig-dogs, you're just flat out wrong.  Well, except for the German pig-dog on our team, of course.  Believe it or not, not that it matters a whole lot what you believe one way or the other.

6.  While I have no interest in any apology to tryout for a personal attack which never occurred, I am willing to apologize to anyone who was offended by our mocking political statement regarding fascism.  I would cordially invite each of you to go look up sarcasm in your dictionaries, as there were no fascists or advocates of fascism on team brb nor on team try_fascism_out.

7.  It's interesting how some of you seem to leave houtx out of your condemnations, in spite of knowing him personally.  Does he strike you as an advocate of fascism?  Use your brains, people.  Why do you think he liked the name?  He must be a real self-loathing German, right?  Either that or perhaps you all think he has a shrine to Hitler in his basement too?  Or maybe you think he had some kind of bone to pick with tryout?  If any of these is the case, I am unaware of it.

Your faithful pig-dog,
[size=8]All We Are Saying Is Give Peas A Chance[/size]
Trees don't grow on money either.


QuoteIf these type of combinations are avoided , so say Team_hedonism or Team_fascists, i can see no problem.
But one would hope that in a fun league, where the emphasis is on meeting players one would normally not play - and having FUN, that the teams would choose names which are, well, to over use the word some, fun, and leave the politics behind for at least a moment.  After all, there are the shouts, day in day out for that.

And, on that note, dont see a problem with team_hedonism  :D  
Never give up on the things that make you smile


QuoteJLee, I think the best direction is to try and avoid reference to other fibsters names (eg:try_out) but especially avoid linking it with anything that may be deemed insulting (eg: Suggesting a German National who runs the tournament is a Fascist ). If these type of combinations are avoided , so say Team_hedonism or Team_fascists, i can see no problem.  However the final say will always be in the hands of the Tournament organiser. Hope this helps.
I am, to a certain extent, playing devil's advocate here, but I assure you will all seriousness that if anybody had just named their team "team_fascism", that there would be nearly as great an uproar.

I certainly do not condone name calling, but the whole thing was essentially started over a team name -- and I don't believe for a minute that "team_fascism" would have passed mustard.

If the TD really wants to supress that... then so be it.  I don't see the purpose.



QuoteAnd, on that note, dont see a problem with team_hedonism  :D
I see your smiley, but seriously... you don't see a problem, but does that mean there won't be?  Where do we draw the line?  If we're banning one name, then we better darn well have some guidelines so that I don't offend anybody.

I don't think "team_hedonism" will offend anybody, but can I be so sure?  What if I choose that team name, and the TD gets in a huff over it, and bans my team because of it?

I'll choose to keep sliding right down this slippery slope until somebody tells me where to get off... until then, I say it's wrong to ban a team or a team name just because of the name, without giving some clear guidelines as to what's acceptable and what's not, and just as importantly, to state clearly that there's some kind of code of conduct being enforced for team names.

Look, I don't think "try_fascism_out" or "team_fascism" are such great team names, but you can't enforce rules ex post facto.  That's just not fair, and you can't tell me otherwise.



souptree, anyone who has to type so much to defend themselves, is surely guilty.


I think Dorbel has solved it. If Nazi Germany was never Fascist, tryout has no reason to be offended, nilla can revise her thinking that being called a Fascist is the worst possible insult, and the team can play.

Incidentally, Dorbel, did the holocaust ever REALLY occur ?

Robert J Ebbeler


Slavery in America never occurred either. And those whiney Native American's are all telling lies!


Are either of those groups represented by a team in league play ?

Robert J Ebbeler


Why do you ask? Do you have a point?


I really think we need some kind of sing-along, what's something everyone knows? Beatles are a bit corny, but let's give it a try...

## In the town where i was born... there lived a man who sailed the seas
 And he told us of his life... in the land of Submarines...###

[All together now!!]


I think we finally pushed alef over an edge .... or - wait - you arent drunk are you alef???
Never give up on the things that make you smile


Everyone knows that saying "on the internet, noone knows you're a dog"?
diane's corrolary: "on the internet, everyone thinks you're drunk".


Frankly, I must admit to finding the endless attempts to turn the tables on Tryout, and claim he is the one out of line, to be pretty stupid.

As far as I'm concerned, the choice of names was a clear attempt at an insult, and that makes his response very clear. All the blablabla about freedom of speech and whatnot just doesn't hold. You insult the tournament director and then expect him to just swallow it whole is to be amazingly dense.  The attempts to have him look unreasonable are a complete waste of time. What do you think is going to happen? His *boss* will come and pull his ears? He does this as purely voluntary work, to allow others an enjoyable event. I don't see anyone else raising their hands to do it for him. If you insult him, you get what you deserve.

The *only*  solution isn't to argue, but to apologize, and find a different name.

As to Nihilist, if the fact that it doesn't benefit your rating (as far as I know you earn rating points with a win) wallet makes the event bereft of interest, then by all means, don't participate. Those who do are out for a friendly competition with some online players, often making friends in the process. However, I'd protest the use of a second account myself. Since otherwise you are playing under false pretenses, pretending to be something (an inexperienced and low-rated player) that you're not.



Here is the way I see it (through a drunken haze):

If it is stated in fibsleagammon that all matches are to be played on FIBS (kinda inferred from the names) than it is a given that you must abide by FIBS rules as well.

If you are allowed to play your matches anywhere you want (in person, at another site, through a direct connection) than NIHI should be able to do what he wants.

If the rules do not currently speak to this issue perhaps the TD could have discretion for this tournament only, but thereafter make the rules clear.

However, I agree that the TD should have the final word.  (I am biased that way.)

Seems simple to me, but then again, I am drunk constantly and consistently!

I make no attempts to speak on the subject of who flamed who first or who is a nazi.  I am just glad that there is a "heated discussion of this type" that doesn;t involve me.

PW  :2drunk:

PS - Long live the drunken tourney!


Please allow me a  :) . Seems we needed a hot subject to talk about, again.
Helping people is tricky. Give help to anyone and he will remember it only when he is in need again.


Here's your song, also by the Beatles; ALL WE ARE SAYING, IS GIVE FASCISM A CHANCE

Robert J Ebbeler


I think this quote from Ferris Bueller's Day Off sums it all up.  How cool to get a facsim quote and a Beatles quote all in the same scene.

Ferris : I do have a test today, that wasn't bullshit. It's on European socialism. I mean really, what's the point? I'm not European, I don't plan on being European, so who gives a crap if they're socialists? They could be fascist anarchists, it still wouldn't change the fact that I don't own a car.  It's not that I condone facism, or any isms for that matter. Isms in my opinion are not good. A person should not believe in an ism he should believe in himself. I quote John Lennon. "I don't believe in Beatles I just believe in me." A good point there, after all he was the walrus, I could be the walrus, I'd still have to bum rides off of people.

Just doing my part!


PS - Sorry for trying to mess this up with my earlier post.  I should stop trying to think.

PPS - Long live the drunken tourney!


QuoteA good point there, after all he was the walrus, I could be the walrus, I'd still have to bum rides off of people.
The Walrus was Paul.
[size=8]All We Are Saying Is Give Peas A Chance[/size]
Trees don't grow on money either.


Once more, just so everyone understands, I have NO interest in playing in a "fun" tourney where there is no upside gain.

This is separate and distinct from the team name issue which, amusing as I find it, I did not participate in.

I have no problem with a TD setting rules that disallow different nicks. I'm a big boy, I know I can play as NIHI or not at all. I chose not at all.

Robert J Ebbeler