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NYC Fibs Party & Joe Tamargo Roast

Started by kid_pantyhose, August 18, 2005, 02:09:33 PM

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I've been a fibs player for the past two yrs, + or - , and I have never heard of a nyc fibs party having ever been held here as yet, at least not in the recent past, in spite of what seems to me a fairly vibrant backgammon community, online and off.  In my time here I have come across a good many nyc metro area fibsters, between possibly 20 and 40, very probably more and have thought of holding a fibs party to meet one another and show the rest of the world fibs community that we are friendly, too, and not simply suspicious, if not openly hostile ny'ers.

One of these NY fibsters is Joe_Tamargo, (online Fibs nick and real life name) a native ny'er, longtime New York City backgammon aficionado and fibs member in good standing.  Perhaps some of you have seen him in shouts: a vital and contributing member, ready with a song as well as a witty riposte.  Some of you may know Joe suffered the recent misfortune of the loss of a leg, amputated rather high, possibly due to severe, untreated gout and other complications of which I'm still unsure.  Joe has spent the past year in a nursing home in Flushing, Queens, quite near to his old apartment, suffering the company of the demented and the dying, a population he is in no way ready to join.

I have visited Joe on several occasions in the nursing home and found him to be as pleasant in person as online.  It occurred to me to hold a nyc fibs party to benefit Joe and help him in a grim and difficult situation.  He can walk ably with a prosthesis and care for himself, and is beginning his search for both adequate living quarters and a source of steady income.  He has a state social worker listlessly assisting him and is trying to enlist the help of a local handicapped advocacy group.

This posting is to ask for your help in making this event happen.  All are invited.  Many hands are needed.  Whether you are able to attend or not, there are many ways in which you can help out.  I am calling on the many various talents and considerable abilities of the fibs community to pull together for the common cause of helping one of our own in need.  Let's party!   Sept. or Oct., date to be determined as is convenient for all involved.  Generous souls able to assist in planning please contact me via eMail or leave a message for me on the fibs server.

very sincerely,


aka kid_pantyhose  (  n.b. hyphen not underscore in eMail address

[this post pre-approved by Mr. Tamargo, so a surprise party, though greatly desired, is impossible]


I think that sounds excellent.  I need to talk to my sugar daddy and see if we can show up.  I think it's a great idea.  I would love to see all the nyers and anyone else who shows up!  Hope we can make it!

Hugs to all,
Love.  It's what makes the world go 'round.


Great idea Kid!!!  :cool:  sounds like the best idea ever posted on fibs. I am surprized to see there was only one other response so far. please keep me posted. I would love to assist in the planning, schedule permitting.


Kid....    :yes:

Super idea...I hope to be there. :) Fall schedule  is so very busy... :blink:

The sooner the date or potential dates get pinned down the better for me..    

It would be great to see Joe, yourself and the whole lot of fibsters :D

I will  ferret out the dates when I can be there ...just as soon as I get over this bit

                       of jet lag I have. :tears:  

thanks so very much Josh...this is an event that is long overdue

My very best to all...take a care and cya soon in the games.. :wub:



I'll go if I can

I gotta cigar for joe to smoke



Joe is a good guy.  He's smart and funny.  If I were still in New York, I'd probably make an effort to go.
But since I'm in Florida, I urge all of those who CAN go to do so.
You'll probably have a great time!
And to those who are going ... take lots of pictures !!!
Your Queen has spoken.


Great Idea Kid!!!   Sorry I won't be able to make it to NY again...but sounds like it will be a great party!



You can count me in.  I'm glad to join with you kid and will be glad to attend and help make any such gathering a successful one for Joe.
Your friendly nieghborhood,


Congratulations on a great idea and a better implementation, I do not think I will be able to attend, but in any other time I am in NY would love to meet you and Joe and by the way is there an address book of fibsters in every city? I travel a lot and often have some time off when I am abroad and would be great to meet fibsters, I understand that many people will feel uneasy to give their personal data but simply your name, city and email and that way we can contact each other and make appointments.


Great Idea Kid!!!!! Hope I can make it. If everything goes well and the gathering happens


Quoteshow the rest of the world fibs community that we are friendly, too, and not simply suspicious, if not openly hostile ny'ers.
I guess that leaves vic off the guest list.
[size=8]All We Are Saying Is Give Peas A Chance[/size]
Trees don't grow on money either.