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FLG session 21 end

Started by Tomawaky, July 06, 2005, 06:21:18 PM

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Semi Finals Results :
spock win over Serafin
snowflakes win over amarganth

Due to the behaviour of snowflakes and the fact that he refuse any explanation with me. I decided to ban him from the FLG.
So spock would become the League Master of the session 21.
I would have prefer a better end, but I think it's the best thing to do.
Any comment are accepted even snowflakes'ones.
I keep 2 days of reflexion  before validating  the point.  
Tomawaky "I feel good da da da da da da da.........i knew that i would now........."


I don't know the details about the ban of snowflakes, and if I did, I wouldn't want to discuss this matter here.

But if  snowflakes is banned, I would propose let amarganth play the final against Spock (instead of having no final).    < sorry Spock B) >

Just my few cents ....

Hardy   :unsure:  
Visit "Hardy's Backgammon Pages"


It's what I thought first but is it correct to have a Masterchampion who have lost in play-off ?
Tomawaky "I feel good da da da da da da da.........i knew that i would now........."


QuoteIt's what I thought first but is it correct to have a Masterchampion who have lost in play-off ?
Well, I would argue: amarganth played against someone who got banned. How can you lose against someone who is not part of the league? This match simply does not count for the league.

Hardy :wacko:  
Visit "Hardy's Backgammon Pages"


This is how I find out I am banned from FLG?  You were the one in the wrong and I get banned?  Amazing.

Yesterday I sent an email to Amarganth to try and set up a match between him and I to play our semi final match.  We had exchange many emails trying to set up times.  So yesterday I simply said to him "I am login on to fibs now, if you are around lets play".  Amarganth saw my email and logged into fibs.  We started our match and were about half way through when Tomawaky logged in and started watching.  Immediately Tomawaky started kibitzing, giving me crap about how I set up the time to play Amarganth.  First let me say, there is a history between Tomawaky and I.  Last league session he started watching one of my league matches and I was losing 6-0.  Tomawaky says to me, "Good Match".  While losing 6-0, I didn't enjoying hearing that and I told him so.  He then proceeded to give me crap through kibitzes.  So I banned him from watching.  Isn't it common courtesy to not kibitz while watching someone play a league or semi final match??  Especially kibitzing negative comments!!  

Now back to yesterday.  So Tomawaky makes his comment about how I set up the match and I reply "Are you for real?".   He then starts kibitzing some nonsense.  I could feel myself ready to explode.  and I did...I called Tomawaky and a$$hole and I banned him and gagged him.  

I apologized to Amarganth that any of that even had to happen.  If you want to ban me from league because you have some boner with me.  So be it.  I just hope you know what you are doing.



Here we have just one side of the medal.

Hopefully Tomawaky will explain us his version now.

I have played snowflakes several times and never had any problem.

I would really appreciate a contribute from all those ones partecipated that match. It would help for sure.

thank you



I agree we need more info in order to give an opinion.


"Military justice is to justice what military music is to music." - Groucho Marx


Another fine example of the Eurotrash and their little censorship games.....

If I was from Europe, I'd feel embarrassed that you're being represented by these idiots.....

[size=8]Winner of the inaugural Master League Tournament and countless other league and mini-tournaments......[/size]


I would agree that more facts are needed or at least more views of those involved. I'm sure the truth lies somewhere in between the email message that was sent to those playing league gammon and the parties involve. It is a shame that I and I won't speak for others, tried to play my matches and contribute to the league and now find out that this happens to players at the end. I don't think this is the kind of message that should be sent.

This is just my 2cents, take it or leave it.
The easiest solution isn't always the best.


Now I'm not from Europe (of course that's not relevant, just an offer of conflict from one of the bait kings) but I am not embarrassed to have Tomawaky representing me, FLG or anything else and I don't need any more information to have an opinion on this.

I personally have seen many examples of this sort fo crap to be convinced who is in the wrong here.

For just one relavant example :

2 or 3 Sessions ago Snowflakes was overtly rude to me in an prolonged and unprovoked attack. I assumed at the time his association with nihilist was the cause (I'm not a fan). Like a school kid he brought in the head master (Tomawaky) to watch over our Masters match after he'd tried to convince Toma' I "started it". Toma' wisely chose to leave it alone. Snowflakes cried and whined some more after i beat him and next session I was seperated/moved to Masters B from A.

I thought Tomawaky handled this truely childish episode well then and I'm sure he has done so this time also.

In my years here i have noticed there are only a few RUDE idiots. Biggles is one of them. Nihilist is another and as of 2 or 3 sessions ago snowflakes joined their ranks in my books.  It is a shame this happens dicemaster, all i do is try to not let the big picture be lost because of these few imbiciles.

These handful of people clearly derive pleasure from injecting conflict into otherwise friendly pursuits. Then, as they chuckle into their keyboards, they attempt to turn the friendly masses on each other by fingering blame at those least deserving.

As for the suggestion would be (if you can all be bothered) let Amarganth play the next in line (3rd place getter) from Master A. ie who would have made the final if snowflakes wasn't there. The winner then plays Spock. Otherwise i would be truely happy to see Spock crowned the worthy (and friendly) winner for this session.

Peace. Ed.

[size=8]"..father he enjoyed collisions...others walked away...[/size]...."


QuoteYesterday I sent an email to Amarganth to try and set up a match between him and I to play our semi final match. ............

About the email :
I don't think that after some mail exchanged that it's the best way to send one more saying "Hi I'm there. Can we play ?"
You know that the last session have been close some time ago and I email you both amarganth and snowflakes to plan your match as soon as possible.

About the kibitz:
I don't know exactly what mean "Tomawaky started kibitzing, giving me crap about how I set up the time to play Amarganth." But I just start kibitzing saying "hello and Snow, do you think that it is the best way to plan your match ?" Then yes I agree with you "You could feel yourself ready to explode and answer something like a$$hole to me.
This his maybe your way to answer "hi" but I am not really appreciated it.
You're right it was certainly not the good time to ask you that kind of thing and I stop immediatly, just asking you to have a chat with you after your match.
You drop immedialty after.
So I email you to have some answer to my questions and you never answer...

About the history:
Sorry but I have no history with you. I really don't remember what you're talking about. Maybe I watched your match ! Maybe you were losing ! Even maybe I said "Good match". But really don't remember and I Surely not proceeded to give you crap through kibitzes. And I hope that player I meet on fibs can't remember the last time I made some kind of negative comments !!!!

About your last sentence "If you want to ban me from league because you have some boner with me" :
I have nothing against you, and I try to host FLG the best way I can. I am not saying it is perfect.
I just ban you cause you refuse any discussion with me and I can't manage the FLG with players refusing contact.
As I said, I give me 2 days reflexion to change my mind, but it seems that you don't want to go in the right way and I can't see any kind of constructive things in your comments.
I Manage the League for my pleasure and yours but don't want to be bother with people like you.

I remind you the sentence at the homepage
"Be courteous and fair, respect other, enjoy this board game and roll your dice."

I am not sure that you respect me, and you confirmed it to me. So go your way. I don't want to pollute your freedom any more.

Tomawaky "I feel good da da da da da da da.........i knew that i would now........."


QuoteAnother fine example of the Eurotrash and their little censorship games.....

If I was from Europe, I'd feel embarrassed that you're being represented by these idiots.....

Hi Biggles, I really do not understand your comment.
There is no censure
I represent nothing
I live on earth the same planet as you. I feel not embarrassed.
Tomawaky "I feel good da da da da da da da.........i knew that i would now........."


Hi all

From my point of view: it is correct, what Snowflakes said. That was the way we tried to find a time to play with several mails. The very first mails between us, I must explain Snowflakes, that he *is* in the semi final. He didn't know that. But we found a time and played our match.

We (Snowflakes) and me had an interesting and friendly match. Without any rude words. After banning Tomawaky from watching our match, i told Snowflakes, that I'm not happy with that.

I would not be happy, to play the final against Spock. The reason: Snowflakes won our match (13:12, btw  ;) ), not me. So it would not be fair, to play the final now after the ban.

Generally said (as best as I can in english): I like to play for the league. I like to win and a like to loose (a little bit less). Most important for me is: we have a good and friendly match without rude words, that smells like a fight. If that would be the case, I would stop playing in leagues/tourneys.

I like to thank you for your work, Tomawaky, whatever the decision would be.  :yes:

To be is to do
To do is to be
Do be do be do


QuoteThis is how I find out I am banned from FLG?  You were the one in the wrong and I get banned?  Amazing.

Why doesn't this surprise me? Well, it sounds all too familiar. We've heard the very same words from biggles, nihilist, souptree and zyxtcba before.

What's truely amazing however, is with what self-righteousness and acted innocence they start to whine after they went yet another time too far.

QuoteLast league session he [tomawaky] started watching one of my league matches and I was losing 6-0.  Tomawaky says to me, "Good Match".

Saying "Hi and gm" and with this greeting the players is common courtesy. Some, who believe more in dice, may prefer to wish "gl" instead of "gm". Apparently, snowflakes has a huge problem with polite behaviour, since it's not the first time he went nuts after being greeted by a watcher. During my last league match with him the very same thing happened. Kari came watching and greeted us by kibitzing "Hi,  gm". He got immediately barked at by snowflakes and soon after gagged and blinded. I don't know why I tried to explain that it is meant as a wish and greeting. It was no use anyway.

QuoteI could feel myself ready to explode.  and I did...I called Tomawaky and a$$hole and I banned him and gagged him.

Yes, this seems to be the standard reflex. You know the dogs by their smell...

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This will be the last I speak of this until a more appropriate time....

Tomawaky I did confuse you with Kari.  It was kari that jumped on my case during a league match last session and started at me in kibitzes while I was playing.  But Tomawaky what you did was uncalled for and banning me when you are in the wrong is just a dick move.  Like I said, this will be brought up again, when both parties can discuss this face to face.

Take care,


Oh and Eddie, we both know exactly what happened between you and I.  Nice story there.  You are a good fiction writer.

So your story is that I harassed you and then I filed a complaint with Tomawaky and asked him to watch our match.  Yeah that makes sense.  

My match with you was my first bad experience playing in league since I started some 2 years or so ago.  I know I can be a dick in shouts or if someone attacks me, I'll dish it right back at them.  But I would never harass an opponent, especially in a league or any organized tourney type match.

Eddie you were nothing but an A-hole towards me, sending me kibitzes and tells, commenting on my play.  Oh and the best part was when you dropped the match after I took a big lead and you started playing another match with someone.  Thats when I sent the chat logs to Tomawaky and told him what happened and how I would like an official there when you resumed.  Tomawaky was zero help in this matter.  

League used to be a lot of fun but has left a sour taste in my mouth.  Thanks Tomawaky, Kari, and Eddie.

To be honest, I was looking to drop out of FLG after the experience with Eddie, but didn't want it to look like you guys got the best of me.  

Take care and remember things always come around full circle.


Oh and one last thing (and this really will be my last post in this thread).  Tomawaky you sent me an email many hours after the match took place between Amarganth and myself.  That email address I use only for fibs and FLG.  I checked that email the next day and saw you email asking why I called an you a$$hole.  I responded explaining I didn't appreciate your negative kibitzs towards me while I was in the middle of a semi final league match.  I then went to the FLG site, well less than 24 hours after the match and I couldn't confirm the match because I had been banned.  So Tomawaky, 2 days to reflect before making a decision?  hmm  yeah right.  You guys were looking to provoke me, both you and kari.  Well good job, you got what you wanted.  Maybe you guys should follow your own advice and rules of not talking while watching an FLG orgainized match.  

I'm out,


Snow, we both know (and tryout) that I only said 'hi, gm' as I always greet ppl when I go to watch somebodys match.
So leave me out of your ridiculous bs!!


QuoteFrom my point of view: it is correct, what Snowflakes said. That was the way we tried to find a time to play with several mails. The very first mails between us, I must explain Snowflakes, that he *is* in the semi final. He didn't know that. But we found a time and played our match.

We (Snowflakes) and me had an interesting and friendly match. Without any rude words. After banning Tomawaky from watching our match, i told Snowflakes, that I'm not happy with that.

So what is the problem here? Maybe I'm missing something, but Snowflakes' opponent had no problem intially, and actually agrees with him.

I know snowflakes well, and as he readily admits he has a huge bark, but unless he feels he is provoked he is always courteous during matches, especially in league.

As for the 'good match' quote. If I was playing a match, and someone watching said that to me (before it is over) when I am 6-0 down, I would of politely told them to go and have intercourse with themselves.

Finally it is not a God given right to watch a match, and if my opponent or I are not comfortable with someone not watching; take offence to something said or generally do not appreciate someone else talking, then so be it.
Don't hate me because I'm beautifull, just love me in that special way


QuoteSo what is the problem here? Maybe I'm missing something, but Snowflakes' opponent had no problem intially, and actually agrees with him.

As for the 'good match' quote. If I was playing a match, and someone watching said that to me (before it is over) when I am 6-0 down, I would of politely told them to go and have intercourse with themselves.

Hi all:

While I'm certainly friends with both Shuggie and snowflakes (even if they refuse to admit it), I don't think my feelings about this one should be suspicious in the least.  Shuggie's point is not only reasonable but it should carry the day.  If the very opponent found no "bannable" problem with snow's action, it seems the issue emerges externally.  

Ultimately, why does everyone get so bent out of shape about words on a screen.  I mean, I sorta get it--my feelings have been hurt before here and elsewhere--but one look at msnbc and the sight of people being pulled from rubble, and I wonder why a snowflake's tantrum, or a biggles' bite, would actually bother anyone.

Finally, I actually have said "Good Match" to shuggie before a match was over.  He actually did tell me to have intercourse with myself.  And while difficult, I did follow up on his suggestion. And WOW, i'm good.



Finally it is not a God given right to watch a match ...
Well, I think a tournament director  IS allowed to watch any match from a tournament series he is directing. During the match I would not kibitz (excempt a "hi, gl" or something like that), unless I know for sure the opponents don't have problems with watchers kibitzing. [I personally usually have no problems at all if watchers kibitz during my matches.]

Hardy   ;)  
Visit "Hardy's Backgammon Pages"