
new backgammon problem in backgammon articles  (under the shoutbox on the right of the Front page)
thx zorba

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Started by duffy_duck, September 13, 2006, 09:32:38 AM

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huhu all,

maybe i havent seen the topic descirbing my question
maybe i havent found the proper repbot tool yet
as im a duck i just have little brain  B)


Can i get a list of the players i have played with ?
How can i get this info?

thanks all
duffy  :huh:  


The fibs server does not keep records of who you have played. The only way, therefore, to keep track of this is to use one of the "front-end" pieces of software that will keep a record.

Personally I use JavaFibs available here: JavaFibs

Please note you'll need Java2 to run this but as it is Java it will run on any computer.

Other front-ends also keep records - check out Patti's list at: Connecting to Fibs

Any questions on the use of these programs are best posted in the forums here: Client forums - oftentimes the program's original programmer will answer queries.



I maintain a bot that collects match info, and I can post yours here if you want me to.  Apparently I cannot attach a file in a personal message, the email link doesn't work, and I'm not sure if you want your match info posted to this public forum.



thanks very much

@ gammboy - i just send you a private message with my email

@ spielberg - i didnt really find a helpfull programm which i could use (im running Mac OSX)

duffy     :cool:  


JavaFibs is written in Java and will run on anything which can run Java (which is almost everything). The Mac OS X is already Java enabled - update to the latest version (J2.50 )if necessary by going to:
Java update for OS X
diane and  padski
are keen Macintosh users I know - they can probably help more as I'm still stuck with Windoze (tho' I'm learng Linux (slowly)).


Quotethanks very much

@ gammboy - i just send you a private message with my email

OK - I have sent you the match data.  It is mostly complete for more than a year back. There may be holes in the data when the bot was down and I wasn't here to restart it.