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Tournaments and what have you

Started by SavageHenry, February 18, 2009, 01:21:33 AM

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New to fibs, but not backgammon.  I was interested in playing some casual tournaments or a league, but I'm a little confused as to how I go about it.  The only tournaments I've seen listed on fibs are "bloody sunday" something or rather, which I cannot join.  I found the fibsleague website but could not find exact details of how I sign up for matches etc.

Any advice is appreciated.  Thanks!


bago (3/5pt) is tues & thurs eve at 8 pm uk time and work can wait (3/7pt) is on monday eve 7.30 UK time, minis (2pt) r i think 4pm sat UK time. fri3 is (3/5pt) 5pm fri pm, bloody mary's (3/5pt) r on sunday 4pm uk time again. and then there are naccis (5 or 9pt) matches which can be played any time during the week sign up here and if you join with 2 others team lg - look on the, where you will see how to join leagues -7pt games 2months to play

bago/minis/f3/sunday bloody mary and work can wait can all be registered on Fibs xx xxxx b4 play starts....

gotta get to bed -- others will amend/correct this
enjoy and welcome


Thanks.  I guess that's why I don't see a lot of them. I'm in Australia so most of those times are pretty early in the morning here.


Quote from: SavageHenry on February 18, 2009, 01:21:33 AM
I found the fibsleague website but could not find exact details of how I sign up for matches etc.

Hello SavageHenry, you will be part of the next session in march 2009 for the League.
Hope you will enjoy my tournament ;-)
Tomawaky "I feel good da da da da da da da.........i knew that i would now........."


Quotebago/minis/f3/sunday bloody mary and work can wait can all be registered on Fibs an hour b4 play starts....

Oops, sorry, stog, but this is incorrect information.  Bloody's and Mini's open for registration on the hour and play begins 20 min later.  Bago opens for registration a half hour before the hour and play begins on the hour.  Each tourney has it's own format.  You just have to learn them all, and some have restrictions requiring a minimum experience, rating, or reputation.  You will have to learn each as you go.  Most of the schedules are found here: 

Welcome to Fibs and to Fibsboard!  Hope you find your time with us enjoyable, and you will find the restrictions on the tourneys are easy to overcome in a short time.


PMS Stands For... PreMeditated 'Scuses - Cliff (only a guy could believe this)


i am rushing to get ready, so this will be uncharacteristically brief :lol:

welcome to FIBS, SavageHenry .. you are most welcome to play in the Bloody Marys on Sundays .. i have set high registration limits to honor experienced players and encourage folks to use RepBotNG responsibly .. however, i can, thanks to Tom, the TourneyBot admin, ALLOW anyone to play .. just send me a TELL during registration and you'll be able to play .. it won't take you long to gain the Rep and Experience to play without an exemption

Bloody Mary registration is at 10 AM Texas time or 1600 UTC every Sunday
A little inaccuracy sometimes saves tons of explanation. -- Unknown
e-mail me


Thanks for all the replies.   If my calculations are correct, all the times are pretty bad for me.  i.e 2am, 7am etc.
If I'm awake I'll defineately play. 


Quote from: SavageHenry on February 20, 2009, 03:35:23 AM
Thanks for all the replies.   If my calculations are correct, all the times are pretty bad for me.  i.e 2am, 7am etc.
If I'm awake I'll defineately play. 

Given the time differences for you, you will probably be better placed at the two sites Stog posted for you...Tom has already put you in one of them, so join up at the nacci site too.  These tournaments involve you playing players in your league by mutual arrangement, so you contact the oponent you have been given and agree a good time to play.  It should be much easier for you to participate that way.  :thumbsup2:
Never give up on the things that make you smile